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Unitarian Ministers 1800-1899

Index and Synopsis

Compiled by Alan Ruston


This listing takes back to 1800 the Index published in the Transactions (TUHS) in April 2000; further indexes 1850-1899 and 1800-1849 were published as supplements to the Transactions April 2006 and April 2007 issues respectively and cover those ministers for whom there are published obituaries in the period 1800-1899. The TUHS April 2005 issue included a supplement which made corrections and additions to the twentieth century Index and extended its coverage to the end of 2004. All the Indexes have been brought together and been updated to appear on the Unitarian Historical Society website.

The appearance of these Indexes provides researchers with the means of tracing the overwhelming majority of Unitarian ministers (or those who ministered in the earlier period in what became Unitarian churches) who died between 1800 and 2004. My researches in this area are now complete, though corrections and updates will be issued from time to time.

The obituaries shown in this present Index relate to recognised ministers whose names appear in Unitarian and related journals and newspapers, and a variety of histories and source books. The majority up to 1850 come from the Monthly Repository (1806-1832) and the Christian Reformer (from 1815).

The problem of definition arises in this period 1800-1849 which is missing from the later obituary indexes. The question is – who are identifiable as Unitarian ministers? The simple answer after 1849 is that their name generally appears in a centrally published list. Before 1850 it has been necessary to make a simple rule for admission – were individuals the ministers of churches or chapels recognised as Unitarian on contemporary (or later) lists published in journals and denominational year books? This rule removes the need to determine individual theological belief. However those who are stated to have been Arian, or with distinct doubts on the validity of the trinity, have been included while those said to have been Calvinist or similar have generally been excluded. The theological views of many in this Index are unknown; in cases of doubt they have been included. The precise location of congregations can, in the main, be obtained from later denominational Year Books, or determined from George Eyre Evans, Vestiges of Protestant Dissent, Liverpool, 1897.

The obituaries post 1850 relate to recognised Unitarian ministers whose names appear in the Unitarian Almanac (from 1850), the annual Essex Hall Year Book (from 1890), and references in various newspapers, journals and other works of deaths occurring between 1 January 1850 and 31 December 1899. The majority had obituary notices in the Inquirer, the Christian Life or the Unitarian Herald.

Because of the nature of the Unitarian ministry in the second half of the nineteenth century, there are numerous men who served as ministers for a short period but then disappeared from the denominational scene. Some but by no means all of these have been included. While the Unitarian Almanac, which first appeared in 1847, does provide an ‘approved’ list, the reasons for inclusion or no-inclusion of specific individuals is not always clear. The first clear systematic listing appears in the Essex Hall Year Book in 1890. Various periods served by ministers in lay charge of congregations have not been included, nor the names of those ministers whose training and service as ministers was entirely outside Britain and Ireland. The precise location of congregations can be obtained from contemporary Year Books.

There are families of Unitarian ministers, with fathers, sons and brothers whose family connection may appear obvious. However relationships have only been included here when clearly stated in contemporary records. For the first time information of probated wills left by ministers registered in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and related courts has been included which can provide valuable additional information, especially for the family historian. This information has been obtained from the National Archives web site, and it’s possible that some names listed here may have left a will proved in this Court but which have not been noticed. Of course other ministers may have left wills proved in other local courts which have not yet been included on a web site listing.

Arrangement of entries

The structure of each entry consists of:

  • Surname and first names, or other names where known.
  • The date and place of birth.
  • The university and theological training college attended if any, including those of other denominations.
  • Degrees obtained.
  • The name of other denominations where the person listed has served as a minister; total ministerial service to Unitarian congregations with dates of start and finish, and the last congregation served with year of commencement. In this period the distinction of service between Independent and Presbyterian congregations is not always clear.
  • Date and place of death (ae denotes age at death).
  • Obituary references, with those found in Monthly Repository, Inquirer and Christian Life placed first.


The following abbreviations of names and sources are used:

  • Adm: Admitted ( to academy)..
  • BAI: (Royal) Belfast Academical Institution.
  • B&FUA: British & Foreign Unitarian Association.
  • Car: The Presbyterian College, Carmarthen.
  • CL – Christian Life, weekly 1876-1928.
  • CR – Christian Reformer, monthly 1815-1863.
  • DM: Domestic Mission.
  • DWB – Dictionary of Welsh Biography down to 1940, London, 1959
  • GB: General Baptist.
  • GEE – Record of Provincial Assembly of Lancashire & Cheshire (see below).
  • GEEM – Midland Churches (see below).
  • I – Inquirer, the Unitarian newspaper, weekly from 1842 to date (currently fortnightly).
  • MC – Manchester College, or Manchester New College (now Harris Manchester College Oxford), successively located at Manchester, York, London and Oxford.
  • Oxford DNB – Oxford Dictionary of National Biography 2004.
  • RJJ – Unitarian Students at the Presbyterian College Carmarthen 1796-1801, RJJ, Aberdare, 1901.
  • Seedsower, monthly, Birmingham 1893 – circa 1900.
  • UA- Unitarian Almanac, yearly 1847-1864, continued as the Unitarian Pocket Almanac, yearly 1847 -1890s.
  • UC – Home Missionary Board/College (now Unitarian College Manchester).
  • UH – Unitarian Herald, weekly 1861-1889.
  • WDM – W D McNaughton, Scottish Congregational Ministers 1794-1993, Glasgow, 1993.

* with date – Essex Hall Year Book 1890- 1928.

Titles of other Colleges or Universities where individual ministers were educated, mainly non Unitarian, are given in full, for example Glasgow refers to the University of Glasgow. The lack of a college reference means that no evidence has been found that the person attended a theological training college or institution. The record of service in the Unitarian ministry only is recorded; start and finish dates are given but not gaps in service except where it was of a long duration. Details of ministerial service in other denominations is not shown though the denomination in which it took place is recorded, e.g. “Cong” for service as a Congregational minister but other denominations are shown in full.

Not all the sources have been quoted here; these should be checked with for example the Johnson Index at HMC, as obituaries in other works or journals could contain fresh information. Where the term ‘et seq’ appears it means there are numerous entries for the person appearing in that journal and all have not been shown. Where a specific item of information is missing like date of birth or age at death, this means I have been unable to locate it. Additional details for some names can be found by using a search engine on the world wide web. For example additional detail on Eli Fay was found on the Fay family web site and this is not an isolated example.


The main sources used in compiling the indexes are listed below. The first acronym to appear is that which is contained in the Index, for example ‘Surman’ refers to the CE Surman Index of Dissenting Ministers. Where no acronymn appears the source has been used as a finding tool and is not directly quoted.

  • CR: Christian Reformer 1815 to 1863.
  • DWB: Dictionary of Welsh Biography, down to 1940, London, 1959.
  • GEE: Record of the Provincial Assembly of Lancashire and Cheshire, Compiled by G E Evans, Manchester, 1896 (contains details of marriages and children).
  • GEEM: Midland Churches: A History of the Congregations on the Roll of the Midland Christian Union, Compiled by G E Evans, Dudley, 1899 (contains details of marriages and children).
  • Glasgow Students: Matriculation Albums of the University of Glasgow 1728-1858, W I Addison, 1913.
  • Johnston Index, Card Index (reference only) to the Obituaries appearing in Unitarian journals from 1790s onwards, held at Harris Manchester College Oxford.
  • JH: Joseph Hunter, Britannica Puritanica, or Outline of the History of the various congregations of Presbyterians and Independents which arose out of the Schism in the Church of England 1662, British Library MS 24,484.
  • MR: Monthly Repository 1806 – 1833 when it ceased to be a Unitarian paper of record.
  • Murch: Jerom Murch, A History of the Presbyterian and General Baptist Churches in the West of England, London, 1835.
  • NA: National Archives,Wills of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and associated courts. Date shown is that when the will was proved, followed by the Archive reference number. Information obtained from the web site.
  • NSP: Non-Subscribing Presbyterian (monthly), Belfast, ‘Dryasdust’ articles of historical reflections on the churches constituting the Non-Subscribing Church of Ireland. The year and page reference is given.
  • Oriel: Oriel Colleg Presbyteraidd, Yn Cynwys Hanes Yr Holl Fyfr Fu Yn Y Coleg O 1796 Hyd 1899.Compiled by E Pan Jones, Merythyr Tydfil, 1909, mostly in Welsh but part in English mainly by Walter J Evans (copy at Dr Williams’s Library).
  • Oxford DNB: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 2004
  • RKW List: Robert K Webb List of Deceased Ministers
  • RJJ: The Unitarian Students at the Presbyterian College Carmarthen in the Nineteenth Century 1796-1901, Compiled by an Old Student, Published Aberdare 1901.
  • Roll of Students (held at the College), Manchester New College/ Manchester College Oxford, Now Harris Manchester College (HMC).
  • Surman: CE Surman Card Index of biographical details of dissenting ministers, held at Dr Williams’s Library. The letter is given and the card reference. The cards very often contain more reference information than is shown in this Index.
  • GE Evans, Vestiges of Protestant Dissent, Liverpool, 1897.
  • Unitarian College Manchester, Register of Students 1854-1929, Compiled by H McLachlan, printed for private circulation, 1929.
  • Roll of Students (held at the College), Manchester New College/ Manchester College Oxford, Now Harris Manchester College (HMC).

For the identification of students who attended the key Academies at Warrington and Daventry, see W Turner, Warrington Academy 1757-1786 (from the Monthly Repository 1813-1815), republished in Warrington 1957.

Monthly Repository 1822, pages 163-164, 195-198, 284-287 (list of students at Daventry Academy).
For background on the eighteenth century academies, see H McLachlan, English Education under the Test Acts, being the history of the Nonconformist Academies 1662-1820, Manchester University Press, 1931.

The list of deceased Unitarian ministers compiled by Professor R K Webb has also been used which was kindly made it available to me in draft form. Where no obituary reference has been found but Professor Webb’s list provides a place and date of death, this entry has been included but annotated with ‘RKW List’. Other published sources used are shown in the body of the text. Details were obtained from a variety of sources, correspondents, and the public indexes held at the Family Record Centre, London for the period after 1837.

Researchers seeking further detail should consult the sources quoted in each entry. It is not possible to respond to genealogical or similar queries arising out of the index; what is here is all that I have. Some entries do not show a date of death. These have been included where a ministry of about five years and over has been identified and the person is likely to have been Unitarian.

Libraries and Repositories

The majority of journals and works cited in the Index can be seen at Dr Williams’s Library, 14 Gordon Square London WC1 OAA. Other places where most of these sources are held, at least in part, are Harris Manchester College, Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TD and the John Rylands University Library of Manchester (Special Collections), Deansgate, Manchester, M3 3EH, both specialist libraries with manuscript repositories in the history of dissent. The British Library has runs of many journals but some newspaper holdings were lost during World War 2. The public reference libraries in Manchester and Birmingham have significant holdings and other City Reference Libraries have local strengths. In the USA, the Andover Harvard Theological Library at Cambridge Mass has significant holdings of British Unitarian material. The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches at Essex Hall, Essex Street in London does not hold historic records, nor does the Unitarian Historical Society. The research institutions mentioned here have a web site through which first contact is best made.


In such a large compilation using numerous sources errors will occur. These Indexes should be used as a finding tool and the springboard for further research. When an entry is being relied upon as the basis of a detailed research project then the basic facts should always be checked. Where variant sources show different dates of birth or death, or even of place, then what has been included is that appears to me to be the most likely; the variations are chiefly of a short period, not of the year the event took place. It’s difficult to determine the precise year of birth when, for example, a reference states that the minister died in their 73rd year. This has been taken to mean aged 72 but sources can be inconsistent, particularly in the early nineteenth century; the writer or correspondent could also mean aged 73. When the exact date of birth is not shown then the age at death contained in the obituary has been used.

Additional information needed

Numerous entries show gaps in detail, and there may be names missed from the list. Those readers holding additional information are invited to contact me at 41 Hampermill Lane, Oxhey, Watford, Herts, WD19 4NS. with the reference in published or publicly available sources; these additions will be much appreciated. Please also send details of errors, with details of supporting sources, and these will be corrected. A list of amendments and additions will be published in a later issue of Transactions and the website will be updated.


I wish to express my thanks to those who have helped me with the creation of this Index. My wife Rosemary gave considerable help with the task of proof reading and correction of inconsistencies and errors.

The Index records the distinguished contribution made by Unitarian ministers to British life in that there are numerous ministers in this Index with an entry, sub entry or reference, in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, and, reflecting the strong role that Welsh people have played within the Unitarian movement, a similar large number appear in the Dictionary of Welsh Biography.

Printed copies of the two parts of this Index, as well as that covering the twentieth century, can be obtained from me at the address given above, price £4.50 including postage each.

Alan Ruston

Obituaries 1800-1849

Alphabetical Index


Index and Synopsis of Obituaries of Unitarian Ministers 1850-1899 :



ACHESON Robert. B 1763 at Clough, Co Antrim. Edinburgh, Glasgow. Min 1792-1824, from 1799 at Belfast Fourth Congregation. D 21 Feb 1824 in Belfast. NSP: Sept 2000, 392. Nephew of Thomas Reid.

ACTON Henry. B 10 March 1797 at Lewes. Min 1820-1843, from 1822 at Exeter George’s Meeting. D 22 Aug 1843 at Exeter. CR:1843.604, 665, 755; 1840.10. Oxford DNB.

AIKEN Arthur. B 19 May 1773 at Warrington. Some sources state educated at Daventry, adm 1788. Min 1793-1795 at Shrewsbury. Secretary, Society of Arts, Manufacturing etc 1822-1844. FLS, FGS. Lecturer in Chemistry at Guy’s Hospital. Remained a Unitarian. D 15 Apr 1854 in Bloomsbury. CR: 1854.379-380.

ALDRED Ebenezer. Min 1797-1818 at Great Hucklow and Bradwell. D 1822, buried at Upper Chapel Sheffield. Y Miller, History of Old Chapel Gt Hucklow 1696-1976. 24.

ALEXANDER John. B 1741 in London. Jennings Academy. Min 1774-1809 at Rochester (Presbyterian). Probably an Arian. D 20 May 1809 at Rochester ae 68. MR: 1809.43.

ALEXANDER Nathaniel. B 1771 at Ballynahinch. Glasgow. Min 1799-1837, all at Crumlin. D 14 Apr 1837 at Crumlin. NSP, 1998, 31. Bible Christian (Ireland):1837.144.

ALLARD Samuel. B Bury Lancs. Glasgow. BA. Min 1824-1830 at Hinckley, and possibly briefly an assistant at Stockport. Glasgow Students 10928. GEEM.

ALLARD William. B 1767. Daventry from 1783. Min 1787-1831, from 1803 at Bury Bank Street. D 10 June 1831 at Bury. GEE. CR:1832.26. Surman A 295.

AMNER Richard. B 1736 at Hinckley. Daventry from 1755. Min 1762-1794, from 1777 at Coseley. D 8 June 1803 at Hinckley. GEEM. Oxford DNB.

ANDERSON Hugh. B circa 1746 in Galloway. Min 1777-1827, all at Toxteth. D 6 Apr 1832 in Liverpool. GEE. Surman A 498.

ANDREWS Nathaniel. B Wincanton. Min 1782-1794 at Warminster. Possibly an Arian. Founded what was probably the first Sunday School in the county 1785. He went to America and died at Baltimore in 1826. HM Gunn, Nonconformity in Warminster, London, 1853.31. Surman A 571.

ANSTIS Matthew. B 27 Feb 1740 at St Germains, Cornwall. Car. Min 1766-1768 at Colyton. He was subsequently a school master at Bridport. An advanced Unitarian. D 28 Aug 1823 at Bridport. Wrote in Unitarian journals as Senex Cornubiensis. MR: 1823.731. B Short, A Respectable Society Bridport 1593-1835, 1976.50. Will 24 Oct 1823, NA, PROB11/ 1676.

ARMSTRONG James B 1780. Rademon Academy, Trinity College Dublin. MA.DD. Min 1806-39, all at Dublin Strand Street. D 4 Dec 1839 in Dublin. CR:1840.61. Bible Christian (Ireland)1839. 426-432. Oxford DNB.

ARNOLD H.J. Min Bristol Domestic Mission. D 31 Jan 1848 ae 30 at Bristol. CR:1848. 256.

ARNOLD Samuel. B 1775 near Magherally. Strabane Academy. Min 1805-1836, at Carlingford (until 1820) and Narrow-water. D 5 Apr 1837. NSP: 1996, 211.

ASHDOWN William. B Tunbridge Wells. Min 1781-1820 at Dover. A Unitarian. D 2 April 1820 at Dover in 87th year. MR:1820.258.

ASPLAND Robert. B 13 Jan 1782 at Wicken Cambs. Baptist Academy London, Aberdeen. Min 1801-1845, from 1805 at Hackney New Gravel Pit Chapel. Founder editor, Monthly Repository and Christian Reformer. Secretary B& FUA. D 30 Dec 1845 at Hackney. CR:1845.103, 119, 158. RB Aspland, Life of Aspland, 1850. Oxford DNB.

ASTLEY Thomas. B 5 Sept 1738 at Whitehaven. Lancaster; Daventry, adm 1755; Warrington adm 1758. Min 1761-1813, from 1773 at Chesterfield. D 15 Oct 1817 at Chesterfield. MR:1818. 81, 155. JH. 375. GEE.

ATCHISON John. B Mar 1743 at Everdon Northamptonshire. Daventry (not on Belsham‘s list). Min 1765-1778, all at Manchester, Gorton. D 9 Feb 1813 at Leicester. GEE. MR:1813.277. Will 13 July 1813, NA, PROB11/1546.

ATLAY John. B near Howden Yorkshire. Methodist who broke away to form a society ‘ to worship the One God’ circa 1809. D 17 Oct 1811 at Dewsbury, ‘nearly 80’. MR:1811. 727. Will 20 Nov 1811, NA, PROB/1527.

AUBREY Richard. B 19 June 1760 at Swansea. Hoxton Academy. Min 1786-1836, from 1814 at Swansea. Librarian Dr Williams’s Library. D 15 Aug 1836 at Swansea. CR:1836.746. GEE. Will 18 Apr 1837, NA, PROB 11/1875.


BAKER John. Evans Academy at Islington. Min circa 1809 at Chatham. General Baptist. D 29 Dec 1809 at Whitstable (no age stated). MR: 1810. 148.

BAKER Joseph. Welsh student of the Congregational Fund 1745-1748. Min 1750-1789, from 1762 at Cradley. D 21 Jan 1805. GEEM. MR: 1817. 7

BANKHEAD James B 1773 at Ballycarry. Strabane Academy, Glasgow. MA. Min 1796-1824, all at Dromore. D 10 Jan 1824. NSP: 1998, 162. Son of Rev John.

BANKHEAD John. B 1738 near Clough. Possibly Glasgow. Min 1763-1833, all at Ballycarry. D 5 July 1833. NSP: 1998, 162. Oxford DNB.

BARBAULD Rochemont. Warrington. Min 1774-1808, from 1802 at London Newington Green. D 11 Nov 1808 ae 59 at Stoke Newington. MR:1808.688. See Oxford DNB in entry for his wife Anna L Barbauld. Will 14 Mar 1809, NA, PROB 11/1494.

BARNES Thomas. B 1 Feb 1747 at Warrington. Bolton by Philip Holland & Warrington Academy adm 1764. DD. Min 1768-1810, from 1780 at Manchester, Cross Street. D 27 June 1810 in Manchester. MR:1810. 365. GEE. Oxford DNB.

BARRETT Joseph. B 1771 probably in Manchester. MC Manchester. Min 1792-1823, from 1804 at London Carter Lane. D 22 July 1850 in London. CR:1850.579-580. Will 16 Aug 1850, NA, PROB 11/2117. Surman B 502.

BARTLETT John. Heckmondwyke, adm 1779.Min 1780-1829, all at Malton. Became Unitarian which caused a split in the congregation, and an Independent church was formed 1815. D 15 March 1829 (information from David Wykes). Will 27 July 1829, NA, PROB11/1758. Surman B 548.

BEALEY Joseph. B 11 Dec 1756 at Radcliffe. Daventry, Adm 1774. Min 1779-1813, from 1791 at Cockey Moor Chapel, Lancs. D 9 Aug 1813. Surman B 760a ‘became Unitarian 1811.’, W Allard, Memoir of Joseph Bealey, 1814. GEE.

BEASLEY Thomas Ebenezer. B circa 1763. Daventry, adm 1780. Min 1786-1789 all at Walsall, after which he became a schoolmaster. D 1824 at Uxbridge. MR: 1824.425. GEEM. Will 17 Aug 1824, NA, PROB 11/1689.

BEATTIE John. Min 1815-1823 at Elland.

BELSHAM Thomas. B 26 April 1750 at Bedford. Daventry, Adm 1766. Later later divinity tutor (Independent). Professor of Divinity Hackney College. Min 1794-1829, from 1805 at London Essex Street Chapel. D 11 Nov 1829 at Hampstead. MR: Feb 1829 et seq, reprinted as a booklet 1830. J Williams, Life of Belsham, 1833. Oxford DNB.

BENNET Obediah. Min 1786-1810, from 1804 at Coventry, Vicar Lane. GEEB (no date of death given). Surman B 1020.

BENNETT Abraham. B 6 Oct 1771 in London. Min 1803 -1826, from 1817 at Poole, and subsequently with the Manchester Unitarian Village Missionary Society. D 2 Apr 1846 near Manchester. CR:1846.509. Murch. 296.

BEVERLEY John. B York. Glasgow & Kendal Academy. Min 1757-1799, Hull Bowl Lane Chapel. D 27 May 1812 in Hull (there is a Gents Mag obit). W.Whitaker, Bowl Lane Chapel Hull, London, 1910.109,129.

BISHOP William Evans. B 17 May 1758 at Basingstoke. Ottery St Mary & Homerton. Min 1788-1790 at Lewes and elsewhere. An Arian? D 20 Feb 1837 ae 78 at Sidbury. RKW List. Surman B 1423-1424.

BLACK Robert. B 1752 at Clare Co Armagh. Glasgow. MA. DD. Min 1777-1784 at Dromore. D 4 Dec 1817 at Londonderry. NSP: 1998, 162.

BLAKE William B 29 Mar 1773 at Crewkerne (son of William b 1730, who had been minister at Crewkerne since 1754). Northampton Academy. Min 1798-1821, all at Crewkerne. D 18 Feb 1821 at Crewkerne. MR:1821.123. Oxford DNB.

BLACKLEY William Joseph. B 17 Apr 1818 in Ireland. Min 1837-1842, from 1840 at Belfast York Street. D 19 Mar 1842 near Belfast. CR: 1842.373;1843.657. NSP:1996, 31.

BOAG Robert. Min not identified, possibly Scotland. D 19 Oct 1829 at Paisley. RKW list.

BOULT John. B 4 July 1740 at Wrexham. Daventry, adm 1759. Min 1764- 1774, from 1772 at Congleton. ‘Going into Derbyshire next week to settle.’(10 Dec 1774) D. circa 1800 at Chester. MR:1822.164. GEE. Surman B 1783.

BRABANT Thomas. B circa 1720 at Milton Abbas Dorset. Glasgow, Northampton Academy. Min 1748-1804, all at Bloxham and Milton. D 19 Jan 1804 at Bloxham. MR:1815.687;1824.265. GEEM. Will 5 July 1804, NA, PROB11, 1411.

BRANSBY James Hews. B 1783 at Ipswich. Exeter Academy. Min 1804-1828, from 1805 at Dudley. D 4 Nov 1847 ae 64 near Carnarvon. GEEM. JH.562. Oxford DNB. DWB under C Winter.

BRENT Joseph. Min 1808 -1833, from 1814 at Portsmouth, St Thomas’s Street (GB). D 13 Sept 1833 ae 66 at Southsea. General Baptist Advocate 1833.193; Portsmouth Telegraph 16 Sept 1833.

BRETLAND Joseph. B 22 May 1742 at Exeter. Min 1770-1772, 1789-1793, all at Exeter, George’s Meeting and other chapels in the city. D 8 July 1819 at Exeter. MR:1819.445 et seq. Oxford DNB.

BRETTELL Jacob. B possibly about 1745. (Independent). Min 1791-1810, from 1795 at Gainsborough. D 19 Mar 1810. For details see entry for his son Jacob (1793-1862) in Oxford DNB. J.H.White, Story of Old Meeting Mansfield, 1959. 55.

BROADBENT Thomas. Min 18th century Sutton-in- Ashfield. Min 1799 -1811, from 1800 at Wigan Park Lane. D 1811. JH White, Old Meeting Mansfield, 1959. 55.

BROADBENT Thomas Biggin. Glasgow. MA. Manchester Academy. Min ‘assistant to his father William at Warrington’ 1816-1817. D 8 Nov 1817 in his 25th year at Latchford. CR:1817.524.

BROADBENT William. B 28 Aug 1755. Daventry, adm 1777 where he was later tutor. Min 1792-1822, all at Warrington. D 1 Dec 1827 at Latchford near Warrington. Christian Reflector 1828.31. MR: 1828.59. GEE. Oxford DNB.

BROMLEY Humphrey. Born 17 May 1796 at Llanrhaeadr-ym-Mochnant, Denbigh. Probably the first Unitarian preacher in N Wales. Preacher at the annual meetings of the S Wales Unitarian Association 1825 and 1826. Emigrated to the USA and died there. MR: 1825.425;1826.498. DWB.

BROWN William Steil. Wymondley, MC York. Min 1825-1832, from 1827 at Bridgwater. Emigrated to America 1832. Murch.183. Surman B 2548.

BROWNE Stephen Weaver. B 1769 at Norwich. Cambridge. BA. (C of E). Min 1819-1826, from 1824 at London, York Street. D 13 Jan 1832 in the City of London. CR:1832.43,89. GEEM.

BROWNE Theophilus. Bap 26 Aug 1762 at Derby. Cambridge. MA. Fellow, Peterhouse 1765. (Church of England). Min 1800-1823 from 1815 at Gloucester. D 20 May 1835 at Bath. CR: 1835, 438, 507, 806. GEE. Oxford DNB.

BRUCE William. B 30 July 1757 in Dublin. Trinity College Dublin, Glasgow, Warrington Academy, adm 1777. BA, DD. Min 1782-1831, from 1790 at Belfast, First Church. Principal BAI. D 27 Feb 1841 in Dublin. NSP: 1995, 210. Oxford DNB.

BRYSON William. B 1730. Min 1764-1810, all at Antrim. D 6 May 1815 at Antrim. NSP: Oct 1993, 197.

BURKITT Thomas. B 2 Sept 1756 at St Ives, Hunts. Daventry, adm 1775. (Independent). Min 1779-1816, from 1804 at Kenilworth. D 7 Dec 1833. GEEM. Will 14 Apr 1834, NA, PROB11/1829. Surman B 2832.

BURNETT John (or George). Min 1797- circa 1830 at Great Yarmouth. He is referred to in Oxford DNB entry for Henry H Southey (1784-1865).

BUTCHER Edmund. B 28 Apr 1757 at Colchester. Daventry, adm 1783. ‘A Unitarian minister of London, Leather Lane Chapel and Sidmouth.’ Min 1798-1820 at Sidmouth. D 14 Apr 1822 at Bath. MR:1822.247, 309 et seq. R Spears, Unitarian Worthies, 1876. 211. JH. 595. Oxford DNB

BYNG. John B circa 1746. Daventry, adm 1763. Min 1768-1827, all at Tamworth. D 11 Sept 1827. CR: 1828.39. GEEM.


CAMPBELL William B 9 Nov 1727 at Newry. Glasgow. DD. Min 1759-1805, from 1789 at Clonmel. D 17 Nov 1805 at Clonmel. NSP: 1997, 50.

CAMPBELL William. B 1780 near Ballyhalbert Co Down. Glasgow. MA. Min 1813-1829, all at Clough. D 2 Apr 1829 at Clough. NSP: 1997, 105.

CAPPE Newcome. B 21 Feb 1733 at Leeds. Kibworth, Northampton. Min 1755-1800, all at York St Saviourgate Chapel. D 24 Dec 1800 at York. Gents Mag 1800 Part 2, 1801 Part 1. Oxford DNB.

CARPENTER Benjamin. B Apr 1752 near Bromsgrove. Daventry, adm 1768. Min 1773 -1816, from 1807 at Stourbridge. D 23 Nov 1816. MR:1816.733. GEEM. Possible will 9 June 1817, NA, PROB 11/1593.

CARPENTER Lant. B 2 Sept 1780 at Kidderminster. Northampton, Glasgow. Librarian Liverpool Athenaeum. LLD. Min 1805-1840, from 1817 at Bristol Lewins Mead. D 5 Apr 1840 (drowned near Leghorn). CR:1840.352,403. Oxford DNB.

CASE George Armstrong (or Augustus). B Witham. Northampton Academy. Min 1798-1831, all at Shrewsbury. D 6 Jan 1831. MR:1831.205. GEEM. Will 22 July 1831, NA, PROB 11/1787.

CATLOW Samuel. Daventry adm 1778. Min 1783-1798 at Mansfield, 1819-1820 at London Hampstead. D Jan 1820. MR:1820.187. J.H.White, Story of Old Meeting Mansfield, 1959, 50-54; R Rowntree,‘Religious Devills’ of Hampstead, 2005, 121. JH.348

CHADWICK George. B circa 1762 at Hyde. Daventry, adm 1776. Min 1781-1803 from 1786 at Dean Row. D March 1803 at Wilmslow. GEE.

CHARLES Peter. B Wales. Min 1811-1815, all at Evesham. Subsequently Librarian in Evesham. Believed to have died before 1850. CR:1852.620 (brief profile). GEEM.

CHECKLEY George B circa 1743. Daventry, adm 1760. Min 1766-1807, from 1797 at Platt. D 2 Feb 1807 ae 62 at Platt. GEE.

CHIDLAW John. B 1727. Jenning’s Academy. Min 1751-1798 all at Chester. D 15 Nov 1800 at Chester. GEE.

CHRISTIE William. B 1750. Min 1782-1795 at Glasgow St Vincent Street. Emigrated 1795. D 21 Nov 1823 at Long Branch, New Jersey. Oxford DNB.

COATES John. B 30 Sep 1762 in Bristol. Warrington, adm 1779 & Hoxton Academies. Min 1785-1813, from 1813 at London, St Thomas’s Street. Librarian Dr Williams’s Library 1821-1834. D 2 Apr 1836. in London. CR:1836.514. GEEM. Will 15 Apr 1836, NA, PROB 11/1860.

COGAN Thomas. B 8 Feb 1736 at Rothwell. Mile End & Homerton. Min Holland circa 1750 and later, Southampton 1762 ‘when he adopted unitarianism’. Leiden. MD. Founder Royal Humane Society. Lived for long periods in Holland. D 2 Feb 1818 at Walthamstow ae 81. MR: 1818. 94,142. Oxford DNB.

COMMINS Joseph Rowe. B Tavistock. MC York. Min early 1830s at Lincoln. D 30 July 1833 ae 22 at Lincoln. CR:1834.86; Gospel Advocate:1834.287.

COMPTON John B 1813 near Antrim. BAI. Min 1838-1848, from 1839 at Raloo Ireland. D 27 March 1848 at Raloo. NSP: Sept 2005.11.

COOK Isaac. Daventry, adm 1783. Min at Oundle and Narborough from 1790. D 1830 ae 64 at Narborough. MR: 1822; 285. Possibly an Arian. Surman C 1303.

COOKE John. B 1756 in Lancashire. Daventry adm 1769. Min 1773-1778, from 1776 at Rochdale. Later educated at London, Edinburgh & Leyden. MD, FRCP, FRS. Physician to the London Hospital D 1 Jan 1838 in London. MR:1822.196. GEE. Oxford DNB.

COOKE Joseph B 8 May 1775, probably at Dudley. Methodist preacher until thrown out by the Methodist Conference 1806. Opened Providence Chapel Rochdale about 1806, his supporters being known as ‘Cookites.’ Further chapels opened in area which developed into the Methodist Unitarian movement. D 14 March 1811 at Rochdale. H McLachlan, The Methodist Unitarian Movement 1806-1857, Manchester 1919; A Ruston, TUHS 1997. 205-212. Oxford DNB.

COOPER Bristowe. B circa 1749 near Stockport. Min 1775-1805, from 1781 at Hyde Gee Cross. D 1 Feb 1805 ae 55 at Hyde. CR: 1848.478. GEE.

COOPER William Dodge. B 1760. Hoxton. Min 1783-1801, from 1788 at Manchester, Gorton. D 9 June 1801 at Gorton. GEE. Brother of Bristowe Cooper.

CORNISH Joseph. Min 1772-1823, all at Colyton. D 9 Oct 1823 in his 73rd year. MR:1823.607. JH. 585. Will 6 Nov 1823, NA, PROB11/1677.

CORRIE John. B 8 Oct 1769 at Kenilworth. Daventry adm 1783; Hackney New College. FRS. Min 1795-1839, from 1817 at Birmingham New Meeting. D 16 Aug 1839 at Birmingham. CR:1839.830. GEEM. Will 4 Feb 1840, NA, PROB11/1922.

CORRIE Joshua. B circa 1725. Car. Min 1747-1800, from 1755 at Kenilworth. D 1800. GEEM.

COUPLAND John. Min (General Baptist) at Headcorn, Kent. D 6 Aug 1815 ae 29 at Headcorn. CR:1815.317. E Starr (ed), A Baptist Bibliography, New York, 1957.

CRAIG Andrew. B 4 Aug 1754 at Drumgooland, Co Down. Glasgow. Min 1777-1828 from 1782 at Lisburn. D 9 June 1833 at Lisburn. NSP: Feb 2003.4.

CRAWFORD William. B 1739. Glasgow. MA. DD. Min 1766-1800, from 1798 at Holywood. D 4 Jan 1800 at Holywood. NSP: Dec 2001, 5. Oxford DNB.

CUMING Thomas. B 1757 near Broughshane. Glasgow. Min 1783-1816, from 1796 at Armagh. D 19 Aug 1816 at Armagh. NSP: 1998, 162.

CUNDILL John. Min circa 1812-1824, from 1822 at Saffron Walden. D 7 Nov 1826 at sea. CR:1826.455, MR:1826.693.


DAVID Job. B 1746 at Newton Nottage, Glamorganshire. Bristol Baptist Academy. Min 1803-1808 at Taunton, following Baptist ministries. D 11 Oct 1812 at Swansea. MR:1812.644. Murch.207-208. R Hayden, Continuity and Change Bristol Academy 1690-1791, Chipping Norton. 2006, 228. Will 24 Nov 1812, NA, PROB11/1538.

DAVIES David Lewellin. Car (Swansea). Min 1791-1794 at Dukinfield. ‘The first Unitarian minister of the church…said to have died abroad.’ B Nightingale, Lancashire Nonconformity, 1893, Blackley vol., 294.

DAVIES David Peter. B 9 Jan 1785 near New Quay, Cardiganshire. Car. Min 1810-1844, from 1833 at Carmarthen. D 13 Jan 1844 at Carmarthen. CR: 1844.136. RJJ. 13

DAVIES Evan. Min 1783- circa 1802, from 1793 at Lewes. D 1817. RKW List. Surman D 395.

DAVIES Henry. LLD. Exeter, MC York. Min 1808-1848, from 1837 at Gloucester. D 12 July 1848 ae 66 at Gloucester. CR:1848.512. JH. 544.

DAVIES Philip. Car, Jennings and Eames’s Academies. ‘He became more and more Unitarian.’ Min 1745-1785 at Billericay, Essex. D 11 Nov 1809 at Hackney ae 85. MR: 1810.88.

DAVIES Thomas Francis. B circa 1756 at Penbanc, Llangybie. Car. Min. 1789-1810, all at Walmsley. D 11 Apr 1811 near Bridgend. CR:1834.742. GEE.

DAVIS Benjamin. B 23 Oct 1756 near Lampeter. Daventry adm 1787. Min 1789-1811, from 1791 at Evesham. D 1 Jan 1811 at Evesham. MR:1811.251. GEEM.

DAVIS Benjamin Rigby. B circa 1769 at Wigston, Leicestershire. Daventry, adm 1775; Northampton Academy. Min 1792-1835, all at Atherton Chowbent. D 24 June 1835 at Atherton. GEE. CR: 1835. 335, 391.

DAVIS David ( Fafis Castellhywell) B 14 Feb 1745 at Llangyhi, Cards. Car. Min 1768-1820, all at Llanandyssul. An Arian. D 3 July 1827. Oxford DNB. DWB.

DAVIS David. B 24 Feb 1778. Car. Min 1801-1827 at Neath. Member S Wales Unitarian Association 1802. D 4 Dec 1846 at Carmarthen. RJJ. DWB.

DAVIS James. B 1783 at Kilmore Co Down. Rademon Academy, Glasgow. MA. Min 1814-1847, all at Banbridge. D 21 July 1847 at Banbridge. NSP, 1995, 56.

DAVIS John. Car. Min 1777-1829, all at Calne, Wilts. ’his sentiments were decidedly Unitarian.’ D 5 May 1829 ae 82 at Calne. MR: 1829.506. Murch. 60.

DAVIS John. Car, Daventry, adm 1783. Min 1794-1824, all at Cullompton. D 16 Dec 1824 at Collumpton ae 64. MR:1824.754.

DAVIS Philip George. B 1772 at New Quay, Cardiganshire. Presbyterian College Swansea & Manchester Academy. Min 1795-1809, all at Knutsford. D 5 Apr 1809 at Knutsford. GEE.

DAVIS Thomas B 2 July 1789 at Castellhywel, Cardiganshire. Car. Min 1809-1823, from 1818 at Atherstone. D 11 June 1825 at Leicester (suicide). CR:1852.620. GEEM. Surman D 770.

DAVIS Timothy. B circa 1786 at Pentresion, South Wales. Castelhywel, Car. Min 1812-1845, all at Oldbury. D 13 Apr 1849. GEEM. Will 11 Sept 1849, NA, PROB11/2099.

DAWSON Benjamin. B 1729 at Halifax. Kendal Academy. Glasgow. MA, LLD. Min 1754-1758 (various places as preacher), assistant minister St Thomas’s Presbyterian Chapel Southwark 1757-1758. Conformed to Church of England, Rector of Burgh, Suffolk from 1760. D 15 June 1814 at Burgh. GEE. Oxford DNB.

DAWSON Joseph. B 12 May 1740. Daventry, adm 1761. Glasgow. Min 1765-1790 at Idle.’One of the first proprietors of Low-Moor Ironworks, a friend of Priestley.’ An Arian/Unitarian. D 11 Dec 1813 ae 73 (monumental inscription at former Bradford Unitarian Chapel building). JH Turner, Nonconformity in Idle, nd. Will 30 July 1814, NA, PROB11/1558. Surman D 956a.

DEACON John. D 10 Mar 1821 at Leicester. ‘A New Connexion General Baptist…he was no trinitarian but free and liberal in his sentiments.’ MR:1821.313. Possible will 12 Nov 1821 (Waddington Lincs), NA, PROB11/1649.

DEAN John. B probably at Parkhead, Cumberland. Glasgow. MA. Min 1760 -1813 from 1768 at Bradford Chapel Lane ‘ during which time the chapel became Unitarian.’ (Miall. 235). D Dec 1813. Congregational Magazine 1822.163. Surman D 1006.

DENDY John B 26 May 1754 at Horsham. Min 1796-1814 all at Horsham. ‘Old school of GBs…was followed in the Horsham by Thomas Sadler, his son-on-law’. D 30 April 1814 near Horsham. MR: 1814.655. Will 11 July 1814, NA, PROB11/ 1558.

DENNEY Joseph. B 1777 at Coggeshall, Essex. Homerton. Min Kingston-upon-Thames from 1803. A Calvinist who became Unitarian. D 3 Dec 1805 ae 28. MR:1806.49.

DEWHIRST John Bickerton. B 1 Oct 1772 at Cottingham, York Northampton Academy. Min 1797-1798 at Halifax. A writer. D 5 Oct 1812 ae 35. MR:1812.644, 734 (memoir); J James, Bunhill Memorials, 1849. 37 ( shown by James as an Independent). Oxford DNB.

DICKSON Robert. B Dromore Co Down. Glasgow. Min 1765-1804, all at Carlingford and Narrow-water. D 7 Oct 1804. NSP: 1996, 211.

DISNEY John. B 1746. Cambridge. LLB, DD. (Cof E). Min 1782-1804, all at London, Essex Street. D 26 Dec 1816 near Ingatestone. CR:1817.48. Oxford DNB.

DOBELL Jacob. Min ‘for nearly fifty years pastor of the GB Church meeting at Staplehurst.’, for the last three years confined to his room. D 5 Dec 1832 ae 73 at Staplehurst, Kent. General Baptist Advocate 1833.77.


EDWARDS Abel. Min 1769-1813, all at Dorchester. D 7 Sept.1826 ae 78 at Dorchester. MR:1826.629. Murch.274. Will 3 Oct 1826, NA, PROB11/1717. Surman E 149.

EDWARDS John. B 1 Jan 1768 at Ipswich. Hoxton & Daventry (adm 1786) Academies. Min 1787- 1808, from 1806 at Crediton. Drowned at Wareham 4 Sept 1808. GEE. MR:1808.693; Seedsower:1893, 147.

EDWARDS Theophilus. B 1750 in S Wales. Car. Min 1772-1810, from 1794 at Exeter, Mint Meeting. D 4 Oct 1833 ae 83 at Taunton. CR:1833.552. Devon Notes & Queries, Oct 1948. Will 28 Oct 1833, NA, PROB11/1822.

ELLIOTT Gilbert William. B circa 1781. Hoxton Academy. Min 1810-1847, from 1826 at Prescot. ‘a heretic from an orthodox academy.’D 20 Dec 1847 at Prescot. GEE. CR:1848.127. Will 7 Apr 1849, NA, PROB11/2091.

ELLIS John. Min 1789-1824, all at Godalming, Mead Row. ‘a staunch supporter of the GB and Unitarian interest.’ D 13 Jan 1824 near Guildford ae 77. His tombstone remains in place near the chapel door. MR: 1824.52.

EMANS Peter. B London. Min circa 1760-1810, from 1774 at Coventry. D 24 June 1810 at Dudley. Gents. Mag: August 1810, MR:1810.456. JH. 340.

ESDAILE James Kennedy. B 1802 in London. Glasgow, MC York. MA. Min 1830-1832 at Ditchling. D 24 Mar 1832 ae 28, probably in London. CR:1832.142, Glasgow Students 11411. (Brother of John).

ESDAILE John. B Oct 1804, probably in London. Glasgow. BA. Min 1829 -1838, from 1837 at Aberdeen. D 18 June 1844 at Aberdeen. Glasgow Students 11634 (brother of James). RKW List

ESTLIN John Prior. B 9 Apr 1747 at Hinckley. Warrington, adm 1765. LLD. Min 1770-1817, all at Bristol, Lewins Mead. D 10 Aug 1827 at Southerndown, Glam. CR:1817.391. Oxford DNB.

EVANS Benjamin B circa 1745 near Llandyssul. Car. Min 1774-1834, from 1821 at Stockton. D 9 Mar 1834 at Stockton. CR: 1834.342. GEEM.

EVANS Caleb. B 29 Apr 1801 at Islington. Edinburgh. Min ‘assistant to his father Dr John at Islington.’ (1820-1821). D 6 Dec 1821 ae 20 at Islington. CR:1821.428. MR: 1821.735;1822.55.

EVANS David. Min ‘upwards for forty years of a Society of Unitarian dissenter at Marshfield, Gloucestershire.’ D 14 June 1816 at Winkfield Green near Bradford ae 67. MR:1816. 350.

EVANS David. B circa 1759 in Glamorganshire. Car. Min 1785-1806, from 1798 at Devonport. D 14 Feb 1828 at Plymouth. Protestant Dissenters Magazine 1798.412. MR: 1828.419. GEE.

EVANS John. B 2 Oct 1767 at Usk. Bristol Baptist Academy, Aberdeen, Edinburgh. MA, LLD. Min 1792-1827, all at London Worship Street GB. D 25 Jan 1827 at Islington. CR:1827.43. MR:1827.224. Oxford DNB.

EVANS John. B 1780 at Brechfa Gothi, Wales. Car. Min 1809-1825, from 1816 at Carmarthen. D 24 June 1825. MR:1825.419. GEEM.

EVANS (John?) Min at Bewdley for 56 years until his death. D 25 May 1824 ae 80. JH.295.

EVANS John B circa 1758 in South Wales. Car. Min Oakhill ‘Unitarian minister of that place for more than fifty years.’ D 1 Apr 1839 at Oakhill. CR:1839.347.

EVANS John. B Bristol. Bristol Academy by Dr Estlin. Min Bradford Wilts and Marshfield Glos. D 23 Dec 1831 ae 47 in London, Euston Square. CR:1832.42.

EVANS Joseph B Apr 1728. Jenning’s Academy, London. Min 1754-1798, from 1758 at Sheffield Upper Chapel. D 31 Dec 1803. Monthly Magazine Feb 1804. JE Maninng, History of Upper Chapel, 1900, 79-86. Will proved 31 Aug 1804, NA, PROB11/1412.

EVANS Thomas (Tomos Glyn Cothi). B 20 June 1764 at Capel St Lilin Carmarthen. Min 1811-1833 at Old Meeting House Aberdare. D 29 Jan 1833. Oxford DNB. DWB.

EVANS Thomas. Min 1839-1848, all at Kingswood. D 21 June 1848 at Lampeter. CR:1848.512. GEEM.

EVANS William. Min 1794-1841, all at Tavistock. D 3 May 1847 ae 75 at Buckfastleigh, Devon. CR:1847.371,631,679. Will 11 Aug 1847, PROB11/2060.


FARRIN John. B 1754. Min 1791-1838 all at Canterbury. D 8 Jan 1838 ae 83 at Canterbury. CR:1838, 139, 355. Unitarian Baptist Advocate: 1838.43.

FAWCETT Joseph. B circa 1758. Daventry, adm 1774. Min 1780-1795, from 1786 at London Old Jewry, ‘where he became one of the most popular preachers of his day.’ Became a farmer. D 24 Jan 1804 at Aldenham Hertfordshire. The Times 2 Feb 1804. MR:1817.195-198. Oxford DNB.

FAWCETT Samuel. B circa 1751 at Kidderminster. Daventry, adm 1768. Min Narborough, Beaminster, then 1801-1816 at Yeovil. Became a banker. D 14 Dec 1835 ae 81 (or 84) at Yeovil. CR: 1836. 61. JH. 298. Will 28 Mar 1837, NA, PROB11/1874. Surman F 121.

FENNER John Ludd. B circa 1751 in London. Daventry adm 1766. Min circa 1770 -1817, from 1816 at Kenilworth. D Nov 1833 ae 82. GEE. B Nightingale, Lancashire Nonconformity, Manchester vol.,7. JH.544. Will 29 Jan 1834, ‘Dissenting minister of Taunton’, NA, PROB11/1826.

FISHER Francis. Min circa 1845-1846 at Lincoln. D 1846. I:1846.636.

FOGG Peter Walkden. B 1765 at Offerton. Min 1805-1824, all at Ormskirk. D 28 Sept 1824 at Ormskirk. GEE.

FOLLETT John. Min 1797-1836, all at Topsham, Devon. D 5 Apr 1836 ae 77 at Topsham. CR:1836, 366, 344, 440. He could have been min at Steps Meeting Tiverton.

FORDHAM Elias. B circa 1763 at Newport Pagnall. Ed: Homerton Min Stowmarket for a short period, and became Unitarian. At Sandon Herts as a farmer where he opened his own meeting house in 1809. D 23 Sept 1838 in 76th year. CR: 1838.800. Surman F 547. A Ruston, Unitarianism in Hertfordshire, 1979.25.

FREEMAN Stephen. Min not identified. D 4 Mar 1836. RKW List.

FRY Richard. B 5 Nov 1759 at Devonport. Homerton Academy. Min 1781- 1836, from 1813 at Kidderminster. D 12 Mar 1842 at Kidderminster. CR:1842.251,317. GEEM. E Evans, New Meeting Kidderminster, 1900, 87-124. JH.340. Will 25 Aug 1842, NA, PROB11/1966.


GASKELL John. B 1795 at Warrington. Glasgow. MA. Min 1819-1836 all at Dukinfield. D 15 May 1836 ae 41 at Dukinfield. CR:1836.512. GEE.

GIBSON Edward. Daventry, adm 1778. Min 1785-1799, from 1794 at Stockport. D probably 1799. MR:1822.198. GEE. Surman G 377.

GILCHRIST James. Min 1813-1827, all at Newington Green. He abandoned Unitarianism in a pamphlet published in 1827. GB in background? D circa 1830s? M Thorncroft, Trust in Freedom ( 300th anniversary history, Newington Green), 1958.

GIRLE Samuel. B circa 1757. Daventry adm 1774. Min 1780-1803 from 1796 at Lancaster. D 19 Apr 1813 at Bethnal Green. MR:1813.280. GEE.

GISBURNE John. B Gisborough Yorkshire. Wesleyan. Min 1812-1822, all at Trowbridge. D 4 May 1826 at Soham ae 49. MR:1826.302.

GLOVER James. ‘Preacher’ at Allostock 1778-1822. Trustee and shoemaker. GEE.

GOODIER Benjamin. B 25 Apr 1793 at Hollinwood. Hackney Academy by Robert Aspland 1813. Min 1816-1818, all at Oldham. D 23 July 1818 at Montaubon, France. MR: 1819.69, 142. GEE.

GRIFFITHS Griffith. ‘For many years Presbyterian minister at Llechyd, and for nearly the same time assistant at Lwn-rhyd-owen’ A low Arian. D 31 Jan 1818 at Newadd-wilyn Card ae 56. MR: 1818.141.

GRIFFITHS Samuel. Min 1782-1804, all at Wolverhampton, John Street. D 5 Jan 1804, probably at Wolverhampton. GEEM. RKW list. Surman G 1396.

GRISWOOD James. Min Unitarian Baptist Ch, New Dock Street, Hull. D 24 July 1822 ae 59. MR:1822.575.

GRUNDY John. B 7 Feb 1782 at Hinckley. Bristol by by J.P.Estlin, Manchester Academy. Min 1804-1835, from 1824 at Liverpool Paradise Street. D 9 May 1843 near Bridport. CR:1843.396. GEE. Oxford DNB.


HALLIDAY Thomas. B probably at Keighley. Daventry, adm 1761. Min 1776-circa 1790s at Norton. Probably at Arian. About 1810 preached at Diss. D 8 Dec 1825 ae 84 at Fermoy Ireland. JH. 373. Surman H 221. MR:1822.195, ‘a very popular preacher.’

HANCOCK John. Min Alcester in 1820s, after which he became a teacher in the town. D 6 Mar 1842 at Alcester. CR:1842.320.

HARRIS Abraham. Min 1780-1820, all at Maidstone. D 1 July 1820 at Maidstone. MR: 1820. 430.

HARRIS James Reed. Bridport Academy (J Rooker). (Independent). Min 1801-1808, all at Illminster. D 1808. Murch. 234, 237. Surman H 663.

HARRIS Theophilus. Daventry, Adm 1785. Min 1790-1794, all at Knutsford. Emigrated to Pennsylvania USA. GEE.

HARRISON John. B 6 Feb.1761 at Gateacre. Warrington Academy, adm 1777. Min 1781-1833, from 1796 at Kendal. D 6 May 1833 at Kendal. CR:1833.235, 262, 272. GEE.

HARRISON Ralph. B 10 Sept.1748 at Chinley. Warrington, adm 1763. Min 1769-1810, from 1771 at Manchester, Cross Street. D 24 Nov 1810 at Manchester. MR: 1810.601. GEE. Oxford DNB.

HARROP Robert B 12 Jan 1744 at Ashton-under-Lyme. Daventry, adm 1761. Min 1765-1815, from 1769 at Hale. D 8 Sept 1834 near Altrincham. GEE. CR:1834.729. Will 28 July 1835, NA, PROB11/1849.

HARWOOD Philip. Edinburgh. Min 1835-1840, all at Bridport. Murch. 260.

HASSELL William. B circa 1751. Warrington Academy adm 1768. Min 1773-1776, all at Rochdale, Blackwater Street. D 6 Feb 1829 at Rochdale. MR:1829.354. GEE.

HAWKES James. B Sept 1771 at Buckingham. Northampton Academy. Min 1797-1845, from 1822 at Nantwich. D 19 May 1846 at Nantwich. GEE. CR:1846.510.

HAWKES William. B 10 Feb 1759 at Birmingham. Daventry, adm 1776; Warrington adm 1779, Academies. Min 1781-1820, from 1789 at Manchester, Mosley Street. D 1 Aug 1820 at Manchester. GEE. MR:1820.689. Will 4 Apr 1821, NA, PROB11/1692.

HAZLITT William B 18 Apr 1737 near Tipperary. Glasgow. MA. Min circa 1760-1817 (or 13?) from 1789 at Wem, Shropshire. D 16 July 1820 at Crediton. MR:1820.677. NSP: 1995, 129. JH. 402. Oxford DNB for the entry of his son of the same name.

HEINEKIN Nicholas Thomas. Daventry, Adm 1780. Min 1810-1840, from 1817 at Bradford Chapel Lane. D 25 Aug 1840 ae 77 at Bradford. CR: 1840.696, 750; 1846. 701.

HEAVISIDE George. B 21 Mar 1810 at Stockton-on-Tees. MC York. Min 1832-1840, all at Rochdale. D 21 Feb 1840 at Rochdale. CR:1840.347. GEE.

HIBBERT Nathaniel. B 1762. Min 1784-1819, all at Rivington. D 30 June 1819 at Rivington. GEE.

HIGGINSON Edward. B 20 Mar 1781 at Salford. Manchester Academy. Min 1801-1831, from 1810 at Derby. D 24 May 1832 at Derby. CR:1833.40. JH.365, 367. GEE.

HINCKS John. B 24 Feb1804 at Cork. Trinity College Dublin, BAI. Min 1827-1831, all at Liverpool, Renshaw Street. D 5 Feb 1831 at Liverpool. CR:1832.38. GEE.

HIRONS Jabez. B 11 July 1728 at St Albans. Northampton Academy. Min 1750-1812, all at St Albans. D 21 Dec 1812 at St Albans. MR 1813.52. A. Ruston, Old Presbyterian Meeting House St Albans, 1979. 12-15. Gents Mag Jan 1813. 84.

HOBSON John. Min 1787-1791, all at Kinsgswood. GEEM.

HODGKINS George. B 14 July 1765 at Halesowen. Car; Daventry, adm 1784. ‘many years the respected minister of the congregation of Protestant Dissenters at Stoke Newington.’ MR: 1814.639. An Arian or Calvinst? Surman H 1761.

HODGKINSON Jonathan. B circa 1744. Daventry, adm 1763. Min 1779-1812, all at Hindley. D 13 July 1812. MR:1822.195.GEE. Surman H 1766.

HODGSON Richard. B 1736 possibly at Lincoln. Daventry Academy, adm 1753 & Glasgow. Min 1759-1815, from 1800 at Doncaster. D 18 Jan 1816 at Doncaster. MR:1816.243. GEE. Will 13 Feb 1816, NA, PROB11/1577.

HOLDEN Lawrence. B 15 Dec 1752 at Maldon. Hoxton. Min 1774-1844, all at Tenterden. D 19 Mar 1844 at Tenterden. CR:1844. 263, 585, 780. Oxford DNB.

HOLLAND John. B 1766. Daventry adm 1783. Min 1789-1820, all at Bolton Bank Street. B 25 June 1826 at Bolton. GEE. MR: 1826.430, 495.

HOLT James. B 2 Aug 1756 at St Dunstan’s Stepney. Min 1799-1817, from 1808 at Cirencester. D 30 Jan 1828 at Hackney. CR:1828.125. Will 16 Feb 1828, NA, PROB11/1736.

HORSFIELD Thomas Walker. B 6 Nov 1792 at Sheffield. Hackney Academy by Robert Aspland 1814. FSA. Min 1817-1837, from 1835 at Chowbent. D 26 Aug.1837 at Atherton. GEE. CR:1837.650;1838.66, 366. Oxford DNB.

HORROX Thomas. Warrington Academy, adm 1768. Minister at Holcombe, near Bury Lancs circa 1773 but later had no settled ministry. D 9 Dec 1827 in 77th year. MR: 1828.197.

HORT William Jillard. B 1764. Min 1785-1839, from 1816 at Cork. D September 1849 at Cork. NSP: 1997, 266. JH. 533, 534.

HOUGHTON John. B circa 1730 in Liverpool. Northampton Academy & Glasgow. Min 1755-1788, from 1782 at Wem, Cambridgeshire. D 16 May 1800 at Norwich. GEE. I:25 Aug 1894. Will 6 Sept 1800, NA, PROB11/ 1347.

HOUGHTON Pendlebury. B 1758 at Hyde. Warrington Academy, adm 1773. Min 1779-1823, from 1812 at Liverpool Paradise Street. D 3 Apr 1824 at Liverpool. GEE. MR: 1824.256. Will 17 June 1824, NA, PROB11/1687.

HOUGHTON Peter. B circa 1770 (or possibly 1775). Manchester Academy & Glasgow. Min 1799-1813, all at Prescot. D 18 Aug 1813 at Prescot. I: 1869.276. GEE.

HOWE Thomas. B 1759 at Uffculme, Devon. Hoxton Academy. Min circa 1783-1820, from 1787 at Bridport. D 15 Nov 1820 at Bridport. CR: 1820.431. MR:1821.52 Murch. 261-262 (gives a different date of death). Will 13 Jan 1821, NA, PROB11/1638.

HOWEL John. Min circa 1750-1803, from 1793 at Bridgwater. D 1804 .Murch. 292-293. JH. 542. Will 2 Oct 1804, NA, PROB11/1415.

HOWELL William. B 1740 at Wincanton. Warrington, adm 1759, Car, 1760 and later Tutor at the College. Min 1771-1814, from 1786 at Swansea. D 21 June 1822 at Swansea. MR:1814.203, 323; 1822.510. DWB. Will proved 13 Aug 1822, NA, PROB11/1660.

HUGHES David. Min 1821-1832, all at Yeovil. He emigrated to Canada in May 1832 and died suddenly on 9 Aug 1832. CR:1833.41. Murch. 226-228.

HUGHES John. B 1748 at Shrewsbury. Daventry adm 1765. Min 1769- 1803, from 1771 at Bury, Bank Street. D 23 Sept 1803 at Bury. GEE.

HUGHES John. B Wincanton. Hoxton Academy. Min circa 1790 -1831, from 1793 at Honiton. D 19 July 1831 at Honiton. CR: 1832.40; MR:1831.718 (no age given). Murch. 328-329.

HUGHES William.B 24 Dec 1764. Hoxton Academy. Min 1784-1797 at Sidmouth followed by a period at London, Leather Lane Chapel. D 30 Nov 1848 in the Isle of Wight. CR:1849.63. Will 21 Nov 1849 (of Whitcome, IOW), NA, PROB11/2103.

HUNTER Hamilton Min 1837-1841, from 1840 at Lancaster. GEE.


ISAAC Jacob. B near Bedwelty. Car adm 1774. Min 1780-1818, all at Moretonhampstead, Fore Street. A Unitarian Baptist. D 2 Dec (Surman states Feb) 1818 at Moretonhampstead. MR: 1818.772. Surman I 105. See DWB for family, under C Winter.


JAMES David. Min 1764-1805, all at Newbury. D 20 Apr 1822 ae 84 at Newbury. CR:1822.373. Will 22 May 1822, NA, PROB11/1657.

JEFFERIES Joseph. B Taunton. Taunton Academy. Min 1788-1827, from 1807 at Manchester, Gorton. D 1829. GEE. NSP:1997, 265. Surman J 377.

JEFFERY John. B 7 Dec 1779 at Washington. Evans Academy. Min circa 1806-1815, all at Billingshurst. D 14 June 1815 at Billingshurst. MR:1815. 524. Memorial in Billingshurst Chapel.

JENKINS Herbert. B circa 1761 at Maidstone. Mile End Academy. Min 1792-1811, from 1808 at Hinckley. D 23 Oct 1814. MR:1815.70. GEEM. JH. 307.

JENKINS Thomas. D 29 July 1815 at Whitchurch Salop, in his 70th year.’unitarian minister of that town from 1783 – 815.’ MR:1815.525.

JERVIS John. B 1752. Hoxton. Min 1773-1820 at Lympston Devon. Likely to have been an Arian. D 27 Oct 1820 at Lympston. MR:1820.680. Surman J. 579. Oxford DNB.

JERVIS Thomas. B 13 Jan 1748 at Ipswich. Jenning’s and Hoxton Academies. Tutor Exeter Academy from 1770. Min 1770- 1818, from 1808 at Leeds Mill Hill. A low Arian. D 31 Aug 1833 in London, Brompton Grove. CR:1833. 431, 568; Unitarian Chronicle 1833. 317-320. Surman J.581. Oxford DNB. Elder brother of John.

JEVANS Joseph. B 1749 at Kidderminster. Daventry adm 1774 . Min 1779-1839, all at Bloxham & Milton. D 31 July 1839 at Bloxham. CR:1839.737; 1840.453,489. GEEM. E Evans, History of New Meeting Kidderminster, 1900. 270-273. Will 30 Sept 1843, NA, PROB11/1985.

JILLARD Peard. B 1731 at Tavistock. Glasgow. Min 1754-1801 from 1770 at Bishops Hull Somerset. Presbyterian, possibly an Arian. D 1801 (?), but other references state he died 22 Oct 1799 ae 68. Cong Magazine 1836. 737. Surman J 172. Will 16 Jan 1800, NA, PROB11/ 1335.

JOHNS Evan. B circa 1761 in Wales. Probably at Abergavenny Academy adm 1779.Min 1792-1800 at Bury St Edmunds, when he emigrated to Berlin, Conn, USA. Still alive 1804. Surman J 647 i and ii.

JOHNS John. B 17 Mar 1801 at Plymouth. Edinburgh. Min 1821-1847, from 1836 at Liverpoool Domestic Mission. D 23 June 1847 at Liverpool. CR:1847.507;1848.188-191. GEE. Oxford DNB.

JOHNS William. B 1771 at Kilmanllwyd, Pembrokeshire. Oswestry, adm 1789, Northampton, adm 1790 academies. Min 1796-1845, from 1805 at Sale, Cross Street. D 27 Nov 1845 near Manchester. GEE.CR:1846. 64, 109. Oxford DNB. DWB.

JOHNSON William. BAI. Min circa 1840-1844, from 1843 at Hinckley.

JOHNSTON James Alexander. B 1784 Portglenone, Co Antrim. Min 1812-1832, from 1821 at Holywood. D 27 July 1832 at Holywood. NSP: 2001, 5.

JOHNSTON (sometimes with an E) Thomas. Daventry, adm 1784. Min 1790-1833 all at Wakefield, Westgate Chapel. MR:1822.285. Surman J 766.

JOHNSTON William. B 1774 at Lewes. Hoxton. Dissenting minister at Christchurch and Brighton from 1764. Min 1811-1819, all at West Gate Meeting, Lewes. D 6 Apr 1831 at Lewes ae 86. CR:1831.232; 1832.39. MR:1831. 411. Will 28 Apr 1831, NA, PROB11/ 1784.

JOHNSTONE Thomas. B 1768 at Stansted Essex. Min 1790-1833 all at Wakefield. ‘during his pastorate that the congregation was gradually led…to Arianism and finally to Unitarianism.’ JW Walker, Wakefield its history and people, Wakefield, 1939 Vol 1.354.

JONES Daniel. B 1771. Min (GB) 1800-1810, all at Trowbridge. He called himself a ‘General Unitarian Free-communion Baptist minister.’ D 14 March 1810 ae 39. MR: 1810.150. DWB. E Starr (ed), A Baptist Bibliography, New York, 1957.

JONES David. B 1765 near Llandovery. Homerton, and then on adopting unitarian views Hackney College where he became a tutor. Cambridge. MA. Later became a barrister, known as the ‘Welsh Freeholder.’ Min 1792-1795, all at Birmingham New Meeting. D 1816. GEEM. Oxford DNB. DWB.

JONES David William. B Presteign. Car. Min 1804-1826, from 1818 at Boston Linc. Emigrated to USA. D 1 Jan 1835 at Newport, Carolina. MR:1826.587. GEE. Seedsower, 1894, 119. RKW List.

JONES David Lewis. B 5 Apr 1789. Car. Tutor Car. Min 1811 -1830 from 1825 at Carmarthen. D 8 Sept 1830. RJJ.113/4. Surman J 938.

JONES David L. Northampton Academy. Min 1803-1825, all at Failsworth. D 1825. GEE.

JONES John. B circa 1744 at Sudbury Suffolk. Daventry, adm 1763. Min 1768-1823, all at Bewdley. D 25 May 1824 at Bewdley. MR:1822.199. GEEM.

JONES John. B circa 1766 at Landingate, Carmarthen. New College Hackney. Classical Tutor Presbyterian Academy Swansea 1792-1795. Min 1795-1803, from 1800 at Halifax, after which he moved to London. LLD Aberdeen. D 10 Feb 1827 in Bloomsbury. MR: 1827.224. Murch. 518-524. Oxford DNB. DWB.

JONES John. B Cwmbryn near Gellionnen. Car (not found in RJJ), MC York. Min 1806 – 1812, from 1807 at Plymouth. D 27 May 1813 at Clifton near Bristol in 33rd year. MR: 1813. 551. Will possibly John Maurice Jones 13 Nov 1813, NA, PROB11/ 1549.

JONES Thomas B 1777. Castel Howel by David Davis, Car. Min 1800-1819, from 1811 at Walmsley. Ejected from ministry 1819, see CR: 1834, 753, 754. GEE.

JOYCE Jeremiah. B 24 Feb 1763 in London. Committed to the Tower of London for High Treason 1794. Min 1815-1816 at Hampstead. Secretary of the Unitarian Society. D 21 June 1816 at Highgate. MR:1816, 350, 434. Gents Mag 1816 Part 1.Oxford DNB.


KAY James. B 21 July 1777 at Bury, Lancs. Rotherham College. Independent Min 1801-1810. Min 1810-1821, from 1819 at Hindley. Left for USA 1821. Unitarian minister Northumberland, Penn 1822-1847. D 22 Sept 1847 at Northumberland. GEE. F Nicholson & E Axon, Older Nonconformity in Kendal, Kendal, 1915. 395-401.

KELL Robert. B 9 June 1761 in London. Daventry, adm 1783. Min 1787-1842, from 1801 at Birmingham Old Meeting. D 9 Dec 1842 in Birmingham. CR:1843.72, 205. GEEM

KELLY Robert. Min not identified. D 12 Sept 1842. RKW List.

KENNEDY James. Min 1819-1824, all at Gainsborough. D lately in 25th year. MR: 1824.628. JH.360.

KENRICK Timothy. B 26 Jan 1759 at Ruabon Denbighshire. Daventry, adm 1774, later became a tutor. Min 1784-1804, all at Exeter, George’s Meeting. D 22 Aug 1804 at Wrexham MR:1808. 87 et seq; 1818, various references. Oxford DNB.

KER Josiah. Min 1799-1809, all at Ballee. Emigrated to the USA. D 12 Aug 1817 in New York. RKW List.

KETTLE James. B Evesham. Glasgow. Min 1739-1785, from 1746 at Warwick. D Apr 1806. GEEM. Will 5 June 1806, NA, PROB11/1444.

KIDDEL John. B 1721 at Tiverton. Bridgewater and Eames’s Academies. Min 1742-1787 all at Tiverton. D 4 Aug 1810 at Hackney ae 89. Probably Arian/Unitarian. MR:1810.150.

KING Edward. Min 1785-1824, all at Bandon. D 13 Mar 1833. NSP: June 1995, 129.

KINGS John. B circa 1759. Daventry, adm 1774. Min 1786-1803, from 1790 at Cirencester. D 4 Feb1809 at Cirencester ae 50. GEE. 3. Gents Mag June 1809. 588. Murch.27. Will 10 Mar 1809, NA, PROB11/ 1494.

KINGSBURY Benjamin. B about 1765 at Warwick. Daventry, adm 1783. Min 1786-1791, from 1790 at Evesham, when retired from ministry; living in 1797. GEEM. Possible will, Rev William Kingsbury, ‘Protestant Dissenting Min of Southampton’, 10 Sept 1818, NA, PROB11/1608.

KINGSFORD Sampson. B 1750 at Sturry near Canterbury. Min 1771-1821, all at Canterbury. D 27 Aug 1821 at Canterbury. MR:1821.556. Will 1 Apr 1822, ‘late Miller, now Banker of Canterbury’, NA, PROB11/ 1656.

KIRBY Luke. A Calvinist preacher, then Min Thorne. D 11 Feb 1825 at Thorne. MR:1825.180.

KIRKPATRICK Hezekiah. Min circa 1760-1799, from 1786 at Wigan, Park Lane. ‘The change of doctrinal opinion…to Unitarian took place during this ministry [at Park Lane]’
D circa 1800. R Herford & E Evans, North & E Lancs Unitarian Mission, 1909. 112-113.


LAMPORT William. B 1772 at Uffcomb, Devon. Colyton by John Cornish & Northampton Academies. Min 1795-1829, from 1804 at Lancaster. D 14 July 1848 at Manchester. CR:1848.512. GEE.

LANE John. B circa 1773 at Woodbridge Suffolk. Northampton Academy. Min 1796-1819, from 1809 at London Hanover Street. D 13 April 1831 at Hackney. CR:1832.131. GEEM. E Evans, History of New Meeting Kidderminster, 1900. 63-84. Will probably 9 Feb 1832, ‘late surgeon and apothecary of Marylebone’, NA, PROB11/1795.

LEE George. MC York. Min 1821-22, 1826-1829 at Boston. Editor, Hull Rockingham. D 19 May 1842 at Hull, ae either 77 or 72. CR:1842.375,532. W.Whitaker, Bowl Alley Chapel Hull, London, 1910.

LEWIN Robert. B 14 Aug 1739 in London. Jennings Academy. Min 1760-1816, from 1790 at Liverpool, Renshaw Street. D 15 Jan 1825 at Liverpool. MR:1825.180. GEE.

LEWIS George. B Kingswood. Daventry, adm 1779. Assistant to his father at Kingswood. Minister Carter Lane, London 1785-1796. Became a merchant, living 1823. MR:1822:198. Surman L 628.

LEWIS John. Min 1810 at Crediton. D Jan 1810 at Crediton. RKW List.

LEWSON John. B 1706 at Dunmurry. Glasgow. Min 1728-1793, all at Cairncastle. D 15 Sept 1802 at Cairncastle. NSP: 1996, 155.

LINDSAY James. B Scotland. DD. Min 1787-1805, all at London, Newington Green and for a longer period afternoon preacher at the Presbyterian congregation at Monkswell Street, London. D 14 Feb 1821 ae 66 in London. CR: 1821.70, 99; MR:1821.122. J Jones, Bunhill Memorials, 1849. 151. Will 10 May 1821, NA, PROB11/1643.

LINDSEY Theophilus. B 20 June 1723 at Middlewich Cheshire. Cambridge. BA. Fellow of St John’s College. (Church of England). Resigned as Vicar of Catterick to found Essex Street Chapel London, the first avowed unitarian congregation 1774. Min 1774-1793, all at Essex Street Chapel. D 3 Nov 1808 at Essex Street. Oxford DNB. Life by T Belsham.

LINWOOD William. Glasgow. Min 1840-1848, from 1842 at Mansfield. Editor, The Eclectic 1850. J.H.White, Story of Old Meeting Mansfield, 68-78. CR:1850.253-255; I:1850.141,173,191. No date of death ascertained.

LITTLE Robert. Sandemanian. Min 1817-1819 at Gainsborough. Emigrated to USA. Min at Harrisburg until his death. D 6 Aug 1827 in the USA. MR:1827.927. RKW List.

LLOYD Charles. B 18 Dec 1766 at Castelhywel. Cardinganshire. Presbyterian College Swansea. LLD. Min 1788-1811, from 1803 at Diss. D 23 May 1829 at Lampeter. MR:1829.443. GEEM. JH. 452. Oxford DNB. DWB.

LLOYD Evan. B 21 Mar 1764 at Nevern. Min circa 1801-1847 at Trebanos, and latterly at Nottage and Wick. D 30 July 1847 at Nottage. CR:1847.635.

LLOYD Rees. B 1776 at Troed-yr-aur, Cardiganshire. Castelhywel, Car. Min circa 1805-1839, from 1810 at Kingswood. D 7 July 1839 ae 62 at Kingswood. CR:1839.630. GEEM. Will 3 Jan 1840, NA, PROB11/1921.

LOGAN David. Min not identified. D 27 Apr 1827. RKW List.

LORD Robert. B 1716. Min 1740-1790, all at Knutsford. D Feb 1802 at Nottingham. GEE.

LUCAS Samuel. Northampton Academy 1795. Some sources state Daventry but not found on list of students. Min 1795-1806, all at Old Chapel Morley nr Leeds.’ D 30 Dec 1821 near Ferrybridge Yorkshire ae 49. MR:1822.121. JH.135. Surman L 1178.

LYONS James. B 1768 in Ireland. (Wesleyan, Particular Baptist). Min 1808-1813, first Unitarian missioner in Scotland, then at Chester. D 13 Sept 1824 near Chester. GEE. MR:1824.629.


M’ALESTER James. Min 1837-1844, all at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. D 12 Apr 1846 ae 41 at Newcastle. CR:1846.320.

MALCOLM Andrew George. B 15 Sept 1782 at Drumbo, Co Down. Glasgow. MA. DD Min 1807-1823, from 1809 at Newry. D 12 Jan 1823 at Newry. NSP: Nov 1999, 203.

MANDERSON John Fife. B circa 1797. Min 1837-1847, from 1842 at Coseley. D 13 May 1847 at Coseley. CR:1847.633. GEEM.

MANLEY Abraham. B circa 1790. Glasgow & MC York. Min 1813-1822, from 1819 at Walsall. D 19 May 1822 at Walsall. GEE. MR:1822.374; Seesdsower: 1894.39.

MANNING James. B 25 Aug 1754 in Northampton. Exeter & Hoxton Academies. Min 1776-1831, all at Exeter St George’s Meeting. D 10 Sept 1831 at Exeter. CR:1832.40. UC:1832.13. Will 17 Apr 1832, NA, PROB11/1798.

MANNING William Oke. Min 1800-1805, all at Hull Bowl Lane. Left ministry to follow business in London.

MARR Robert. A Scottish Calvinist in background. Min 1792-1803, all at Stockton-on-Tees. A Ruston, Stockton’s First Dissenters, Stockton, 1988.9. Living in Stromness 1818. D circa 1818. RKW List. Surman M 610.

MARRIOTT Joseph. Min 1818-23 at Whitchurch, circa 1834-1836 at Todmorden.

MARSHALL Joseph. Jennings Academy. Min 1764-1814, all at Lydgate. ‘a decided Unitarian.’ D 17 Feb 1814 in 74th year. MR:1814.245. Will possibly 10 Aug 1815, NA, PROB11/ 1572.

MARSHALL William. B 27 Mar 1776 at Loughborough. MC Manchester. Min 1800-1835, from 1813 at St Albans, Dagnal Street. D 5 Dec 1849 in London. GEE. CR:1850.63, 124.

MARTEN Benjamin. Min 1793-1823, all at GB Chapel Dover. D 14 Nov 1823 near Dover ae 54. MR: 1823.670. E Starr (ed), A Baptist Bibliography, New York, 1957.

MAURICE Benjamin. B circa 1748 in Pembrokeshire. Car. Min circa 1780 -1814, from 1785 at Alcester. D 11 Feb 1814. MR:1814.244. GEEM.

MAY Thomas. B 1806 at Hillsborough, Belfast. BAI, Glasgow. Min 1829-1842, from 1841 at Tavistock. D 18 July 1842 at Tavistock. CR:1842.535, 665. The Bible Christian, Belfast, 1842. 294. GEE.

McEWEN Willaim Dalzell Huey. B 1787 at Killinchy. Glasgow. MA. Min 1808 (when he subscribed to the Westminster Confession)-1828, from 1817 at Belfast, Second Church. D 15 July 1828. NSP: 1995, 259.

McILWAINE John. B 1764 at Moneymore, Co Londonderry. Min 1799- 1839, from 1800 at Mourne. D 16 Mar 1839 at Mourne. NSP: Apr 2004. 10.

McMECHAN Arthur. B Inch, Downpatrick. Glasgow. MA. Min 1789-1798, from 1794 at Holywood. Joined the French Army and may have been killed at Waterloo. NSP: Dec 2001, 5.

MEANLEY Astley. Daventry, adm 1774; Warrington, adm 1779. Min 1782-1814, from 1794 at Stannington. D 31 May 1814 ae 58. W Turner, Warrington Academy 1757-86, Republished 1957. 77. Congregational Magazine 1823.162. F Wood, Underbank Chapel Stannington, 1944. 56-66. Surman S 1041.

MEESON Henry Ashton. B circa 1816. MD. Min 1843-145, all at Warwick. D 7 Oct. 1846 at Grays, Essex. CR:1846.703. GEEM.

METHUEN Thomas. Educated Scotland. Min 1803-1815 at London Hampstead. D May 1815, probably in Sussex. RKW List. R Rowntree, Religious Devills of Hampstead, 2005. 114, 117.

MILLS John. Min GB 1771-1812, all at St Thomas’s Street Chapel Portsmouth. D 9 Sept 1813 in his 75th year at Portsmouth. MR:1813.743.

MITCHELL John. B 1781 at Cumber Clady, Co Londonderry. Glasgow. Min 1805-1840, from 1823 at Newry. Anti-Trinitarian. D 28 Feb 1840 at Newry. CR:1840.404. NSP: 2004, 5. Bible Christian (Ireland) 1840. 104-108.

MITCHELSON John. Min 1826-1840, from 1837 at Warminster. D circa 1840-1842.

MOODY John. B 11 Dec 1742 at Newry. Glasgow. DD. Min 1766-1813, all at Dublin, Strand Street. D 15 July 1813. NSP: 199, 23.

MOON William. B circa 1774 probably at Dover. GB Academy. Min 1804-1823, all at Deptford. D 8 June 1823 ae 49. MR: 1823. 358. Will 14 Aug 1823, NA, PROB11/1674.

MOORE Thomas. B circa 1767 in Leicester. Daventry, adm 1785. Min 1789-1809, from 1795 at Kingswood. D 23 Aug 1842 in London. CR:1842.729. GEEM.

MOORE William. B 1776 at Larne. Glasgow. Min 1807-1809 at Cork. D 1 Feb 1842 at Larne. NSP: 1997, 266.

MORGAN Thomas. B 2 Nov 1737 at Llan-nonn. Possibly at Car. Min Blaen-gurach 1772-1809. Member SW Unitarian Association 1802. D 17 Oct 1813 at Pontardawe. DWB.

MORREL John. B 16 May 1775 at Maldon Essex. Homerton College. (Independent) Min 1819-1827 at Brighton. Classical tutor Aspland’s Hackney Academy. DD (German university 1814). D 11 Apr 1840 at Bath. CR:1840. 348-350. Oxford DNB.

MORRIS John Williams. B 1792. GB Academy & MC York. Min 1813-1843, from 1817 at Dean Row. D 15 Oct 1843 at Wilmslow. CR:1844.72; 1845.380-381. JH. 170.

MORRIS William. Min not located. ‘Unitarian minister.’ Probably the William Morris admitted to the Bristol Baptist Academy 1787, native of Llanwenarth. D lately near Abergavenny ae 76. CR:1839.447. R Hayden, Continuity and Change, Bristol Baptist Academy 1690-1791, Chipping Norton, 2006. 239.

MULLIGAN John. B 1776 near Banbridge. Strabane Academy. Min 1802-1836 all at Moira. D 12 Oct 1836 at Moira. NSP: Feb 2003, 5.


NAILE Moses. Min at Frome (GB). A Unitarian. D 15 Feb 1806 at Frome in his 36th year. MR:1806.161.

NAYLOR Benjamin. B 1761. Warrington Academy. Min 1782-1805, all at Sheffield Upper Chapel. D 12 Apr 1846 at Bowdon. JE Manning, Upper Chapel Sheffield, 1900, 92-95.

NAYLOR Peter. B circa 1771 in Scotland. Min 1818-1840 at Gt Hucklow and Bradwell. D 1840s. Y Miller, History of Old Chapel Gt Hucklow 1696-1996, 26-27.

NELSON James. B 1768. Rademon Academy and Glasgow. DD. Min 1791-1838, all at Downpatrick. D 28 Jan 1838 at Downpatrick. NSP: 1998, 84.


ORR Porter. B 1826. Min 1845-1855, from 1850 at Strabane, Ireland. D 10 Feb 1855 at Strabane. NSP: July 2006. 12. (omitted from 1850-1899 Index). Brother of Rev John Orr. ORR Robert. Min 1786-1826, all at Killead. D 13 Oct 1833 in 74th year. ‘A Unitarian.’ Bible Christian (Ireland)1833. 577.

ORR Robert. Min 1786-1826, all at Killead. D 13 Oct 1833 in 74th year. ‘A Unitarian’. Bible Christian (Ireland) 1833. 577.

OSBORNE Joseph. B near Dungiven. Edinburgh. MA. Min 1742-1799, all at Limavady. D 17 Sept 1800. NSP: 2002. 7

OSBORNE Joseph. B 1765 at Boveva, Co Londonderry. Min 1791-1827, from 1800 at Newtonards. D 1847 Ballyhargen near Dungiven. NSP: Apr 2004. 10.

OWEN Thomas. B 1 Jan 1766 at Garn Fawr, Carmarthenshire. Car & Swansea. Min 1787-1816, from 1791 at Loughborough and Mount Sorrel. D 20 May 1824 at Quorndon. MR: 1824.627. W.H.Burgess, History of Loughborough, 1908. 28. Will 11 Oct 1824, NA, PROB11/1691.


PARKER Samuel. B circa 1774. Northampton Academy. Min 1796-1834, from 1811 at Stockport. D 19 Jan 1838 at Stockport. CR:1838.207. GEE.

PARRY James. B 1776 in South Wales. Car, Exeter. Min at Chester 1813-1814. D 21 Apr 1848 at Chester.CR:1848.384. GEE.

PATERSON Thomas Willis. B 6 Oct 1768 at Bristol. Hoxton, Daventry, adm 1786. Min 1789-1812, from 1796 at Bardon Park and Ashby-d-la-Zouche. Succeeded Thomas Belsham as minister at Daventry Spring 1790. Believed to be Arian/Unitarian. D 18 Aug 1812. MR:1812.644-647. Surman P 384.

PATTEN Samuel. B 1745 near Strabane, Ireland. Glasgow. MA. Min 1774- 1809, all at Moneyreagh. D 28 Feb 1809 at Moneyreagh. NSP: August 2003. 7.

PERRY Isaac. B 1777. Homerton. (Independent). Min 1808, from 1814 at Ipswich, Edinburgh 1828-1830. D 1837. See Oxford DNB entry for his son Walter C Perry (1814-1911). Surman P 723 a and b.

PHILLIPS Benjamin. Probably native of Carmarthen. Bristol Baptist Academy 1776. Probably Min at St Clears 1826-1836. A founder of the Welsh Unitarian Society 1802. Still living in 1838. R Hayden, Continuity and Change, Bristol Baptist Academy 1690-1791, Chipping Norton, 2006. 240. DE Davies, They Thought for Themselves, Llandysul, 1982. 112.

PHILLIPS David. B 1751. Min 1792-1815 (or 1825) at Rhydy Parc. A Unitarian by 1811. D 11 June 1825 at Rhydy Parc. DWB.

PHILLIPS Nathaniel. B 20 Oct 1757 at Sowerby. Hoxton Academy. DD. Min 1778-1837, from 1805 at Sheffield Upper Chapel. An Arian. D 20 Oct 1842 near Sheffield. CR:1842.732, 1843.1-7. J Manning, Upper Chapel Sheffield, 1900, 95-100.

PHILP George Winchester. B circa 1811. MC York. Min 1838-1842, from 1840 at Rochdale, Blackwater Street. Joined the C of E.1842. D 6 Apr 1845 at York. CR:1845.332. GEE.

PHILP John. B 1799. Newington Green Academy. Min 1823-1827, from 1825 at Ipswich. D 20 July 1827 at Falmouth. CR:1827.423.

PHILPOT Stephen. B 1750 at Canterbury. Min 1772-1821, from 1791 at Saffron Walden. ‘A decided Unitarian and an active General Baptist.’ D 1 Aug 1821 at Saffron Walden. MR:1821.560.

PICKBOURN James. B 27 Jan 1736 at Ashfield, near Mansfield. Jenning’s Academy. Min 1760-1765, from 1761 at Brentwood, Essex. Librarian Dr Williams’s Library ‘His theological views were Unitarian.’ D 25 May 1814 at Hackney. MR: 1821.316, 636.

PILKINGTON James. B near Hyde. Warrington. Min 1774-1797, from 1779 at Derby. D 15 Sept 1804. (RKW List). JH.365 states he died in 1804 at Ipswich. W Turner, Warrington Academy, 1757-86, republished 1957. 65-66. Will, of Ipswich, proved 8 Oct 1804, NA, PROB11/1416.

PLATTS John. B 1775 at Boston, Lincs. Min 1804-1836, from 1817 at Doncaster. D 19 June 1837 ae 60 at Doncaster. CR:1837.583. Oxford DNB.

POLLARD James. Min 1806- circa 1848, with others, at Padiham. D 19 Oct 1848 at Padiham ae 82. CR:1849.62. See H. McLachlan, The Methodist Unitarian Movement, Manchester, 1919 et passim.

POLLOCK Lowthian. B 1758 probably at Penruddock. Newcastle-upon-Tyne by Samuel Lowthian. Min 1780-1821, all at Macclesfield. D 28 Mar 1821 at Macclesfield. MR: 1821.251. GEE.

POPE John. B circa 1745. Exeter Academy. Min 1767- 1789, 1793-1802 all at Blackley. Tutor New College Hackney. D 28 Oct 1802 in 58th year at Blackley. GEE. B Nightingale, Lancashire Nonconformity, 1893, Manchester vol.,34.

PORTER Robert. Glasgow. Min 1773-1813, all at Clough. D 22 Mar 1815. NSP: 1997, 105.

PORTER Thomas. Daventry, adm 1787. Min 1789-1794 at Plymouth. A Unitarian. Went to America and thought to be living 1835. MR:1822.287. Surman S 192/193.

PORTER William. B 14 Aug 1744 at Cranny, Omagh. Glasgow, Edinburgh. MA. Min 1799-1843, all at Limavady, Ireland. D 7 Sept 1843 ae 69 at Bessfield, Co Derry. CR:1843.733; NSP: 2002.7.

PRIESTLEY Joseph. B 13 Mar 1733 at Birstall, Yorks. Daventry Academy. LLD, FRS. Min 1755-1794, from 1791 at Hackney. Emigrated to USA. D 6 Feb 1804 at Northumberland, Penn., USA. Oxford DNB and numerous biographies.

PROCTOR Henry B 1733. Min 1780-1788, from 1783 at Evesham. D 1808 at Stafford. K Smith, Oat St Chapel Evesham, 1937. 8.

PROCTOR William. B near Nuneaton. Hoxton Academy. Min circa 1774-1808, from 1776 at Oldbury. D 3 Apr 1814 at Market Drayton. MR: 1814.247. Father of William T. GEEM.

PROCTOR William Tullidelph. B circa 1780. Northampton and Findern Academies. Min 1799-1826, from 1814 at Prescot. D 21 Jan 1826 ae 47 at Prescot. GEE. MR:1826.127; CR:1845.380.

PROWETT Edward. Ed: Bristol Baptist. Calvinist min at Oxford circa 1780, became Unitarian about 1787. Min at Unitarian Baptist chapel Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. D 24 July 1802 at Newcastle. Universal Theological Magazine 1802. 112.


RAIT James. Universalist. Min London Windmill Street, near Finsbury Square ‘for over forty years.’ D 29 Mar 1819 in London. CR:1819.192.

RAMSBOTTOM Joseph. B 22 Aug 1779. Northampton Academy. Min 1798-1806, from 1802 at Manchester, Gorton. D 15 Mar 1806 at Gorton. GEE

RANGER Thomas. Min ‘many years pastor and minister of the Unitarian GB society at Headcorn’ until about 1830. D 12 Mar 1831 ae 80 at Headcorn, Kent. General Baptist Advocate 1831. 91. Will 13 Sept 1831, NA, PROB11/1790. E Starr (ed), A Baptist Bibliography, New York, 1957.

REES Abraham. B 1743 at Llanbrynmair, Montgomeryshire. Jenning’s Academy, and became tutor at its successor at Hoxton. Min 1768-1825 , from 1783 at London Old Jewry. D 9 June 1825 in London. CR:1825.216. Memoir in Christian Moderator, May 1826. Oxford DNB. DWB.

REES David. MA, MD. Min 1821-1825, all at Merthyr Tydfil. D 4 Jan 1832. RKW List.

REES Josiah. B 2 Oct 1744 at Llanfair-ar-y-bryn. Car. Min 1765-1804 all at Gellionen. Member S Wales Unitarian Association 1802. His son was Rev Thomas 1772-1864. D 20 Sept 1804. Oxford DNB. DWB.

REES Thomas. B circa 1813 in Wales. Min Blaengwrach, Glamorgangan ‘for several years.’ D 5 Oct 1840 near Lampeter. CR:1840.819.

REID Thomas. B 1721 near Ballyrashane. Min 1756-1792 all at Glenarm. D 31 Dec 1812. NSP: Sept 200, 392.

REYNALL Thomas. Daventry, Adm 1784. Min 1791-1797 all at Crediton, when he retired and lived in London. D 19 Dec 1830 ae 62 in London. MR:1822. 285; 1831. 138,142. Surman R 475. JH. 566.

RICHARDS William. B 1749 at Pen-rhydd, Haverfordwest. Bristol Baptist College. GB but Arian/Unitarian or Sabellian in belief. Min 1776-1818, with gaps, at King’s Lynn. LLD Rhode Island USA. D 13 Sept 1818 ae 68 at King’s Lynn. CR:1818.585. Oxford DNB. DWB. Carter, Biographical Dictionary,103. R Hayden, Continuity and Change, 2006. 243. Will 6 Nov 1818, NA, PROB11/1610.

ROBINSON John. Min 1806- circa 1848, with others, at Padiham. D 14 Nov 1848 ae 73 at Padiham. H.McLachlan, The Methodist Unitarian Movement, Manchester, 1919.80 et passim.

ROWE John. B 17 Apr 1764 near Crediton. Hoxton & Hackney New College. Min 1787-1832, from 1798 at Bristol. D 2 July 1833 at Sienna, Italy. CR:1833.328;1834, 265 etc. GEEM. Oxford DNB (died 1832). Will 26 Dec 1833, NA, PROB11/1825.

ROWE William. Min 1831-1833 at Derby. D 5 Nov 1833 at Derby. CR:1834.86.

RUDD John. B Manchester. Hoxton Academy. MC York. (Independent) Min 1807-1812, from 1809 at Preston. Living 1817. GEE. JH. 189.


SADLER Thomas. B 1777 at Ditchling. GB. Min 1801-1839, all at Horsham. D 23 Aug 1839 ae 62 at Horsham.CR:1839.992. See entry Oxford DNB for his son Thomas (1822-1891). Will 8 Oct 1839, NA, PROB11/1918.

SCARGILL William Pitt. Min 1811-1832, from 1812 at Bury St Edmunds. Left the Unitarian ministry, and wrote an attack on Unitarians in his The Autobiography of a Dissenting Minister. Died 24 Jan 1836 in 49th year. CR:1836.290.

SCHOLEFIELD Radcliffe. B 21 Dec 1733 at Rochdale. Northampton & Daventry, adm 1750, Academies. Min circa 1755 -1799, from 1772 at Birmingham Old Meeting. D 21 June 1803 at Birmingham. Monthly Mag.1803. GEEM. Will 17 Jan 1804, NA, PROB11/1404.

SCOTT James. B 4 Mar 1768 at Stourbridge. Daventry, adm 1784. Min 1789-1827, all at Cradley & Stourbridge. D 19 Dec 1827 at Cradley. CR:1828.39,98; 1830.129, 145. GEEM. Will 4 Feb 1828, NA, PROB11/1736.

SCOTT Russell. B 1760.Daventry, adm 1776. Min 1788-1833, all at Portsmouth, High Street. D 14 Feb 1834 at Portsmouth. CR:1834.166,259; 1835.142. Will, proved 8 March 1834, NA, PROB 11/ 1829.

SEATON Joseph. B 10 June 1742 at Owstow near Epworth Lincolnshire. Min (General Baptist) 1760 -1811, from 1781 at Chatham. D 13 Oct 1811 at Chatham. MR: 1811, 726. Will 28 Nov 1811 (Cabinet maker), NA, PROB11/1527.

SEAWARD Roger Axminster Academy, adm 1802.. Min 1805-1834, from 1820 at Gulliford. Murch. 295, 358. Surman S 453.

SEVERN William. B 1754 at Nottingham. Edinburgh. Min circa 1780-1813, from 1806 at Hull. D 22 June 1813 at Hull. MR:1813.550. GEEM. EDP Evans, New Meeting Kidderminster, 1900. 49-82. Will 9 Mar 1814, NA, PROB11/1554.

SHATTOCK Nicholas. Bridport Academy adm 1778, Daventry adm 1779. Min at Ilfracombe around.1794. Min 1804-1817, from 1814 at Dean Row. GEE. CR:1845.380.

SHAWCROSS Richard. Min 1823-1844, from 1827 at Whitchurch which closed in 1844.

SHAW Nathaniel. B Drumbo. Glasgow. Min 1788-1812, from 1790 at Banbridge. D 3 July 1813 at Banbridge. NSP: 1997, 265.

SHEPHERD William. B 11 Oct 1768 at Liverpool. Bolton; Daventry adm 1785; Hackney New College. LLD Edinburgh. Min 1791-1847, all at Liverpool, Gateacre. D 21 July 1847 at Gateacre. CR: 1847.508. GEE. Oxford DNB.

SHUTE Henry. Exeter Academy under Kenrick. Min 1803-1814, all at Shepton Mallet, Following a brief ministry at Ashwick, he went into business at Bristol. Murch.169, GEE, Vestiges; Surman S 884. Will possibly 30 May 1829, NA, PBOB11/1756.

SIMPSON David. B near Kinross, Fife. St Andrews and Edinburgh Min 1779-1807, from 1787 at Low Row Swaledale Yorks. D 22 Mar 1807 ae 69. Surman S 1014. Probably an Arian. Will possibly 27 June 1808, NA, PROB11/1481.

SIMPSON John. B 19 Mar 1746. Warrington, adm 1760. Glasgow. Min 1772-1791 from 1777 at Bath. D 18 Aug 1812 (some sources state 1813) at Bath. Funeral Sermons by Jervis and Hunter. JC Warren, Biographical account…Nottingham, nd, 10. Oxford DNB. JH. 340.

SINCLAIR William. B Tobermore, Co Derry. Glasgow. Min 1784-1798, all at Newtonards. Went to America 1798. NSP: Apr 2004. 10.

SLOPER Robert. B Devizes. Min at Devizes for 44 years. D 22 Sept 1818 at Devizes ae 61 in the house in which he was born. Possibly an Arian. MR: 1818.772. Will 10 Oct 1818, NA, PROB11/1609. Surman S 1214.

SKEY George. B 22 June 1796. Min 1824-1832, from 1831 at Hinckley. Went to Australia about 1837, to Adelaide 1838, New Zealand 1840, to California USA circa 1849. D 21 Oct 1851 at Stockton, California. Surman S 1108. RKW List states died 26 Feb 1836 in Australia.

SMALL John. B Dundee. Homerton Academy. Min 1811-1827, from 1826 at London York Street. D 21 June 1827 in London, Pimlico. MR:1827.612; CR:1827.360. GEEM

SMETHURST Robert. B 29 July 1777 at Blackley. Manchester Academy. Min 1798-1846, all at Monton. D 15 Oct 1846 near Manchester. CR:1846.704; 1848:57-59. GEE. JH. 210.

SMETHURST John. B 1789 at Blackley. MC York. Min 1810-1819, all at Knutsford. Emigrated to USA. D 1820. GEE. Younger brother of Robert.

SMITH George. Min 1779-1786 at Monton, also Stockport and N Shields. Joined C of E. GEE.

SMITH J (John or Joseph) (Independent). Min 1810-1813 at Kidderminster, 1817-1822 Reading (?) & Maidstone, 1830-32 Colyton. D 4 Apr 1837 at Seaton. E Evans, A history of New Meeting Kidderminster, 1900, 85. Evans admits to some uncertainty as to identification.

SMITH Joseph. B circa 1755 at Godley, Cheshire. Warrington Academy adm 1769. Min 1774-1801 from 1781 at Liverpool Renshaw Street. D 8 Aug 1815. GEE. CR: 1847.327.

SMITH Richard. 1821-1822 at King’s Lynn Salem Chapel. D 1837. RKW List.

SMITH Thomas. B circa 1760 near Chester. (Methodist). Min 1795-1822, from 1812 at Wigan, Park Lane. D 18 Jan 1836 at Egg, near Chester. GEE. CR:1836.135.

STEPHENSON Samuel Martin. B 1742 in Templepatrick. Glasgow MA.Edinburgh MD. Min 1774-1785, all at Greyabbey. D 13 Jan 1833 in Belfast. Bible Christian (Ireland) 1833. 46. NSP: June 2001, 5.

STEVENSON William. B 26 Nov 1772 at Berwick-on-Tweed. Daventry, adm 1787, & Northampton Academies. Classical tutor Manchester Academy. Min 1792-1796 at Failsworth. Editor Scots Magazine. Keeper of the Records to HM Treasury. D 22 Apr 1829 at Chelsea. GEE. Oxford DNB.

SYDDAL Joseph Lawton. B 30 Nov 1742 at Hyde. Warrington Academy. Min (itinerant at Chorley, Platt and Dukinfield) 1762 -1814. Living 1814 at Arden Hall, near Stockport. GEE.

SYMON John. ‘Unitarian Baptist minister at Zoar.’ MR:1810.150. D 26 Jan 1810 at Myniddbach, Carm ae 33.


TAGGART William. B Newton Co Down. Glasgow, matriculated 1775. MA. Min 1790- 1805 all at Dunmurry. NSP: Nov 1999, 203. Glasgow students 3484.

TATE William. B 1772-1773 at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Brusley Hall by Dr Fawcett. (Methodist). Min 1799-1836, all at Chorley. D 9 May 1836 at Chorley. CR:1836.441. GEE. See Oxford DNB entry on his son Sir Henry Tate.

TATTERSALL William. Daventry, adm 1774. MD. Min 1782-1788, all at Preston. Practised medicine in Liverpool and London. Living in 1795. GEE. MR:1822.197.

TAYLER James. B near Kidderminster. Min 1796 -1831 from 1802 at Nottingham, High Pavement. D 15 May 1831 ae 66 at Nottingham. ‘ The first to profess and preach Unitarianism at High Pavement.‘ CR:1832.39,312. JH. 340. Will proved 29 June 1831, NA, PROB11/1787.

TAYLER Thomas. B 5 Sept 1735 at Worcester. Northampton Academy, adm1750, Daventry, adm 1752. Tutor Daventry. Min 1778-1811, all at London, Carter Lane (afternoon preacher from 1766). D 23 Oct.1831 in London ae 96. C Titford, History of Unity Church Islington, 1912, 32-33. CR:1832.41. Will 10 Nov 1831, NA, PROB11/1792. Surman S 91.

TAYLOR John. B 1754. Daventry Academy. Min 1783-1788 at Walmsley. Became a Quaker. D June 1817. CR:1834.742. GEE. JH.224, 549.

TAYLOR John. B 18 Feb 1812 at Sunderland. Highbury College. (Independent). Min 1836-1845, from 1841 at Glasgow. D 4 June 1849 in Manchester. EDP Evans, Kidderminster New Meeting, 1900, 125-128.

TAYLOR Philip. B 15 May 1747 at Norwich. Nantwich, Exeter & Warrington Academies adm 1761. Min 1767-1831, from 1777 at Dublin, Eustace Street. D 27 Sept 1831 at Dublin. GEE. MR:1831.857. Will 15 Dec 1832, NA, PROB11/ 1809.

THOM John. B 1776 at Aberdeen. Kings College Aberdeen. MA. Min 1800-1808, all at Newry. D 18 July 1808 at Newry. NSP: Aug 2004, 4.

THOMAS David. Evans’s GB Academy. Min at Lutton, nr Wisbeach. D March 1806 nr Cardigan. MR:1806.162.

THOMAS Samuel. Min 1772-1803, all at Frenchay. D Apr 1807 at Hambrook near Bristol. MR:1807.389. Also Min at Yeovil 1759-67?

THOMAS Thomas. Daventry, adm 1771. Min from circa 1775, 1800-1822, at Wareham. D 17 Aug 1823 ae 70 at Thickhorn near Ilminster. MR:1823.605. Murch. 280.

THOMAS Thomas Emlyn. B Nov 1822 at Penbryn Cards. Car. Min 1842-1846 at Ciliau Aeron and Cribin. D 21 Apr 1846. RJJ. DWB.

THOMAS William. Unitarian Baptist Minister at Pant Teg 1796-1801. D 1813, probably under the age of 45. DWB.

THOMAS William. B 1773 in Wales. Northampton Academy. Min 1798-1808 all at Chester. D 21 March 1809. GEE. JH. 165. H Roberts, M Henry & his Chapel, 1901. 204.

THRELKELD Thomas. B 12 Apr 1739. Daventry, adm 1757 & Warrington, adm 1758 Academies. Min 1762-1806 from 1778 at Rochdale, Blackwater Street. D 6 Apr 1806 at Rochdale. MR:1807.169. GEE. Funeral sermon by Dr Thomas Barnes.

TINGCOMBE John. B about 1771 at Plymouth. Daventry, adm 1787; Hackney New College. Min 1792-1835, from 1829 at Frenchay. D 9 Oct 1848. CR:1848.203. GEEM.

TOMS Samuel Say. Daventry, adm 1768. Min 1773-1829, all at Framlingham. D 4 Sept.1834 ae 83 at Framlingham. CR:729.816. General Baptist Advocate:1834.169.

TOULMIN Harry. B 1766 at Taunton. Hoxton Academy. Min 1786-1792, from 1788 at Atherton Chowbent. Emigrated to US and became a judge in Mississippi Territory. D 11 Nov 1823 in Washington County, Alabama. GEE. DNB (not Oxford DNB) mentions him under his father Joshua. National Intelligencer (USA) 13 Dec 1823.

TOULMIN Joshua. B 11 May 1740 in London. Hoxton Academy. MA, DD. Min 1761-1815, from 1804 at Birmingham New Meeting. D 23 July 1815 in Birmingham. MR:1815.462. GEEM. Oxford DNB.

TOWERS John. D circa 1747. Min 1769-1804, from 1784 at the Barbican. D 9 July 1804 in London. See Oxford DNB, under his father John in DNB.

TOWNSEND Josiah. B 14 July 1752 probably at Hull. Daventry, adm 1766. Min circa 1776-1814, from 1796 at Elland. A Unitarian. D 14 July 1819 at Mansfield. MR 1819. 512. MR:1819.512. W.Blazeby, Rotherham Old Meeting, Rotherham, 1906. Surman T 1205.

TRELEAVEN Benjamin. Min 1813-1821, from 1818 at King’s Lynn, Salem Chapel. Murch. 274.

TREMLETT Thomas. B circa 1767 at Totnes. Oxford (matriculated St Albans Hall 13 Dec 1793, aged 26). Min 1795-1800 at Warminster, ‘his opinions obliged him to leave the University of Oxford, and he was the first minister who preached to the congregation doctrines commonly called Unitarian.’ HM Gunn, Nonconformity in Warminster, London, 1853.31.

TROTTER David. B 1755 at Holywood, Co Down. Glasgow. Min 1783-1838, from 1791 at Summerhill. D 1842 at Summerhill. NSP: Feb 2003, 4.

TURNER Henry. Min 1813-1822, from 1817 at Nottingham, High Pavement. D 31 Jan 1822 ae 29 at Nottingham. CR:1822.70,145. MR:1822.121.


URWICK Thomas. B 8 Dec 1727 at Shelton near Shrewsbury. Northampton Academy adm 1747, Glasgow. Min Independent 1754 – circa 1805, latterly at Grafton Sq Chapel Clapham.‘his religious opinions were by no means what are called orthodox, nor could he, we apprehend, be justly said to believe now in a Trinity in any sense.’ D 26 Feb 1807 at Bath. MR:1807.215-216. W. Urwick, Nonconformity in Worcester, 1897, 103-109. Oxford DNB.

USHER Peter. Homerton Academy, adm 1793. Min 1796-1814, all at Banbury. Emigrated to USA. D Jan 1846 in Illinois. GEEM. TUHS , Vol 1 Part 3. 287 (Tyssen) states he lived until the 1850s near Banbury.


VIDLER William. B 4 May 1758 at Battle. (Independent, Baptist). Min 1792 (Universalist)-1815, from 1794 at London, Parliament Court. Unitarian from 1802. D 23 Aug 1816 in London. CR:1816.425,472. Oxford DNB.


WALDEGRAVE Thomas. B 1732 at Norwich. Heckmondwyke. Min circa 1770-1803 from 1771 at Bury St Edmunds. D 27 Dec 1812 ae 81 at Bury. JH 461, citing Gents Mag , 1813 Part 1.395. Will 1 Mar 1813, NA, PRB11/1543.

WALKER George. B 1734 at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Kendal Academy, Edinbugh & Glasgow. FRS. Min 1757 -1803, from 1801 at Failsworth. ‘A tempered Arian.’ D 27 April 1807 in the City of London. MR:1807.217;1810 various. GEE. Oxford DNB.

WALKER Sayer. Min Enfield from 1779. MD. D 9 Nov 1826. MR:1826.761. GM Nov 1826. Oxford DNB.

WALKER William Manning. B 16 Feb.1784 at Yarmouth. Manchester Academy. Min 1803-1807, all at Preston. D 23 Dec 1833. GEE. JH.189.

WALLACE James Cowdan. B circa 1793. Min circa 1823- 1841, from 1831 at Wareham. D 17 Mar 1841 at Wareham. CR:1841.263. GEE. Murch.285. See Oxford DNB under his brother Robert (d 1850). Will 26 May 1841, NA, PROB11/1946.

WALTERS William. Min 1794-1806 all at Nottingham High Pavement. D 11 April 1806 ae 50. B Carpenter, Presbyterianism in Nottingham, 1862. 171. JH. 340.

WARD Roger. B Walmsley 1765. Daventry, adm 1782. Min circa 1787-1798, from 1791 at Blackburn ‘and 16 years at a small congregation at Bromsgrove.’ Unitarian. D 24 July 1825 at Stourport ae 60. MR 1825.498. Surman W 334.

WARNER William. B circa 1757. Min Lynn 1777-1802 with Hapton from 1801. D 3 Apr 1802. Gents Mag May 1802. Surman W.398 (aged 45)

WARWICH Thomas Olivers. Northampton Academy. Min 1795-1816 at Rotherham. Not successful in his commercial enterprises and went to live in Manchester, JH.69.

WATSON George. Daventry, adm 1773. Min 1778-1816, from 1799 at Daventry Chapel. D 1 Aug 1817 at Birmingham aged ‘about 65.’ MR:1817, 624-625. Surman S 508. Will 30 Sept 1817, NA, PROB11/1596.

WATSON James. BAI. Min 1835-1842 at Greyabbey. D 17 Apr 1842. NSP: June 2001, 5. Son of John.

WATSON Thomas. Min 1769-1825, all at Whitby. D 29 Aug 1825. MR:1825.623. Will 8 Sept 1826, NA, PROB11/1717.

WATTS Gabriel. Min circa 1810-1815, latterly at Chichester, Eastgate. D 17 May 1844 at Frome. CR:1844.490 (no age given).Will 15 July 1844, NA, PROB11/2002.

WAWNE George Barker. B Hull. MC York. Min 1816-1825, all at Bridport. D 18 April 1827 at Bridport ae 33. MR:1827.184, 266. Murch. 263-264. Will 22 Dec 1827, NA, PROB11/1734.

WEBB Francis. B 18 Sept 1735 at Taunton. Northampton, Daventry, adm 1753 & Taunton Academies. Min 1758-1768 from 1758 at London, Paul’s Alley. Secretary of Legation a Peace of Amiens. D 2 Aug 1815 at Barrington. Murch.325-327.

WELLS William. Daventry, adm 1765. Min Bromsgrove Worcs circa 1770-1790. Emigrated to Boston USA about 1792 with his eight children. D 8 Dec 1827 at Brattleboro, Vermont. RKW List. Surman S 748.

WESTON Samuel B 3 Mar 1773 in Guernsey. Min ‘officiated amongst the Unitarian on the island as minister for upwards of twenty years.’ D 3 Mar 1841 in Guernsey on his birthday. CR:1841.262.

WIGHTMAN John Cochran. Min 1798-1813, from 1800 at Holywood. D 2 July 1813 at Holywood. NSP: Feb 2003, 5.

WILLIAMS Arthur. B 1771 at Lampeter. Swansea, adm 1791. ’For fifty years a faithful minister of the Presbyterian order, served at Alltyplaca, Caeronen, Ciliau Aeron and Cribin, had no settled ministry.’ G Evans, Lampeter, Aberystwyth, 1905. 176-177.

WILLIAMS John. B 30 Jan 1768 at Shrewsbury. Car, Hoxton and Daventry (Adm 1786) Academies. Min 1789-1835, from 1811 at Mansfield. D 1 Dec 1835 at Mansfield. CR:1835.509;1836.134. J.H.White, Story of Old Meeting Mansfield, 1959, 61-64. JH.348.

WILLIAMS William. B circa 1797 in Cardiganshire. Car. Min 1818-1819, all at Ilminster. D 18 June 1819 at Illminster. MR:1819.510. GEEM. Murch.237. Will 8 Feb 1820, NA, PROB11/1626.

WILLIAMSON John. B 1726 at Clough. Glasgow. MA. Min 1752-1773, all at Clough. D 29 Aug 1805 ar Dromore. NSP: 1997, 105. Son of Rev Hugh of Clough.

WILSON James. B circa 1754. MA, DD Edinburgh 1802. Min circa 1783-1792 from 1785 at Stockport. Became a Scottish Presbyterian. D 8 June 1829. GEE

WINCHESTER Elhannen. B 30 Sept 1751 at Brookline Mass. Min in USA Universalist. Min in London Parliament Court from 1782. Returned to USA 1794. D 18 April 1797 at Hartford, Conn. Oxford DNB.

WINDER H. Min (General Baptist) 1813-1817, from 1816 at Wisbeach. D 31 July 1817 ae 45 at Wisbeach. CR:1817.356; MR: 1817.490.

WOOD Samuel. B 1 Jan 1797 at Manchester. Glasgow, MC York. BA. Min 1820-1848, from 1843 at Lewes. D 23 Aug 1849 in London. CR:1849.576, 698. GEEM. Will 6 Oct 1849, NA, PROB11/2102.

WOOD William. B 29 May 1745 at Cottingtree, nr Northampton. Jenning’s Academy, London. Min 1766-1808, from 1773 at Leeds Mill Hill. FLS. Botanist. D 1 April 1808 in Leeds. C Wellbeloved, Memoir, 1809. Gents Mag 1808 vols 1 & 2. MR:1808. 220. Oxford DNB.

WOOD William Denny. Daventry, adm 1762. Min 1771-1804, all at Dudley until he was paralysed. MR:1822.195. GEEM.

WORRALL James. B Limerick. Trinity College Dublin. BA. Min 1796-1824, from 1807 at Clonmel. D 28 Nov 1824 at Clonmel. NSP: 2002, 9.

WORSLEY Israel. B 1768 at Hertford. Daventry, adm 1786. Min at Dunkirk from 1790, with gaps,1806 -1831, from 1813 at Plymouth 1813-1831, 1833-36 at Lincoln. Formed French unitarian association 1832. D 2 Sept 1836 at Le Havre de Grace. CR:1836.824. Oxford DNB.

WORTHINGTON Hugh. B 21 June 1752 at Leicester. Daventry, Adm 1768. Min 1781-1813, all at Salter’s Hall, London. D 26 July 1813 at Worthing. An Arian. MR: 1813. 545. Oxford DNB. MR: 1822.196, ‘the celebrated preacher.’

WORTHINGTON John Hugh. B 11 Nov 1804 at Leicester. MC York. Min 1825-1827, all at Manchester, Cross Street. D 4 July 1827 at Leicester. GEE. CR:1827.372.

WRIGHT Richard. Daventry, adm 1759. Min 1765-1794, all at Atherstone. MR:1822.164. GEEM.

WRIGHT Richard. B 4 Feb 1764 at Blackeney Norfolk. Min GB at various places and in 1806 became the Unitarian missionary travelling the country, concluding with ministries from 1822 at Trowbridge and Kirkstead. Min D 16 Sept 1836 at Kirkstead Lincs. CR: 1836, 746,749,853. R Wright, Missionary Life and Labours, London, 1824. Oxford DNB.


YATES John. B 10 Nov 1755 at Bolton. Warrington, adm 1772. Min 1776-1823 from 1777 at Liverpool, Kaye and Paradise Street Chapels. D 10 Nov 1826 in Liverpool. MR:1826.693. CR:1826.455. GEE. Oxford DNB.

YEATES Matthew Lee. B 1777. Min 1821-1825 at Sidmouth, 1825-1847 Cullompton. D 15 Dec 1847 ae 70 at Cullompton. CR 1848.64. B Packer, Notes from the West Country TUHS 2008.

YOUATT William. Born 1776 in Exeter. Min 1804-1812, all at Chichester, Baffins Lane. Oxford DNB states,‘educated for the Nonconformist ministry and in 1810 he left Devon and undertook ministerial and scholastic duties in London.’ Became a leading veterinary surgeon. D 5 Feb 1847. Surman Y 48a and 49.

Obituaries 1850-1899

Alphabetical Index


Index and Synopsis of Obituaries of Unitarian Ministers 1800-1849 :



AIKEN Arthur. B 19 May 1773 at Warrington. Palgrave and Hackney New College. Min 1793-1795 all at Shrewsbury. Lecturer in Chemistry Guy’s Hospital. D 15 Apr 1854 in London. CR:1854.379. See Oxford DNB. GEEM.

AINSWORTH William Macquhae. B 20 Dec 1848 at Cleator. MC. Min 1877-1891, from 1884 at London Brixton. D 26 May 1891, near Constantinople, while returning to England. I:1891.369 et seq.* 1892.

AINSLEY Robert. (Cong.) Min 1859-1874, all at Brighton. D 21 Aug 1876 ae 73 at Child’s Hill. I:1876.575,607. UA:1877.33.

ALEXANDER Henry. B 1810. BAI. Min 1835-1866, from 1840 at Newry. D 11 Apr 1868 at Newry. UA:1869.33. GEE. Newry Telegraph 12 Apr 1894. NSP, 2004, 5.

ALEXANDER Thomas. B 1 Jan 1770 at Knockcairn. Glasgow. MA. Min 1793-1833, all at Cairncastle. D 26 May 1851 in London. NSP, 1996, 155.

APPLEBEE James Kay. BAI. Min 1863-1871, from 1868 at London, Newington Green (shown as at Bolton in 1874 but not in list of ministers 1886; wife’s death is at I:1869.95)

ARMSTRONG George. BA. Min 1837-1856 all at Bristol, Lewins Mead. D 6 Aug 1857 ae 65 at Bristol. I:1857.510 et seq.; UA:1858.53. Will 21 Aug 1857, NA, PROB11/2255.

ARMSTRONG George Allman. B 1815 in Dublin. Trinity College Dublin. BA. Min 1841-1889, all at Dublin, St Stephen’s Green,. D 10 Mar 1889 at Dublin. I:1889.190; NSP, 1999, 56. *1990. Son of Rev Dr James of Dublin.

ASHDOWNE Robert. Min 1831-1858, all at Horsham. D 8 July 1861 ae 65 at Horsham. I:1861.509; CR:1861.512.

ASHTON Frederick. B 1847/8 in Manchester. Oxford. MA. Min 1875-1878 all at Glossop. D 15 Apr1878 at Glossop. I:1878.195. GEE.

ASHTON Joseph. B 1793 at Stockport. MC York. Min 1814-1856, from 1831 at Preston. D 17 June 1864 at Buxton. UA:1865.32. GEE.

ASHWORTH John. Min 1806-1853, in various places but mainly at Rochdale and Newchurch Rossendale. D 1 Mar 1852 ae 71 at Newchurch. See H McLachlan, The Methodist Unitarian Movement, Manchester, 1919 et passim.CR:1852.259.

ASPLAND Robert Brook. B 19 Jan 1805 at Newport IOW. Glasgow. MC York. MA. Min 1826-1869, from 1858 at Hackney. Secretary B&FUA 1858-1869. D 21 June 1869 at Hackney. I:1869.412 et seq. See Oxford DNB.

ASTLEY Richard. B 12 Mar 1785 at Chesterfield. MC York. Min 1810-1853, from 1831 at Shrewsbury. D 19 Mar 1855 at Shrewsbury. CR:1855.265, 273 (profile). GEE. Will 24Apr 1855, NA, PROB11/2209.


BACHE Samuel. B 24 Dec.1804 at Bridgnorth. MC York. Min 1829-1868, from 1832 at Birmingham New Meeting. D 7 Jan 1876 at Barnwood, Glos. I:1876. 35, 46, 60, 71. See Oxford DNB.

BAKER Franklin. B 27 Aug 1800 at Birmingham. Glasgow. MA. Min 1824-1864, all at Bolton Bank Street. D 25 May 1867 at Caton, Lancaster. I:1867.348. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

BAKEWELL Percy. B circa 1837. MC London. BA. Min 1860-1868, from 1866 at Halifax. D 17 June 1868 at Church Stretton. I:1868.402. GEEM.

BAKEWELL William Johnston. B 1794 at Wakefield. MC York. Min 1815- 1839 from 1828 at Norwich. Later became Episcopalian and Roman Catholic in the USA. D 2 Aug 1861 at Genesee, New York. CR:1861.639; I:1861.638. GEE.

BANKHEAD William. Min 1837-1843, all at Diss. D 1881 in Edinburgh. RKW List.

BANNISTER George Winslow. Glasgow, Regent’s Park College (Baptist). Min 1885-1896, from 1888 at Warrenpoint NI. D 11 May 1896 at Warrenpoint. I:1896.316, 331.* 1897.

BARLING John. B 11 Aug 1804 at Weymouth. Homerton. (Cong.) Min 1853-1858 at Halifax. D 20 Aug 1883 at Leeds. UA:1884.26; I:1883.555, 581. See Oxford DNB

BARMBY John Goodwyn. B 24 Oct 1820 at Yoxford Suffolk. Pontifarch of the Communist Church London 1841-47. Min 1848-1880, from 1858 at Wakefield. D 18 Oct 1881 at Yoxford. I:1881.707,721, 757; CL:1881.526, 532. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

BARRETT Joseph. MC Manchester. Min 1790s-1824, first at Ormskirk then from circa 1804 at London, Carter Lane. D 22 July 1850 in London. CR:1850.580; UA:1851.61

BARRINGER William Salmon. Min 1864-1868 at London Newington Green. D 3 Feb 1868 ae 41 at Stoke Newington. I:1868.95. UA:1869.33.

BASFORD Henry Thomas. B 1844. Min 1876-1882 when he retired. GEE.

BAYLEY James. B 1809. Min 1834-1872 (with gaps) from 1870 at Diss. D 17 Nov 1872 at Diss. I:1872. 762. GEE.

BEARD Charles. B 27 July 1827 at Manchester. MC Manchester, Berlin. BA, LLD. Min 1850-1888, from 1867 at Liverpool, Renshaw Street. D 9 Apr 1888 in Liverpool. I:1888.236, 239, 252; CL:1888.174 et seq. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

BEARD John Relly. B 4 Aug.1800 at Portsmouth. MC York. DD Geissen. Min 1825-1873, from 1865 at Sale, Cross Street. First Principal UC. D 22 Nov 1876 near Altrincham. I:1876.815; CL:1876.76, 347 etc. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

BEAUMONT George. B 3 Sept 1833 at Hyde. UC. Min 1859-1897, from 1863 at Liverpool, Gateacre Chapel. D 22 Nov 1897 at Gateacre. I:1897. 770, 773, 783. * 1898.

BENNETT William. B 28 May 1826. Min 1871-1882, from 1879 at Heywood. D 11 Jan 1882 probably at Dumbarton. I:1882.30, 31, 35. GEE.

BERRY Charles. B 10 Nov 1783 at Romsey. Homerton Academy. Min 1803-1859, all at Leicester, Great Meeting. D 4 May 1877 at Liverpool. I:1877, 294, 313, 323. See Oxford DNB.

BERRY Daniel. B 31 July 1839 at Padiham. UC. Min 1865-1871, from 1866 at Mossley. D 15 Aug 1871 at Mossley. I:1871.534,535. GEE.

BERRYHILL John. B 1842 at Crumlin, Ireland. BAI. Min 1863-1864, at Moneyreagh. D 11 Feb 1864 at Crumlin. UA:1865.32. NSP, 2003. 8.

BIRKS William. B 1 Dec 1805 at Ashover, Derbyshire. Min 1856-1863 at Flagg and Great Hucklow. D 23 Jan 1863 at Flagg. CR:1863.382; I:1863.76. See I:1937.81 for background on the generations of the Birks family who were Unitarian ministers.

BISBEE Herman. Min 1874 at London, Stepney College Chapel. D 6 July 1879 at Boston, USA ae 46. I:1879 495; CL:1879.362.

BISHOP Francis. B 27 July 1813 at Dorchester. London by Benjamin Mardon & UC London. Min 1839-1869, from 1858 at Chesterfield. D 5 Aug 1869 at Chesterfield. I: 1869. 518, 519, 533, 544. GEE.

BISHOP John. B 1802 at Dorchester. A business man, he filled the pulpit at Dorchester for above 20 years. D 3 July 1874 at Weymouth. I:1874.442; UA:1875.42. Brother of Rev Francis and father of Rev JJ Bishop.

BISS Charles Frederick. B 15 Mar 1828 at Bath. UC. Min 1861-1888, from 1879 at Diss. D 4 Apr 1888 at Diss. I:1888.223, 274. GEEM.

BLACK James. B 1834. Glasgow. MA. (Church of Scotland) . Min 1867-1889, from 1886 at Allostock & Knutsford. Emigrated to USA. GEE.

BLACK William Henry. B 7 May 1808 at Walworth, Surrey, of Scottish descent. FSA. Min 1840-1872, London Mill Yard Chapel (GB). Secretary of the GB Assembly. Cataloguer of the MSS at the Ashmolean Oxford. D 12 Apr 1872 in London. I:1872.253,269; UA:1873.36.

BLACKBURN Robert Bishop. Min 1876-1889, all at Billingshurst. D 17 Dec 1889 ae 56. I:1889. 835.

BLACKLEY Fletcher. B 13 May 1783 at Ballyroney, Co Down Ireland. Glasgow. MA. Min 1809-1862, all at Moneyrea. D 25 Feb 1862 at Cradley Worcs. I:1862.193, 211-212; NSP, 2003. 7. See Oxford DNB.

BLAIR Francis Martin. B 2 Nov 1859 at Raloo, Co Antrim. Owen’s College Manchester, UC, MC London. Min 1882-1884 at Templepatrick. D 30 Jan 1884 at sea on voyage to Australia. I:1884. 302, 310.

BLUNDELL Stephen. Min 1805-1855, at Battle Great Meeting, Northiam, Cranbrook and Rolvendon.. D 4 Sept 1855 ae 88 at Northiam. I:1855. 591; CR :1855.652. Will 8 Dec 1855 (yeoman), NA, PROB11/2223.

BLYTHE Alfred Turner. B 1817 in Birmingham. MC York. Min 1840-1847, 1854-56, all at Chesterfield. Then went to Oxford. MA and became C of E priest. D 26 Mar 1886 at Scarcliffe, Derbyshire where he was Vicar. I:1886.222, 238, 245.

BOWEN Thomas. B 1766 near Lampeter. Swansea Academy. Min 1794-1823, from 1820 at Ilminster. D 25 Jan 1852. CR:1852.258,324; I:1852.80. GEEM.

BOWEN William. B 18 July 1800 at Walsall. Glasgow, MC York. MA. Min 1823-1857, from 1851 at Kingswood. Emigrated to Australia. D 1 Jan 1874 in Melbourne. I:1874.523; Seedsower, 1893.157. GEEM.

BOWRING Thomas. B 18 Aug 1802 at Exeter. Min circa 1850- 1882, from 1871 at Birmingham, Hurst Street. D 13 Dec 1882 at Maidstone. I:1882.819, 835; CL:1882. 606. UA: 1884.26. GEE.

BRADLEY Franklin. B Saintfield. Min at Crediton 1855-1859, Ravara Ireland 1859-1862, when he emigrated to New Zealand. NSP, March 2006.14

BRAITHWAITE James William (McLachlan, List of Students states that it is John not James). B 11 Oct 1841 at Halifax. UC. Min 1867-1899, from 1890 at Nottingham, Christ Church. D 30 April 1899 at Halifax. I:1899.278, 287.* 1900.

BRETTELL Jacob. B 16 April 1793 at Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts. MC York. Min 1814-1859, from 1816 at Rotherham. D 12 Jan 1862 at Rotherham. I:1862.63 CR:1862.128, 191. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

BRIGGS John. Min 1822-1850, all at Bessels Green. D 1 Feb 1863 ae 70 at Dover. UA:1864.26.

BRIGGS John Atkinson. University College London, MC. Min 1841-44, 1851-1861, then 1871-1880 at Hastings and Battle. D 26 July 1891 ae 75 at Hindley. I:1891.501.* 1892.

BRIGGS Thomas Barker Wawne. B 1823. Min 1848-1883, all at Dover. Proprietor Dover Chronicle. D 1 Apr 1883 at Dover. CL:1883.166.

BRISTOW(E) Edward. Min not identified. D 21 Nov ae 76 in Birmingham. I:1867.792. UA:1869.33.

BROADBENT Theodore Parker. B Lewes. Oxford & MC. BA. Min 1893-1894 at Cheltenham. D 29 March 1894 ae 25 at Cheltenham. I:1894. 215, 238, 247; CL: 1894. 166. * 1895.

BROADHURST Thomas. B Blackley, Lancashire. Hoxton & Hackney Academies. Min 1793-1809, from 1797 at Bath. D 9 Oct 1851 ae 84 at Bath. CR:1851.656, 704, 1852.62. Will 28 Oct 1851, NA, PROB11/2140.

BROCK George Browne. B 6 Nov 1805 at Moreton Hampstead. Exeter Academy. Min 1837-1861, for the last few months at Altrincham. D 30 Oct 1886 at Swansea. I:1886.722, 731. GEE.

BROOKS James. B 29 Jan 1777 at Mossley. (Methodist New Connection, Baptist). Min 1806-1854 all at Hyde Gee Cross. D 4 Apr 1854 at Hyde. I:1854.239. GEE.

BROOKS John Gent. B 23 Sept 1815 at Hinckley. Min 1844-1854 all at Birmingham, Lower Fazeley Street. D 30 Jan 1854. CR:1854.91. TUHS , 1992, 98-113. GEEM.

BROOME John. B 1819 (some sources say 1820) at Macclesfield. Min 1857-1863, all at London DM Cripplegate. D 9 Nov 1893, probably at Stockton. UCM Register of Students. 5 (shown as the first student at UCM).

BROWNING Archibald. B 1795. (Presbyterian Secession). Min 1840s-1858, all at Tillicoultry. D 6 Feb 1858 ae 73 at Tillicoultry. UA:1859.55; CR:1858.192. LB Short, Pioneers of Scottish Unitarianism, 1963.149.

BRUCE William. B 19 Nov 1790 in Belfast. BAI, Trinity College Dublin, Edinburgh. BA. Min 1812-1867, all at Belfast, First Church. D 25 Oct 1868 in Dublin. I: 1868. 705, 739;CL:1881.503; NSP, 1995, 210. See Oxford DNB. Son of Rev William of Belfast.

BUCKLAND George. Min 1827-1841 from at Manchester Willert Street Mission. Emigrated to Canada. D 27 Feb 1885 in Toronto. CR:1828.223. GEE. RKW List.

BULL Joseph, later Joseph Bull BRISTOWE at marriage. B circa 1774 at Stourbridge. Manchester Academy. Min 1799-1854, from 1848 at Shepton Mallet. D 16 Mar 1854 at Shepton Mallet. GEE. I:1854.191; CR:1854.376. J.H. White, Old Meeting House Mansfield, London, 1959.57-59. Will 23 May 1854, NA, PROB11/2190.

BURNETT William. Min Barnard Castle 1890-92. D 20 August 1892 at South Shields ae 48. I:1892.560. *1893.


CALLWELL James. B 2 Mar 1820. BAI. Min 1851-1883, from 1855 at Glenarm, Ireland. D 21 Mar 1897 at Belfast. I:1897.239; NSP, 2002.8. * 1898.

CAMERON John. B Perth. Min briefly at Dorchester, then at Westgate Wakefield 1837-1844. D November 1896 at Claughton Birkenhead ae 87. I: 1896.815. Leeds Mercury 12 Dec 1896.

CAMM Archibald (or Abram) Birtles. B Aug 1840 at Dronfield. Rawdon and Lancashire Independent Colleges.(Cong). Min 1877-1891 from 1888 at Blackpool. D 5 Oct 1891. I:1891.652, 670. * 1892.

CAMPBELL Robert. B 11 Mar 1825 at Crumlin. BAI. Min 1848-1882, from 1854 at Templepatrick, Ireland. D 22 Sept 1894 ae 69 at Belfast. I:1894.638; NSP, 2002.7 * 1895.

CANNON Patrick. B 10 July 1791 at Sheffield. MC York. Min 1816-1844 (with gaps) from 1843 at Warminster. D 20 Dec 1877 at Windermere (of Wakefield). I:1878.14; UA:1879.23.

CARLEY James. B 1786 at Kilroot. Glasgow. MA. Min 1811-1861, all at Antrim. D 20 Dec 1861 at Antrim. NSP, 1993, 197

CARLING Richard. Min Astley 1869-1876. D 9 Dec 1876 ae 65 at Bolton. UA:1878.37. GEE.

CARPENTER Benjamin. Min 1822-1860, all at Nottingham. D 21 Jan 1860 ae 64 at Nottingham. I:1860.105, 107; CR:1860.125.

CARPENTER Philip Pearsall. B 4 Nov 1819 at Bristol. MC York & Manchester. BA, Ph D. Min 1841-1861 from 1846 at Warrington. Emigrated to Montreal. D 23 May 1877 at Montreal. I:1877.357 et seq. R.L.Carpenter, Memoirs of PP Carpenter, 1880. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

CARPENTER Russell Lant. B. Bristol College, London University & MC. BA. Min 1842-1887, from 1865 at Bridport. D 15 Jan 1892 ae 75 at Bridport. I:1892.50 et seq.* 1893. See Oxford DNB.

CHANNING William Henry. B 25 May 1810 in Boston, USA. Harvard. Min USA 1835-1854, 1861-1865. Min UK 1854-1861, and 1867 all at Liverpool. D 23 Dec 1884 in London. UA:1886.64. GEE.

CHAPMAN Edwin. B 1 Dec 1798 at Sturry. GB Academy. (Gilchrist). Min 1821-1846, from 1841 at Godalming. D 1 Mar 1875 at Bristol. I:1875.158,259; UA:1976.31. Hertfordshire Past. 22, 1987, 12-17.

CHAPPELL John. B 18 Aug 1791 at Bethnal Green. Newport Pagnal Academy. (Baptist). Min ‘nearly thirty years minister at the newly erected chapel at Yaxley .’ (from about 1821). Became Unitarian about 1832 (CR:1833.266,295). D 23 Mar 1850 at Yaxley. CR:1850.320, 449.

CLACK William. Min 1823-28 at Framlingham and subsequently at Soham. D 4 May 1860 ae 69 at Soham. I:1860.445;CR:1860.390.

CLARKE Charles.B 15 Oct 1820 at Milbourne Port. FLS. Min 1845-1882, from 1852 at Birmingham, Old Meeting House. D 15 Nov 1892 at Birmingham. CL:1892, 562; I: 1892.772. * 1893.

CLARKE Henry. B 26 Dec 1788 at Wellington, Somerset. Warwick Academy (William Field). Min 1822-1857, from 1837 at Chorley. D 27 April 1870 at Liverpool. UH:1870.141. GEE.

CLARKE William Alfred. B 1 Oct 1840 at Quorndon, Leicestershire. Baptist College Chilwell. (Baptist). Min 1865-1897, from 1893 at Newchurch, Rossendale. D 22 Aug 1897 at East Kelsey. CL:1897.437. * 1898.

CLELAND Robert. Queen’s College Belfast. BA. Min 1862-1886, from 1863 at Crumlin. D 19 Sept 1886 ae 47 at Crumlin. UA:1887.73; NSP, 1996, 262 ;1998.32.

COBBAN James McLaren. Min 1882-1884 at Blackley. GEE.

COCHRANE William. D 1819 at Rademon NI. BAI. Min 1846-1885 from 1850 at Cradley. D 18 Oct 1890 at Redhill, Stourbridge. I:1890. 694, 706, 735. * 1890.

COGAN Eliezer. B 1762 at Rothwell, Northamptonshire.Davantry Academy. Min 1788-1816, from 1801 at Walthamstow. D 21 Jan 1855 at Walthamstow. See Oxford DNB. Thoemmes Dictionary of 19th century British Philosophers. Will 6 March 1855, NA, PROB11/2207.

COLEMAN Philip Vincent. B 1792 Min 1834-1868, from 1837 at St Albans. D Nov 1868 at at St Albans. I:1868.739.

COLSTON John. B 1812 at Husbands Bosworth, Leicestershire. MC York. Min 1833-1863 all at Styal and Dean Row. D 12 Mar 1878 in London. GEE. I:1878.189, 191; CL:1878.135 et seq.

COMMINS John. B Tavistock. Min 1847-1849 at Tavistock. D 28 Oct 1859 ae 84 at Tavistock. I:1859.1031; CR:1860.63.

COOPER James. B Newtownards. BAI. Min 1840 -1878, from 1875 at Shepton Mallet. D 4 Aug 1893 at Belfast ae over 80. I:1893.511.* 1894.

COOPER John. B circa 1783. Min 1823-1865, from 1840 at Long Sutton. D 21 May 1865. UH:1865.324. GEEM.

COOPER John Thomas. Glasgow. Min circa 1830-1877, from 1874 at Diss. D 4 Mar 1877 ae 68 at Diss. I:1877.166, 182; UA:1878.37.

COOPER Thomas. B 1792 at Framlingham. Hackney Academy (Aspland). Min 1814-1880, from 1854 at Framlingham. D 25 Oct 1880 at Framlingham. UH:1880.359. G Carter, Unitarian Biographical Dictionary, 1902.

COTTON Robert Hammond. Rawdon and Owen’s Colleges. MA, BSc. Min 1869-1873, latterly at Failsworth. Conformed to Church of England 1877, Curate All Saint’s Manchester. Emigrated to USA after 1881. GEE.

CRANBROOK James. B 1818. Highbury. (Independent). Min 1848-1850, all at Birmingham, New Hall Hill Chapel, then Congregational again. D 6 June 1869 ae 50 in Edinburgh. I:1869.389,390. Surman Card C1713. WDM.30

CREE Robert. B 1785. Min 1817-1834, from 1827 at Bridport. D 1 (or 26) Dec 1851 at Edinburgh. I:1851.832 (shown as Mr) GEE. RKW List.

CREERY Andrew Macreight. B 1826. Trinity College Dublin. BA (C of E). Min 1857-1883, from 1868 at Buxton. Conformed to Church of England. Vicar of Kirkby Ireleth. GEE.

CROMPTON Joseph. B 1814 in Birmingham. Glasgow. MA. Min 1837-1852, from 1839 at Norwich. Became C of E priest. Rector St Lawrence, Norwich. D 29 Apr 1878 at Norwich. CL:1878.216; UA:1879.23.

CROMWELL Thomas Kitson. B 14 Dec 1792. MA, Hon PhD (German). Min 1839-1870 from 1864 at Canterbury. D 22 Dec 1870 at Canterbury. UA:1872.29. I:1870.852; 1871.13, 28. See Oxford DNB.

CROOK Leopold George Harris. B 1863. Owens College Manchester. Min 1890-1895, from 1892 at Wolverhampton Chapel. D 6 Feb 1895 at Clevedon. I:1895.94, 108.* 1896.

CROPPER John. B 1806. Glasgow. MA. Min 1838-1867, from 1846 at Stand Chapel, followed by a few months at Wareham. D 17 July 1889 at Eccles near Manchester. I:1889.465, 466, 474. *1890.

CROSSKEY Henry William. B 7 Dec 1826 at Lewes. MC York. LLD. Min 1848 – 1893, from 1869 at the Church of the Messiah Birmingham. D 1 Oct 1893 at Birmingham. R.A.Armstrong, Life and Work of H.W.Crosskey, 1895; I:1893. 637 et seq. *1894.

CROZIER John Armstrong. B 1830 at Rademon. Queens’s College Belfast, MC London. BA. Min 1855-1890, from 1865 at Newry. D 7 Aug 1898 at Gilford, Co Down. NSP, 2004, 5. *1899. Son of Rev William.

CROZIER William. B 1 Feb 1797 at Ballynahinch. Rademon Academy, Glasgow. MA. Min 1824- 1868, from 1832 at Kilmore. D 22 May 1873 at Newry. UA:1874.36.


DARBY Joseph. Min Lytchet Minster Dorset from 1854 ( a local farmer). CR:1855.128.

DARE Joseph. Min 1845-1876, all at Leicester DM. D 21 Feb 1883 ae 82. UA:1884.27.

DAVIDSON Maxwell. Min 1845-1861, from 1858 at Wareham. D 19 Nov 1861 ae 55 at Wareham. I:1861.858;CR:1861.761.

DAVIES David. B about 1794 at Maespwll. Car (left 1815). Min 1819-1831 all at Penrhiw. D 11 Dec 1856 at Llanelly. Oriel. 40.

DAVIES David Ifor. B about 1866 near Llandilo. Car, St David’s College Lampeter. Min 1891-1896, from 1894 at Clydach Vale and Pentre. Disappeared suddenly 1896. RJJ.110.

DAVIS James. B 1783 at Kilmore Co Down. Rademon Academy, Glasgow. MA. Min 1814-1847, all at Banbridge. D 21 July 1847 at Banbridge. NSP, 1995, 56.

DAVIES John. B 1795 at Llan-y-bri. Car. Min 1820 and after, at Penrhiw and other places. D 19 Apr.1858 at Llwynrhydowen. I:1858.286, 841. RJJ. 24. DWB.

DAVIES John. B 1797 near Lampeter. Car. Min 1818-?1865, from 1825 at Neath. D 29 Jan 1865 at Neath. RJJ.23.

DAVIES Peter Thomas. B 13 Dec 1879 ( presumably a printing error for 1789). Car (left 1819). Min 1827-1828 at Newbury. Buried 6 May 1872 at Llangathen. Brother of Rev David Peter (B 1785) of Belper.Oriel. 41

DAVIES Rees. B 1795 at Llandyssilio-gogo. Car. Min 1825-1857, from 1825 at Capelgroes and Ystrad. D 26 Nov 1857. RJJ. 29.

DAVIES William. B 1804. Car. PhD. Min 1856-1859 at Carmarthen (in Welsh). D 10 Dec 1859. I:1859.1151: CR:1860.124. RJJ.36.

DAVIES William Eynon. B 1852. Car. Min 1875-1886, from 1883 at Cribin. D 7 Aug 1886 at Llandyssul. I:1886.538. RJJ. 94.

DAVIS David. B 2 June 1821 at Evesham. MC, Bonn & Jena. BA. Min 1843-1861 from 1854 at Norwich. D 30 Sept 1897 at Evesham. I:1897.646, 653. * 1898. Father of Rev Valentine.

DAVIS Timothy. B 20 Nov.1779 at Ciliau Cardiganshire. Car. Min 1799-1854, from 1819 at Evesham. D 28 Nov 1860 at Evesham. I:1860.957; CR:1861.856. GEEM. DWB. Son Rev David Castellhywell.

DAVIS William B 1804. Car. PhD. Professor of Hebrew etc at Car. Min 1856-1859 (preacher in Welsh) at Carmarthen. D 10 Dec 1859 at Carmarthen. I:1859.1151.RJJ.36. DAVISON David. B 5 Apr 1795 at Ballystockeast. Glasgow. MA. Min 1818-1841, from 1825 at London Old Jewry. Secretary of the Hibbert Trust. D 7 Dec 1858 at Epsom. CR:1859.62.

DAVISON David. B 5 Apr 1795 at Ballystockeast. Glasgow. MA. Min 1818-1841, from 1825 at London Old Jewry. Secretary of the Hibbert Trust. D 7 Dec 1858 at Epsom. CR:1859.62

DAVISON Samuel Coulter. B circa 1823. UC London, Heidleberg, Berlin. BA, PhD. Min 1857-1860, all at Dudley. D 23 Jan 1874. I:1874.78.

DAWSON George. B 24 Feb 1821 in London. Aberdeen, Glasgow. MA. Min 1847-1876 all at Birmingham, Church of the Saviour. D 30 Nov 1876 at Kings Norton, nr Birmingham. I:1876.798 et seq. See Oxford DNB. GEEM.

DEAN Arthur. B 1789 at Bradford Yorks. MC York. Min 1810-1831, all at Stand. D 1 Nov.1856 at Bowden. I:1856.727. GEE.

DEAN John. Min 1868-1878, all at Tamworth. D 22 May 1886 at Lightcliffe. I:1886.366. (no age given) GEEM.

DEANE Henry. Min Padiham with other places. D 7 Feb 1855 ae 35. UA:1856.52. GEE.

DENDY John. B 11 June 1828 at Horsham. MC and Berlin. BA. Min 1851-1858, 1884-1894 at Newport IOW. D 31 March 1894 at Blackgang IOW. I:1894. 215; CL:1894.166 * 1895.

DICKSON John. B Banbridge. Min 1868-1888, from 1870 at Moira. D 6 May 1888 at Moira. UA:1889.77. NSP, 2003, 5 (age not stated).

DIMMOCK Edward Robinson. Min 1822-1842, from 1841 at Rivington. D 1867. Nightingale, Lancashire Nonconformity, 1893, vol.3, 96. GEE.

DIXON James Matthias. B 5 June 1822 at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Min 1860-1883, from 1866 at Hull, Park Street. D 22 Feb 1883 at Hull. UH:1883.93, 106.

DOBBIN Hamilton. Glasgow. Min 1801-1844, from 1802 at Lurgan. D 20 Oct 1851. NSP, 2003, 5.

DOBSON Thomas Robert. JP. Min 1866-1886, from 1875 at Brighton. D 16 Oct 1893 ae 77 at Tunbridge Wells. I:1893.667. * 1894.

DOHERTY William Hugh. B Dunadry Co Antrim. BAI. Min 1834-1850, from 1838 at Comber. Emigrated to USA. Librarian at Patent Office Washington. D 3 Mar 1890 at Washington DC. CL:1890.154; NSP, 1997, 196. RKW List.

DRESSER James Nettleton. Min 1868-1869 at Newark. D 23 June 1869 ae 28 at Newark. I:1869.423; UA:1870.33.

DRUMMOND William Hamilton. B Aug 1778 at Larne. BAI, Glasgow. DD. Min 1800-1859 , from 1815 at Dublin, Strand Street. D 16 Oct 1865 in Dublin. UH:1865.345; NSP, 1995, 258; 1996, 7-8. See Oxford DNB.

DUFFIELD William. Min 1823-1844, from 1840 at Doncaster. D 8 Mar 1859 at York. I:1859.248 (no age is given). GEE.

DUNKERTON Herbert. B 1832 at Warminster. UC. Min 1856-1857 at Malton and Welburn, Yorks. D 23 Aug 1857 at Malton. I:1857.590. UCM Register of Students. 6

DUNNE Richard Edward. B 24 June 1812 at Kingscourt, Co Cavan. Dublin Trinity College. Min 1854-1873, from 1871 at Colyton. D 31 March 1891 in Ireland. I:1891.306.* 1892.


EDWARDS John. Min (GB) Northiam and Rolvenden. D 15 Jan 1859 ae 78 at Northiam. I:1859.70; CR:1859.254.

ELLIOT William. B 19 Jan 1823. Min 1853-1883, from 1879 at Sunderland. D 4 Feb.1889 at Stockton-on-Tees. I:1889.94, 103. GEE. .*1890.

ELLIS John. B 1812 at Bradford, Yorks. Horton College Bradford. Min 1855-1882, from 1871 at Portsmouth, St Thomas’s Street. D 5 April 1889 at Portsmouth. I:1889.254.* 1890.

EVANS David. B 1806 at Castell Hywell, Car. Car, Glasgow. BA. Min 1830-1875, from 1853 at Caeronen. D 23 Apr 1885 at Maesmeillion.UA:1886.65. RJJ.34.

EVANS John. B 19 Sept 1835 at Felinfach, near Llanwnen. Car. Min 1862-1884, all at Gellionen. D 8 Mar 1888 at Swansea. UA:1889.77. RJJ.76.

EVANS Owen. B 23 Apr1808 at Llandyssul. Car. Min 1836-1865, from 1837 at Cefncoed. D 9 Jan 1865 at Cefncoed. I:1865.31, 46. RJJ.37. DWB.

EVANS Titus. B 1809 at Redcock nr Llandysul. Car. Min 1852-1864, all at Onenfawr and other places. D 29 Feb 1864 at Carmathen. UA:1865.32. RJJ. 51. DWB.


FARNSWORTH John Min 1888-1893, from 1891 at Blackpool, Banks Street. D 1893 RKW List.

FAY Eli. B 8 Nov 1822 at Madison, New York. DD. Unitarian minister in the USA from 1855. Min 1876-1883 all at Sheffield Upper Chapel. Retired 1891. D 11 Aug 1899 at Pasadena California. I:1899.589, 639.

FERGUSON Samuel. B 1829. Min 1852-1871, from 1854 at Dromore. D 13 Aug 1886 in Belfast. NSP, 1998, 163.

FERRAR John. BA. Min 1864-1880, from 1871 at Bury St Edmunds. D 18 Feb1884 ae 76 at Bury St Edmunds. I:1884.127.

FIELD William. B 6 Jan 1768 in Stoke Newington. Homerton & Daventry Academies. Min 1789- 1850, all Warwick and Kenilworth. D 16 Aug 1851 at Leam, nr Warwick. I:1851.543, 588. GEEM. See Oxford DNB.

FILLINGHAM William. B 23 Mar 1782 at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Min 1811-1853, from 1814 at Congleton. D 29 Aug 1853 at Congleton. I:1853.591; CR:1853.782. GEE.

FLETCHER Joseph Eedes. B circa 1809. Min 1848-1857, from 1854 at Crewkerne. D 28 Sept 1858 at Crewkerne. CR:1858.711, 769. GEEM.

FOGG Henry. B 18 Jan 1802 at Ormskirk. Min 1824-1886, all at Ormskirk. D 14 Oct. 1886 at Ormskirk. UA:1887.73. GEE.

FORREST James. MA. Min 1840-1841 at Devonport. D 18 Feb 1858 at Fairmount New York. RKW List. LB Short, Pioneers of Scottish Unitarianism, 1963.146 states that in the 1830s he ministered at Greenock.

FORSTER William. B 21 Nov 1802 at Stockton-on-Tees. Hoxton & Highbury Colleges. (Cong.) Min 1854-1871 all at London, Kentish Town.. D 7 Mar 1871 at Kentish Town. UA:1872.29; UH:1871.92.

FOSTER Thomas. Min Portsmouth, St Thomas’s Street (GB). D 11 Dec 1875 ae 73 at Southsea. I:1875.830; UA:1877.31.

FOX William Johnson. B 1786 near Wrentham Suffolk. Min 1810-1832, from 1824 at London South Place Chapel moving from Parliament Court. After 1832 the congregation moved away with Fox from the Unitarian body. Later MP. D 3 June 1864 in London. I:1864.377 et seq. See Oxford DNB.

FRANKLAND Marmaduke Charles. B 11 Nov 1815 at Leeds. MC York. Min 1838-1884, from 1852 at Atherton Chowbent. D 15 June 1888 at Atherton. UA:1889.77. GEE. J.J.Wright, Chowbent Chapel, 1921, Chap.X.

FRASER John. B 1 Jan 1846. Min 1873-1879, from 1877 at Doncaster. D 1 Jan 1879 at Doncaster. CL:1879.22.

FULLAGER John. Min 1816-1861, from 1818 at Chichester Baffins Lane. D 16 Nov 1863 ae 83 at Chichester. UA:1864. 26.


GASCOIGNE Michael Castle. Min 1846 -1888, from 1853 at London Deptford. D 3 Dec 1888 at Stone. UA:1889.77.

GASKELL William. B 24 July 1805 at Warrington. Glasgow & MC York. MA. Min 1828-1884, all at Manchester, Cross Street. D 11 June 1884 at Manchester. UH:1884.290,296. GEE. See Oxford DNB. B Brill, William Gaskell, Manchester, 1984.

GELDART Edmund Martin. B 20 Jan 1844 at Norwich. Oxford. MA. (Cof E). Min 1873- 1885 from 1878 at Croydon. D 10 Apr 1885 at sea. UA:1886.65. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

GETTY Moore. B 21 Apr 1828 at Ballymoney. Queen’s College Belfast. Min 1854-1899, all at Ballycarry. D 19 Dec 1898 at Ballycarry. NSP, 1994, 49. *1900.

GIBSON Matthew. B 23 Oct 1819 at Antrim. BAI. Min 1842-1886, from 1861 at Dudley Chapel. D 6 Aug 1896 at Evesham. I:1896.528, 531,721. E.D.P.Evans, Kidderminster New Meeting, 1900, 128-134. * 1897.

GIBSON Robert. B 6 May 1806 nr Chipping Ongar. Christ Church Cambridge. BA. (Cof E). Min 1834-1835 at Sidmouth. D 19 July 1878 near Bridport.. I:1878.491, 505, 516; UA:1879.23.

GIBSON Robert Henry. B 1833 at Sidmouth. MC London. BA. Min 1858-1860 at Stourbridge. Emigrated to New Zealand 1878. D 14 July 1894 at New Plymouth, New Zealand. I:1894.576, 577, 587. GEE.

GILBERT John Samuel. B 10 May 1816 at Plymouth. Exeter Independent College. Min 1853-1880, from 1855 at Rivington. D 20 Nov 1885 at Altrincham. I:1885.766, 781. GEE.

GILBERT Thomas. Min 1841-1850, all at Ditchling. D 21 Nov 1894 at Nelson, New Zealand. I:1895. 85.

GILES Henry. B 1 Nov 1809 at Rosminogue, Wexford. Belfast. Min 1835-1840, all at Liverpool, Toxteth. Emigrated to USA. D 17 July 1882 at Boston USA. I:1882.530. GEE.

GISBY Barnard. Min 1877-1883, from 1882 at Portsmouth St Thomas’s.

GLENDY William. B 1782 at Faughanvale Co Londonderry. Min 1812-1853, all at Ballycarry. D 24 July 1853 in Belfast. NSP, 1994, 49.

GLOVER Benjamin. B 11 April 1811 at Chester. UC. Min 1862-1886, from 1878 at Lydgate. D 29 Sept 1890 at Prestatyn. I:1890.639, 645.* 1890.

GORDON David. BAI. Min 1845-1866, 1871-1893 at Downpatrick. D 31 July 1893 at Frankville. CL:1893, 389; NSP, 1995, 91.* 1894.

GORDON John. B 1 Mar 1807 at Dudley. (Wesleyan). Min 1838-1873 from 1863 at Evesham. D 24 April 1880 at Kenilworth. I:1880.293 et seq. See Oxford DNB, under entry for his son Alexander.

GOW John. B 1823 at Leith. Trinity College Dublin, MC. BA. Min 1854-1866, 1870-1872 at Sidmouth. D 18 Nov 1878 near Conway. UA:1879.23;I:1878.781.

GRANT Edward Richard. Min 1873-1885, from 1879 at Northampton. Emigrated to Australia. D 21 Jan 1888 at Sydney. UA:1889.77. RKW List.

GREEN Benjamin Lepard. B 1851. Rawdon Baptist College. Min 1876-1882, from 1879 at Evesham. D 17 May 1882 at Bowden. I:1882.331. GEEM.

GREEN Henry. B 23 June 1801 at Penshurst Kent. Glasgow. MA. Min 1827-1872, all at Allosrtock & Knutsford. D 9 Aug 1873 at Knutsford. GEE. UA:1874.37. See Oxford DNB.

GREEN John. Min Newhall Hill Chapel Birmingham during period laymen were in charge 1834-1848. Included in list of ministers UA 1870 and 1871. D 5 Jan 1880 ae 74 in Birmingham. UA: 1881.24.

GRIFFITH David. B 15 Sept 1823 at Llandyssul. Car. Min 1849-1878, from 1866 at Cheltenham. D 13 July 1878 at St Leonards. I:1874.474; CL:1878.355. RJJ.45.

GRIFFITHS Thomas Jeremy. B 1797 at Llechryd. Car. Min 1822-1868, from 1858 at Cribin. D 19 Jan 1871 at Measymeillion. UA:1872.29. RJJ. 26. DWB.


HAIGH John Lawton. Min 1858-1861, all at Pudsey. D 22 Jan 1863 ae 36 at Blackburn. UA:1864.26; UH:1863.14.

HALL Edward. Min 1843-1861, from 1851 at Leeds, Holbeck DM. D 15 Feb 1861 ae 41 at Leeds. I:1861.148;CR:1861.102, 441.

HALL John. B 1816 at Clough. Min 1839-1884, all at Ballyclare. D 15 Mar 1884 at Ballyclare. UH:1884.142; NSP, June 1994, 118. Brother of Robert & William.

HALL Robert. Min 1839-1876, all at Cairncastle. D 1876. UA:1877.33; NSP, June 2001, 6. Brother of John & William.

HALL William. B 13 Aug 1820 at Clough, Co Antrim. Student,General assembly, Church of Ireland. Min 1847-1876, from 1848 at Greyabbey. D 1876. Brother of John and Robert. UA:1877.33; NSP, 2001. 6. (exact date of death not located)

HAMMOND Edward. B Coggeshall Essex. Min 1862-1867 at Bessels Green. D 29 Mar1867 ae 49 at Bessels Green, of typhus, the day after his wife, leaving 9 children. I:1867.204, 251.

HARDING Matthew. Min circa 1817-1819 at Bessels Green. Emigrated to the USA. D 24 Mar 1852 at Stowe, Mass, USA. RKW List.

HARDY Alfred. B 1794 at Congleton. (Wesleyan). Min 1837-1869, from 1848 at Prescot. D 30 June 1869 at Prescot. I:1869.454, 470. GEE.

HARRIS George. B 15 May 1794 at Maidstone. John Evans Academy, Glasgow. Min 1815-1859, from 1845 at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. D 24 Dec1859 at Newcastle. I:1860.13, 34. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

HARRISON John. B circa 1810 in Manchester. MA, PhD. MC York. Min 1838-1861, from 1847 at London Brixton. D 1861. J.J.Wright, Chowbent Chapel, 1921, Chap.IX.

HARRISON John. B 1815 at Manchester. MC York. PhD Giessen. Min 1847-1863, from 1862 at Ipswich. D 26 Mar 1866 in London. GEE.

HARRISON William. B 21 May 1779. MC. Min 1803-1853, all at Blackley. D 30 Nov.1859 at Blackley. I:1860.13; CR:1860.124. GEE.

HARWOOD Philip. B 1809 at Bristol. Edinburgh. Min 1835-1840 at Bridport, followed by preaching at Edinburgh and assistant minister to WJ Fox at London South Place Chapel. D 10 Dec 1887 at Hastings. I:1887.838. See Oxford DNB.

HAWKES Edward. B 27 July 1803 in Manchester. Glasgow. MA. Min 1833-1866, all at Kendal. D 15 Jan.1866 at Kendal. I:1866.45. GEE.

HAWKES Henry BA, FLS. Min 1833-1872, all at Portsmouth, High Street. D 29 Jan 1886 ae 80 at Liverpool.UA:1887.73:CL:1886.63, 70, 82.

HEINEKIN Nicholas Samuel. Min Sidmouth 1825-1830, 1835-1839, Cullompton 1830-1835. Left the ministry 1839. B Packer, Notes from the West Country, TUHS , 2008. Son in law of Rev Matthew Yeates d 1847.

HERON William. Min 1813-1839, all at Ballyclare. D 10 June 1860 ae 68. I:1860.720; NSP, 1994, 118.

HEYWOOD Joseph. B 1826 at Bolton. UC. Min 1857-1879, from 1866 at the London Domestic Mission. D 2 Mar 1879 ae 53 in London. I:1879.158. GEEM.

HIBBERT James. Min 1847-1851, all at Failsworth, Dob Lane. D 6 Apr 1862. Nightingale, Lancashire Nonconformity, 1893, vol 5, 48.

HIGGINSON Edward. B 1807 at Heaton Norris near Stockport. MC. Min 1828-1880, from 1858 at Swansea. D 12 Feb 1880 at Swansea. UH:1880.60. See Oxford DNB.

HIGGINSON Henry. B 4 Apr 1812, son of Rev Edward of Derby. MC York. Emigrated to Adelaide 1848. Min 1857-1871, all at Melbourne, Victoria (Australia). D 16 Apr 1873 at Melbourne. UA:1874.36; I:1873.389.

HILL John. BA. Min Chichester 1849-1876.

HINCKS Thomas. B 15 July 1818 at Exeter. BAI. MC York. BA. FRS. Min 1840-1869, from 1855 at Mill Hill Chapel Leeds. D 25 Jan 1899. I:1899. 42 et seq. See Oxford DNB. * 1900.

HINCKS Thomas Dix. B 24 June 1767 in Dublin. Trinity College Dublin, Hackney New College. LLD. Min 1790-1814, all at Cork. D 24 Feb 1857 in Belfast. I:1857.143,156; NSP, 1997, 266. See Oxford DNB.

HINCKS William. B 6 Apr 1792 at Cork. MC York. Min 1815-1849, from 1839 at London, Stamford Street. Subsequently Professor of Natural History at Cork and Totonto. D 10 Sept 1871 in Toronto. I:1871.614, 635. GEE. See Oxford DNB. Son of Rev Thomas Dix.

HINDE Charles, lay minister at Stannington 1854-1855. D 30 Oct 1856 ae 56 at Sheffield. FT Wood, History of Stannington, 92.

HINTON George Pulleyn. Min 1858-1864 at Frenchay, formerly a solicitor. D 20 Sept 1864 ae 76 at Kingsdown nr Bristol. I:1864.670; UA:1865.32.

HOADE George. B 1817 in South of England. GB Academy London & MC London. Min 1840-1868, from 1862 at Hindley. D 14 Feb.1868 at Hindley. I:1868.110, 141. GEE.

HOLLAND Thomas. B 1835 at Loughborough. MC Manchester & London. BA. Min 1858-1881, from 1868 at Southport. D 8 May 1883 at Southport. I:1883.302, 327. GEE.

HOLLAND Thomas Crompton. B circa 1794. MC York. Min 1814-1857, from 1827 at Loughborough. D 9 July 1861 at Oldham. CR:1861.512. GEE.

HOPE John Henry. B Fenton Barns, East Lothian. Edinburgh. Min 1841-1847, from 1846 at Lancaster. D 28 June 1870 at Tranent, East Lothian. I:1870.439. GEE.

HOPKINSON Elijah Whittaker. B 2 Nov 1827 at Rawtenstall.. UC. Min 1858-1882 from 1879 at Pudsey. D 25 Dec 1893 at Rawtenstall. I:1893.832. * 1895.

HOPPUS John. Born 1789 in London (bap.1791 at Hoxton). Glasgow, Edinburgh. MA, LLD, FRS. Min 1823-1825 at London, Carter Lane. This was his only ministry; he is shown in the Congregational Year Book until his death as an Independent minister. Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of London. D 29 Jan 1875 in London. I:1875.93. See Oxford DNB

HORNBLOWER Francis. B Apr 1812 at Stourbridge. Min 1849-1853, all at Nantwich. D 31 Jan 1853. CR:1853.197. GEE.

HORNBLOWER Frederic. Min 1840-1843, all at Lydgate. D 23 Dec 1864 ae 51 at Birmingham. I:1864.861. RKW List.

HORSFIELD Frederick. Min 1820-1860, all at Cirencester. D 8 Feb 1860 at Cirencester I:1860.154; CR:1860.192 (no age given).

HORT Charles Danvers. B 20 Mar 1807 at Bristol. MC York. Min 1829-1836, all at Manchester, Gorton. D 30 Sept.1867 in Dublin. GEE.

HOWARTH Franklin. B 24 Nov 1804 at Audenshaw. MC York. Min 1826-1882 from 1853 at Bury Free Christian Church. D 12 June 1882 at Bury. GEE.

HOWE Charles. Min 1867-1883, from 1872 at London Notting Hill. D 29 Jan 1883 ae 56 in London. UA:1884.29.

HOWSE Henry Edward. Min 1827-1828, 1856-1857, both at Frenchay. D 7 Feb 1876 ae 82 at Bath. I:1876.111. UA:1877.33.

HUBBARD Cubitt Boardman. B 21 Apr 1779 at Walton Hall, Norfolk. Homerton Academy. Min 1801-1854, from 1843 at Rivington. D 11 Apr 1854 at Rivington. CR:1854.451. GEE.

HUGHES William Beynon. B 17 Feb 1840 near Merthyr. Car. Min 1861-1872, from 1863 at Penmaenmawr. D 1 April 1878 at Cefn. UA:1879.23. RJJ.72.

HUMPHREYS James. Min London Dockhead (GB). D 29 Aug 1858 ae 68 at Bermondsey. CR:1858.647; I:1858.593, 630.

HUNGES Leonard. B 1824 in Prussia. (RC, Protestant Evangelical Church of Prussia). Min 1867-1873, from 1871 at Devonport. NSP, 1996, 262

HUNTER Joseph. B 1783 Min 1809-1833 at Bath. Assistant Keeper of the Public Records D 9 May 1861. I:1871.330, 371. See Oxford DNB

HUNTER Stephenson. B 29 Mar 1803 at Crumlin, Ireland. BAI. Min 1830-1875, from 1863 at Carmarthen. Principal Car.College. D 6 Nov 1875 at Carmarthen. I:1875.764, 749/750, 827. GEEM.

HUNTER Thomas. B Cairncastle. BAI. Min 1843-1860, from 1855 at Coventry Great Meeting. Librarian and Secretary Dr Williams’s Trust 1865-1885. D 24 March 1898 ae 80 at Sidmouth. I:1898.214, 222, 326 * 1899.

HUNTER Hamilton. Min 1837-1841, from 1840 at Lancaster. D 13 Sept 1871 ae 76 at Bury St Edmunds. UA:1872.29. GEE.

HUNTER William. BAI. Min 1824-1873, all at Bandon. D 8 Mar 1873 ae 73 at Bandon. UA:1874.37; NSP, June 1995, 129.

HUTTON George Min not identified. D 14 Oct 1860 ae 54 at Belfast. I:1860.889; CR:1860.773.

HUTTON Joseph. B 1766 in Dublin. Trinity College Dublin. MA. Min 1788-1856, all at Dublin, Eustace Street. D 7 Feb 1856. CR:1856.192, 254; NSP, 1999, 107.

HUTTON Joseph. B 11 June 1790 in Dublin. Trinity College Dublin, Glasgow. LLD. Min 1813 -1860, from 1852 at Derby. D 28 Mar.1860 at Derby. I:1860.283. Son of Rev Joseph.

HUTTON Joseph Henry. B 1822 in Leeds. MC Manchester. MA. Min 1848-1859, from 1853 at Manchester Upper Brook Street. Conformed to C of E. Vicar of Knapton, Yorks. D 4 Dec 1899. I:1899.807, 813. GEE.

HUTTON Hugh. B 1795 at Belfast. BAI & Glasgow. MA. Min 1820-1871, from 1862 at Bury St Edmunds. D 13 Sept.1871. I:23 Sept 1871. GEE & GEEM.


IERSON Henry. B 1 Dec 1819. Baptist College Stepney, University of Edinburgh. MA. (Baptist). Min 1857-1874 at London, Islington. Secretary B&FUA from 1874. D 27 Aug 1892 in London. CL:1892, 425, 426, 430, 441. * 1893.


JAMES John. B 1778 (one source states 1779) at Llangaler Car. Exeter Academy. Min 1802-1864, from 1815 at Gellionen and other places D 1 Sept 1864 at Vardre near Swansea. I:1864.605,682. DWB.

JAMES William. B 2 Sept 1808 at Flushing. Min 1830-1876, from 1842 at Bristol, Lewin’s Mead. D 16 Jan 1876 at Clifton. I:1876.61, 62, 77, 117; CL:1877.483,1878.26.

JENKINS John. B 21 Aug.1808 at Swansea. Car.& Glasgow. MA. Min 1832-1839, from 1837 at Boston. Editor Swansea and Glamorgan Herald. Barrister. D 14 Oct 1884 in London. I:1884.659. GEE. RJJ.31. DWB.

JENNINGS John. B 1832. BA. Min 1855-1870, from 1869 at Warrenpoint. D 14 May 1870 at Warrenpoint. UA:1871.35; NSP, 1998, 32.

JEREMY John. B 28 Oct 1782 near Carmarthen. Car. (Cong.) Min 1819-1845, all at Caeronen. D 16 Nov 1860 at Lampeter. UA:1861.30. RJJ. 14. DWB.

JEREMY Walter Daniel (David). B 5 May 1825 near Lampeter. Car, Glasgow. MA, JP. Min 1851-1852 at Northampton. Became a barrister, Bencher Grey’s Inn. D 18 Aug 1893 in London. I:1893.606 et seq. RJJ.47. DWB.

JEVONS William. B 2 Jan.1794 at Old Swinford. Glasgow, MC York. Min 1816-1821, from 1819 at Walthamstow. D 14 June 1873 at Liverpool. I:1873. 407, 596. GEE.

JOHNSON Thomas H. Min 1871-1876, at the Belfast, Stanhope Street DM. D 16 Feb 1876 ae 47 at Belfast. UA:1877.31.

JOHNSON William. BAI. Min circa 1840-1844, from 1843 at Hinckley.

JOHNSTONE Thomas. Min 1790-1833, all at Wakefield. D 19 Apr 1857 ae 88 at Wakefield. CR:1856:379;I:1856.269.

JONES Daniel Hughes. Min not identified. LLD. D 22 Aug 1866 near Gravesend at an advanced age. UA:1867.30. I:1866.545 (this obit does not say he was a minister.)

JONES David. Car. Min 1838-1847, all at Blaengwrach. D 1870s, probably in Cardiff. RJJ.35.

JONES Evan. B 1796 at Cribin, Cardiganshire. Car. Min 1820-1858, from 1824 at Bewdley. Emigrated to USA in 1858 where he died. RJJ. 21. D Elwyn Davies, They Thought for Themselves, Llandysul,1982.54 states he died 1859.

JONES Evan Owen. B 1781 probably at Llandyssul. Car. Min 1804-1867, from 1807 at Duffield. D 2 Jan 1867 at Driffield. I:1867.28; RJJ.9

JONES John Edward. B 7 July 1801 at Carmarthen. Car. Min 1821-1866, all at Bridgend. First Editor, Yr Ymofynydd. D 25 Feb 1866 at Bridgend. UA: 1867.30. RJJ. 25. Profile CL 1884.215. DWB.

JONES John. B 20 July 1802 at Llanarth. Car. Min 1833-1863 at Aberdare Old Meeting. D 19 Dec 1863 at Aberdare. I:1864.14; UA:1865.32; RJJ.30. DWB.

JONES John David. B about 1861 near Cribin. Car. Min 1884-1886 (assistant) at Aberdare. D 3 May 1886 ae 25 at Aberdare. RJJ.102.

JONES Noah. B 13 Jan 1801 at Etruria. Wymondley Academy. Min 1821-1861, from 1848 at Liverpool Gateacre. D 28 Aug 1861. CR :1861.755. GEE.

JONES Robert Crompton. B 23 Aug 1832 at Walsall. MNC. BA. Min 1857-1870, from 1868 at Derby. D 22 Apr 1885 at Tunbridge Wells. UA:1886.66; CL:1885.214.

JONES Thomas. B 6 July 1812 at Harwarden. Min 1852-1879, from 1875 at Prescot Chapel. D 28 Aug 1896 at Manchester. I:1896.577, 579.* 1897.

JONES William Arthur. B 1 May 1818 at Carmarthen. Car, Glasgow. MA, JP. Min 1841-1866 from 1852 at Taunton. D 23 Apr 1873 at Taunton. UH:1873.142 RJJ. 41. See Oxford DNB.

JOSEPH Peter. B 8 Feb 1824 at Llanfihangel-ar-arth. Car. Min 1848-1857 from 1853 at Panteg and other places. D 19 Mar 1857. UA:1858. 57. RJJ. 49.


KEDWARDS James. B 1820 at Cradley. Min 1866-1885 from 1877 at Raloo, Ireland. D 2 Jan 1891 in the Isle of Man. I:1891.30. GEEM. * 1892.

KELL Edmund. B 16 Jan 1799 at Wareham. Glasgow, MC York. MA. Min 1823-1874, from 1854 at Southampton. D 17 Jan 1874 at Southampton. I:1874.62, 63.

KENNEDY Samuel. B 1769 Min 1803-1817, all at Stockton. D 1851. (not found in Johnson Index).

KENRICK George. B 28 Oct 1792 at Exeter. Glasgow & MC York. MA. Min 1813-1847, from 1846 at Battle. D 2 Dec 1874 at Tunbridge Wells. I:1874.799, 813-814. See Oxford DNB. Son of Rev Timothy.

KENTISH John. B 26 June 1768 at St Albans. Daventry Academy and Hackney New College. Min 1790-1853, from 1803 at Birmingham New Meeting. D 6 Mar 1853 in Birmingham. I:1853. 174, 180. GEEM. See Oxford DNB. Will 4 April 1853, NA, PROB11/2170.

KNOTT Henry. Min 1836-1865, from 1854 at Plymouth. D 5 Sept 1865 ae 54 at Plymouth. UH:1865.298.

KNOWLES Francis. B 10 Aug 1785 at Sheffield. Hackney Academy( Robert Aspland). Min 1813-1857, from 1823 at Wigan, Park Lane. D 17 Oct.1857 at Wigan. CR:1857.776. GEE.


LAKE John William. B 1823 in London. Westminster Hospital. LSA (medical qualification). Min 1859-1893, from 1862 at Warwick High Street Chapel. D 14 March 1899 at Margate. I:1898.182. *1900.

LAMPRAY John. Min 1838-1846 at Lincoln, also at Kenilworth. D 13 Mar 1884 ae 70 in London. I:1884.175.

LAYHE John. B 22 Feb 1804 at Alderwasley, Derbyshire. Rowell Academy ( Walter Scott) & Highbury College. Min 1841-1845, all at Manchester DM. D 24 June 1855. CR:1855.581. GEE.

LEDLIE James Crawford, B 1795 at Coagh, Co Tyrone. Glasgow. DD. Min 1806-1852, from 1832 at Dublin Eustace Street. D 11 Aug 1852. I:1852. 555, 559. NSP, July 2002, 9.

LEE George. B 10 Sept.1805 at Hull. MC York. Min 1826-1835, from 1829 at Kendal. Editor, Kendal Mercury 1835-1862. D June 1862 at Kendal. GEE.

LEE Joseph. B Barnard Castle. Min 1871-1877 at Barnard Castle. D 22 Jan 1887 ae 67 at Barnard Castle. CL:1887.58.

LEWIS Evan. B circa 1798 Llanwnen near Cribin. Car. Min 1847-1851, all at Blaengwrach, Vale of Neath. D 25 June 1851. YrYnofnydd 1889.128; RJJ. 27.

LEWIS Lewis. B 19 Apr 1792. Car. Min 1814-1848, from 1846 at Liverpool, Gateacre. D 12 Oct 1870 in London. I:1870. 679, 726; RJJ. 19.

LINWOOD William. Glasgow. Min 1840-1848, from 1842 at Mansfield. Editor, The Eclectic 1850. J.H.White, Story of Old Meeting Mansfield, 68-78. CR:1850.253-255; I:1850.141,173,191.

LLOYD David. B 1805 at Llandyssul. Car, Glasgow. MA, LLD. Min 1833-1863, all at Carmarthen. Principal Car College. D 13 Sept 1863 at Carmarthen. CR:1863.639.679. RJJ. 33. Profile CL 1884.215. DWB.

LLOYD Evan William. B Dec 1832 at Nottage. Car. Min 1856-1892, from 1859 at Cwmbach. D 17 June 1894 at Newton, Porthcawl. CL: 20 June 1894. RJJ. 65 * 1895.

LLOYD John Briggs. B 6 March 1836 at Nottage. Car, MC. Min 1859-1897 from 1895 at Liverpool, Toxteth. D 27 May 1897. I:1897. 367, 369, 388. RJJ.58. * 1898.

LLOYD Rees Lewis. B 1819 at Kingswood Worcs. MC York. Min 1845-1885, all at Belper. D 10 Mar 1885 at Belper. UA: 1886.67; CL:1885.142. Son of Rees Lloyd of Kingswood.

LLOYD Titus. B May 1795 at Bridell, nr Cardigan. Min 1847-1878 all at Nottage and Wick. D 24 Oct 1878 near Bridgend. I:1878.703; UA:1879.23.

LOYD Lewis. B 1 Jan 1767 at Cwmyto, Carm. Llanycrwys by Badid Price, Presbyterian College Swansea and Manchester Academy. Min 1790-92 at Failsworth. D 14 May 1858 at Overstone Park, Northamptonshire. The richest banker of his day. GEE. CR: 1858.414; I: 1869.276. See Oxford DNB under his son Sydney (Lord Overstone). DWB.

LUNN James. B 1776 at Magherally. Glasgow. Min 1821-1863 (?), all at Carlingford. D 13 May 1863 at Warrenpoint. UA:1864.26; NSP, 1996, 211. Brother of Rev Abraham and John.

LUNN John Calbraith. B 1823 at Carlingford. BAI. FRSA. Min 1848 – 1881, from 1880 at Leicester, Wellington Street Chapel. D 29 Dec 1891 ae 69. at Leamington I:1892.26, 29. * 1893. Brother of Revs James and Abraham.

LUPTON Arthur. B New York, USA. MC York. BA Min 1846-1850, from 1848 at Lewes. D 5 Mar 1867 ae 49 near Torquay. I:1867.156/157.


M’ALESTER Charles James. B 21 Dec 1810 in Belfast. BAI. Min 1834-1891 all at Holywood. D 8 Aug 1891 at Holywood. I:1891.531; NSP, 2001, 5 * 1892.

M’FERRAN James. B 1819 at Antrim. Min 1849-1896, from 1872 at Ballyhemlin, Ireland. D 10 April 1896 at Antrim. NSP,1993, 197. * 1897.

MACCALL William. Min 1841-1846 at Crediton, also possibly at London, Stamford Street. D November 1888, probably in London. I:1888.735.

MACDONALD Archibald Forbes. B 1808 in Aberdeen. Aberdeen. MA. Min 1835-1882, from 1878 at Lewes. D 22 Sept 1886 at Lewes. UA:1887.73. GEE

MACDONALD John. Min 1819-1827, all at Fulwood. D 3 Aug 1855. RKW List.

MACDONALD Simon Frederick. B 1822 in Aberdeen. Aberdeen, Bonn. Min 1847-1862, from 1860 at Rochdale. D 9 Jan 1862 at Rochdale. CR:1862.167. GEE.

MACLELLAN Robert Edward Barnes. BAI. Min 1835 – 1880, from 1873 at Chatham. D 17 Aug 1892 ae 85 in London. CL:1892, 406 * 1893.

MADGE Thomas. B 1786 at Plymouth. MC York. Min 1810- 1859, from 1825 at London Essex Street Chapel. D 29 Aug 1870 in London . Memoir by W James. UH:1870. 281. See Oxford DNB.

MAGINNIS David. B 6 Feb 1821 at Downpatrick. BAI. Min 1842-1861, from 1862 at Stourbridge. D 11 Aug 1884. UH:1884.398. GEEM.

MAGOWAN (or McGowan) William Orr. B 28 Oct 1814. Min 1842-1885, from 1862 at Ravara. D 7 Feb 1885. UA:1886.67; NSP, June 2001,6. GEEM.

MALCOLM James. B 20 Oct 1811 at Newry. BAI. Min 1835-1855, from 1851 at Chester. D 26 Dec 1855 at Chester. GEE. CR:1856.123; NSP, 1996, 262. Son of Rev Andrew George.

MALLESON John Philip. B 11 Feb 1796 at Battersea. Wymondley Academy, Glasgow. BA. Min 1829-1860, all at Brighton. D 16 Mar 1869 ae 72 at Croydon. UA:1870.33. See Oxford DNB.

MARDON Benjamin. B 18 May 1792 at Exeter. MC York, Glasgow. MA. Min 1817-1863, from 1854 at Sidmouth D 15 Apr 1866 ae 74 at Exeter. UH:1866.134, 137; UA:1867.30.

MARRIOTT John Towle. B 1 Nov 1851 at Nottingham. Regent’s Park College. Min 1874-1890, from 1876 at Manchester Strangeways. D 22 Nov 1890 at Liverpool. I:1890.762, 770, 774. *1890.

MARRIOTT Joseph. Min 1818-1836, with gaps from 1834 at Todmorden. Seedsower 1894.137.

MARTEN John. B 4 Jan 1801 at Dover. GBA. Min 1836-1880, from 1867 at London Peckham. D 23 Aug 1880 in London. I:1880.589, 591; UH:1880. 282, 286.

MARTIN Samuel. B 16 Oct 1801 at Nantwich. Min 1827- 1877, all at Trowbridge. D 26 July 1877 at Trowbridge. UA:1878.37. I:1877.519, 522, 538. See Record of Unitarian Worthies. 213

MATTHIASON John Henry. Min 1852-1853 at Hinckley, also at Wisbech. D 28 Mar 1859 at Devonport. I:1859. 270 (no age given).

MAURICE Michael. B 3 Jan 1766 near Todmorden, Yorks. Hoxton & Hackney Colleges. Min 1787-1824, from 1815 at Bristol, Frenchay. D 6 Apr 1855 in London. CR:1855, 407-417. D Young, Life of FD Maurice, Oxford, 1992. 62-91 et passim.

MAURICE Mortimer. B 1808. MC York. Min 1833-1850, all at Chester. D 1865 at Chester. GEE.

McCAMMON Francis. B 21 June 1815. Min 1843-1885, from 1867 at Banbridge. D 28 Oct 1886. UH:1886.542; NSP, 1995, 56; 1996.140, 1998.31.

McCAW John. B 12 May 1812 near Dromore. BAI. Min. 1838-1884, from 1855 at Killinchy. D July 1884 at Killinchy (buried 30 July). CL:1884.374; NSP, 2002, 7.

McCOMBE Alexander. Min 1850-1870, from 1865 at Colyton. D 30 May 1876 ae 70 at Colyton. I:1876.358, 360; UA:1877.33.

McCONNOCHIE James. B 15 July 1844 at Glasgow. Glasgow, UC. Min 1874-1892 , all at Sale. D 4 June 1892 at Sale. I:1892.383. * 1893.

McCULLOCH William. B 1850 at Ballyclare, Co Antrim. UC. Min 1873-1878, from 1875 at Larne. D 30 Apr 1878 at Larne. CL:1878.219; NSP, 2002, 9

McDOWELL James. B at Raloo. BAI. Min 1837-1863, from 1854 at Banbury. D 3 Oct.1876 at Banbury. NSP, 1996, 156. GEEM.

McFADDEN Joseph. B 25 Dec 1810 at Moneyreagh. Min 1837- 1877, from 1864 at Ballyclare. D 6 Apr 1877. UA:1878.37;NSP, 1995, 4.

McGIFFIN Alexander. B 1837 at Ballycarry. MC London. Min 1867 at Ballymena. D 24 Oct 1867 at Ballymena. UA:1868.30; NSP,1994, 239.

McKEAN William. B 13 Jan 1787 at Paisley. Min 1835-1869, from 1855 at Oldbury. D 28 July 1869 ae 82 at Oldbury. I:1869.533; UA:1870.33. GEEM.

McKEE John Riddell. B 1805 at Drumbo, Co Down. BAI. Min circa 1852-1873, from 1854 at Shrewsbury. D 25 Aug.1883 in London. I:1883.555. GEEM.

McMASTER Alexander Hill. B Ballymaleddy, Moneyrea. UC. Min Derby 1860. D 9 June 1861 ae 25 at Ballymaleddy, Moneyrea. UH:1861.71; UA:1862.29.

MEANS Joseph Calrow. B 20 May 1801 in London. University College London, GB Academy (B Mardon). Min 1829-1874, from 1855 at London Worship Street. Secretary GB Assembly. His Arian views made him sit uncomfortably with Unitarianism. D 6 Feb 1879 ae 77 in London. CL: 1879.82,83. See Oxford DNB.

MEEKE Joseph Charles. B 1789. Hackney Academy (Aspland). Min 1818-1865, from 1854 at Macclesfield. D 9 June 1865 at Macclesfield. I:1865. 391, 407.

MILLAR Robert. Min 1870-1878, from 1871 at Dromore. D 16 May 1879 ae 28 at Annaghlone. CL:1879. 250; NSP, 1998, 163.

MINNIS William Beck. B County Antrim. BAI. Min 1839-1853, all at Dromore. D 1 Feb 1885 ae 68 at Dromore. UH: 1885.82; NSP, 1998, 163.

MITCHELL William. B 5 May 1829 at Halifax. UC. Min 1861-1883, from 1879 at Manchester, Longsight Chapel. D 3 Apr 1897 at Manchester. I:1897. 239, 254, 270.* 1898.

MONTGOMERY Alexander. B 1765 near Rasharkin. Trinity College Dublin. MA. Min 1801-1836, all at Glenarm. D 1 Apr 1853. NSP, Sept 2000, 392.

MONTGOMERY Henry. B 16 Jan 1788 at Killead. Glasgow. MA, LLD. Min 1809-1865, all at Dunmurray. D 18 Dec 1865 at Dunmurry. UH:1865.411, 416; NSP, Nov 1999, 204. See Oxford DNB.

MONTGOMERY John. B 21 Mar 1819 at Killead. BAI. Min 1840-1867 from 1847 at Banbridge. D 28 Apr 1867 at Banbridge. UA:1868.30; NSP, 2002. 7.

MONTGOMERY Robert Mortimer. B 1810 at Belfast. Trinity College Dublin. Min 1831- 1852, from 1836 at Taunton. D 1888. (not in Johnson index).

MOON Michael Alfred. B Ireland. Min early 1850s at Pudsey,1855-1863 at Stannington, followed by Cleator Mill, nr St Bees. FT Wood, History of Stannington. 93-94.

MOORE Hugh. B 18 Sept 1804 at Newtownards. BAI, University of Glasgow. MA. Min 1826-1888, all at Newtownards. D 26 Feb 1893 ae 88 at Newtownards. CL:1893, 106; NSP, 2004.10 * 1894.

MORRIS Frederick Sydney. Cheshunt College. (Cong.) Min 1880-1893, from 1881 at York. D 4 Aug 1893 ae 47 at York. I:1893.510. * 1894.

MOUNTFORD William. B Kidderminster. MC York. MA. PhD Geissen. Min 1838-1850, from 1848 at Kingswood, nr Birmingham. Then minister at large USA. D 20 Apr 1885 at Boston, USA. I:1887.795. GEEM.

MULLIGAN James. BAI. Min 1833-1869, from 1836 at Moira. D 26 Sept 1869 at Moira.UA:1870.33; NSP, 2003, 5.

MURCH Jerom. B 29 Oct 1807 at Honiton. GB Academy. Min 1829-1846, from 1833 at Bath, Trim Street. Seven times Mayor of Bath. Knighted 21 May 1894. D 13 May 1895 at Bath I:1895.313, 331. See Oxford DNB

MURRAY John. B 1822 at Lanton, Nr Jedburgh. Meadville College Chicago, Harvard Divinity School. Min at three Unitarian churches in the USA, then Britain 1872-1885, from 1884 at Crewkerne. D 15 May 1886 at Ilminster I:1886.335, 348, 1887.9; CL:1878.592; UA:1887.73.

MYERS Edward. B 1830 in Lancashire. Min 1852-1897, with gaps, from 1873 at Shrewsbury. D 16 Jan 1897 at Shrewsbury. I:1897. 59,70.


NAYLOR John. Min 1851-1863, from 1856 at Shepton Mallet. D 21 Feb 1872 nr Reading. I:1872.173,174;UA:1873.36.

NELSON Samuel Craig. B 24 Feb 1800 at Downpatrick. Glasgow. MA. Min 1825-1891, from 1835 at Downpatrick, Ireland. D 27 Jan. 1891 at Downpatrick. NSP, 1998, 84. * 1892. Son of Rev James.

NEWTON William. Stepney College. Min 1856-1862, from 1860 at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Entered C of E ministry and emigrated to Canada. J.H.White, Story of Old Meeting Mansfield, 1959, 80-81.

NUTTER Charles Case. B 1804. Wymondley College. (Cong). Min 1831-1884, from 1864 at Banbury. D 15 Aug 1891 at Finchley. I:1891.712, 759.* 1892.


O’GORMAN Thomas. Min 1852-1854 at Ballycarry. Later a writer on Swedenborg. NSP,1994, 49.

ODGERS William James. B 29 Apr 1810 at Flushing Cornwall. GB Academy (Mardon). Min 1830-1873, from 1853 at Bath. D 11 Dec 1884 in London. CL:1884. 603, 614; I:1884.802, 803, 816.

ORR Alexander. Min 1838-1869, all at Ballyhemlin. D 4 Nov 1869 at Ballyhemlin. I:1869.757.

ORR James. Min 1833-1882, all at Clonmel. I:1882.674; CL:1882.486, 498.

ORR John. BAI. Min 1848-1879, from 1850 at Comber. Emigrated to Boston, USA. D 1896. NSP, 1997, 196. Son of Rev Alexander of Ballyhemlin.

OWEN John. B circa 1799. MC York. Min 1821-1882, from 1861 at Whitby. D 23 Nov 1883. I:1883.765. GEEM.


PALMER John. B 1801 in Killotteran, Waterford, Trinity College Dublin. BA. Min 1831-1852, from 1833 at Dudley. Treasurer, Island of Dominica 1853-1866. D 8 Mar 1869 at Waterford. GEEM.

PARKINSON William. B 1792 at Dukinfield. Glasgow. Min 1817-1857, from 1837 at Tamworth. D 3 June 1857. CR:1857.592. GEEM.

PATTERSON Alexander. B Nov.1799 probably near Leicester. Glasgow. MA. Min 1822-1852, all at Stourbridge. D 3 Apr 1852. CR:1852.322; I:1852.237. GEEM.

PAYNE Alfred. B 15 Dec 1840 at Deal. UC. Min 1864-1892, from 1890 at Manchester, Strangeways Chapel. D 29 Feb 1892 in Manchester. CL: 1892.114,118, 125. * 1893.

PERRY Charles John. B June 1852 at Bulwell near Nottingham. MC London. BA. Min 1878-1883 all at Liverpool Hope Street. D 9 Oct 1883 at Nottingham. UH:1883.492. GEE.

PHILP Robert K. B 1769 at Falmouth. Min 1812 -1847, from 1832 at London, Spicer Street DM. D 27 Aug 1850 ae 81 at Islington. UA:1851.63; I:1850.560, 599. TUHS , 1996, 118-122.

PILCHER Richard. B Oct 1830 in Dublin. MC Manchester & Heidelberg. BA. Min 1864-1887, from 1878 at Warrington. D 12 Oct 1887 in Manchester. I:22 Oct.1887. GEE.

PILKINGTON Joseph Mills. B 1835 at Salford. Min 1879-1888 all at Selby. D 6 May 1888 (or 22 Apr) at Selby. UA:1889.77; I:1888.275, 288.

PILLARS James. B 1834 at Bristol. MC London. BA. Min 1863-1875, from 1864 at Sydney, Australia. D 31 July 1875 at Sydney. UH:1875.329, quoting Sydney Evening Post, 2 Aug 1875. GEE.

PIPER Henry Hunt. B 26 Aug 1782 in London. Hoxton & Homerton Academies. Min 1805-1853, from 1843 at Banbury. D 13 Jan.1864 in London. I:1864.46, 75. GEEM. J.E. Manning, Upper Chapel, Sheffield, 1900.101-102.

POPE William Annette. B 24 Apr 1835 at Romsey, Hants. Min 1870-1882, from 1879 at London Spicer Street. D 7 Aug 1882. I:1882.611, 627, 639, 643, 675; UH:1882.383, 395. GEE.

PORTER Classon Emmet. B 1813 at Artikelly, Co Londonderry. BAI, MC York. Min 1838-1885 , all at Larne. D 27 May 1885 at Ballygally Castle. UH:1885.266, 278; NSP, 2002, 9; 1993, 52-54, 93-94, 139-141.

PORTER James Nixon. B 7 Nov 1815 at Artikelly, Derry. MC York. Min 1838-1872, from 1862 at Warrington. D 28 July 1875 at Great Malvern. I:1875.542, 543, 559. GEE.

PORTER John. B Aug 1800 at Lough Muck, Tyrone. BAI. Min 1827-1874, from 1829 at Belfast Second Congregation. D 12 Feb.1874 at Lough Muck. I:1874.125-126. NSP, 1995, 259. GEE.

PORTER John. B Moneyreagh. Min 1850 -1884, from 1860 at Ballee. D 31 May 1884 ae 58 at Ballee. I:1884.369 NSP, Jan 1994, 14.

PORTER John Scott. B 31 Dec 1801 at Newtonlimavady. BAI. Min 1826- 1880, from 1832 at Belfast, First Church. D 5 July 1880 in Belfast. UH:1880.223, 230. See Oxford DNB.

POUND George Culver. Min 1809-1841, all at Dover. D 14 July 1866 ae 79 at Dover. I:1866.464.

POYNTING Thomas Elford. B 1 Sept.1813 at Chilcompton. MC Manchester. Min 1846-1878, all at Monton. D 28 Feb 1878 at Monton. CL:1878.111. GEE.

PROBERT William. B 11 Aug 1790 at Painscastle, Radnorshire. (Wesleyan). Min 1821-1870, all at Walmsley. D 1 Apr 1870 at Walmsley. I:1870.237, 238. GEE. See Oxford DNB.


RAGLAND John Searl. B 8 Nov 1785 at Stogumber, Somerset. Bristol Baptist Academy. Min 1822-1861, all at Hindley. D 1 Apr 1870 at Lower Broughton. I:1870.238; UH: 1870.117. GEE.

READ Thomas Jones. B 1810 at Gloucester Min 1846-1867, from 1859 at King’s Lynn, Salem Chapel. D 6 Jan 1880 at Cirencester. I:1880.45,47; UH:1880.29.

REES Thomas. B 1777 at Galligron, Glam. Car. LLD. Min 1803-1832, from 1823 at London Stamford Street. D 1 Aug 1864 at Brighton. I:1885.279. DWB. See Oxford DNB.

REES William. B 1822 at Cwmwrdu. Car. Min 1859-1893, all at Rhydygwin and Cilau Aeron. D 19 Feb 1893 at Cribin. CL:1893, 106. RJJ. 73. * 1894.

RIDE George. B 14 April 1819 at Mercaston near Derby. UC. Min 1864-1899, from 1865 at Chorley, Park Street Chapel. D 13 July 1899 at Chorley. I:1899. 478, 487. * 1900.

RIX Thomas. B 22 Aug.1807. Min 1857-1879, all at London Stratford. D 26 Dec 1886. Memorial in Stratford Church. I:1887.14; CL:1887.6, 10.

ROBBERDS John. B circa 1814 in Manchester. Son of John Gooch. MC. BA. Min 1837-1866 from 1840 at Liverpool, Toxteth. D 8 Feb 1892 ae 77 at Bridgwater. I:1892. 103 et seq. * 1893.

ROBBERDS Charles William. B 25 Dec 1812 at Manchester. Son of Rev John Gooch. MC York. Min 1836-1869, from 1853 at Oldham. D 13 Nov 1898 near Bath. I:1898.758, 766. J.H.White, Story of Old Meeting Mansfield, 1959, 64-68.

ROBBERDS John Gooch. B 18 May 1789 at Norwich. MC York Min 1810-1854, from 1811 at Manchester, Cross Street. D 21 Apr 1854 at Manchester. CR:1854.343. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

ROBERTS Griffith. B 1783 near Carmarthen. Car, MC York. Min 1808-1857, from 1837 at Kirkstead. D 31 Dec 1857 at Lincoln. CR:1858.185. RJJ.12.

ROBERTSON John. B 22 Oct 1825 in Glasgow. Min 1852-1867, from 1857 at High Garrett & Halstead. D 20 April 1867 at Saffron Walden. I:1867.267, 299, 330; UA:1868.30. GEEM.

ROBINSON Samuel. B 1833 in Macclesfield. UC. Min 1862-1876, from 1871 at Newark. GEE and UC Register but no date of death stated.

ROGERS Reginald James. B 29 Aug 1832 at Cold Harbour, Monmothshire. Car, MC London. Min 1856-1859 at Northampton. D 2 July 1880 at Burnham. RJJ. 64.

ROWLINSON William. B circa 1800 in Liverpool. Glasgow. Min 1837-1866, from 1847 at Cullompton. D 22 July 1866 at Cullompton. UA:1867.30.GEE.

ROWNTREE Mark. Min 1834-1867, all at Poole. D 22 Oct 1883 ae 76 at Welburn, York. I:1883.70; CL:1883.530.

RUSSELL John Tait. B 1841 at Glasgow. MC London. Min 1868-1885, from 1875 at Macclesfield. D 27 Feb 1888 at Macclesfield. UA:1889.77. GEE.

RYLAND John Howard. Min 1825-1861, from 1844 at Bradford, Yorks. D 10 Sept 1872 ae 68 at Whitby. I:1872, 603; UA: 1873.36.


SADLER. Thomas. B 5 July 1822 at Horsham. GB Academy, UC London, and in Germany (Bonn and Erlangen). PhD. Min 1845-1891 from 1846 at London, Hampstead. D 11 Sept 1891 at Hampstead. I:1891.610, 613, 619.* 1892. See Oxford DNB.

SAINT Christmas Newson. B 25 Dec 1781 at Norwich. Min 1816-1854 from 1832 at Headcorn General Baptist. D 11 Sept 1854 at Norwich. GEEM. Will 30 Oct 1854 (stationer), NA, PROB11/2199.

SCHOLEFIELD William S. B 1820. Min 1844-1847, all at Oldham. D 1881 at Pickering Yorks GEE. (family mentioned, Rev J at I:1853.238)

SCOTT Matthew. B 1818 at Girvan. Min 1851-1863 at Girvan. D 18 Mar 1863 ae 45 at Girvan, Ayrshire. UA:1864.26; I:1863.191, 222; CR:1863.382. LB Short, Pioneers of Scottish Unitarianism, 1963, 149-150.

SCOTT Thomas Hugh Marshall. B Dec 1833 in Newry. Belfast Queen’s College. MA. Min 1861-1895, from 1866 at Dunmurry. D 25 May 1895 at Dunmurry. I:1895.255; NSP, Nov 1999, 204. * 1896.

SELBY William. Min 1824-1836, from 1835 at Hapton. D 23 Jan 1856 ae 65 at Hapton. CR:1856.64; I:1862.178.

SHAEN Richard. B 1 Nov 1817 at Crix, near Chelmsford. Glasgow, MC York, Berlin & Rome. MA. Min 1842-1894, from 1855 at Royston. D 24 Jan 1894 at Royston. I:1894.52, 61. * 1895.

SHANNON John. B 17 July 1823 at Tullyvallen, Amargh. BAI.. Min 1846-1878, from 1865 at Liverpool DM. D 26 (or 7) Jan 1885 at Hull. I:1885.79,93; CL:1885.58. GEE.

SHARMAN William. B 29 Feb 1841. Ranmoor College Sheffield, Aberdeen. (Methodist New Connexion). Min 1861-1867, then USA, 1875-1889 from 1884 at Preston. D 15 Nov 1889 at Preston. I:1889.760, 761, 767. *1890.

SHAW Frank. B 16 Dec 1865 at Bradford Yorks. UC. Min 1889-1890 at Torquay. D 13 June 1890 at Bradford. I:1890. 393; CL:1890.297, 298. *1890.

SHAWCROSS Richard. B 1802 at Manchester. MC York. Min 1823-1844, from 1827 at Whitchurch. Conformed. Vicar of Ellerburne Yorks. D 10 Dec 1886 at Ellerburne. I:1886.827, 1887.9,14; Seedsower 1894.137, 152.

SHELLEY Richard. B 1833 at Lewes. Car. Min 1854-1873 from 1866 at Yarmouth. D 18 Apr 1873 at Newbury. I:1873.249, 270, 301. RJJ.66.

SHENTON Robert. Min 1839-1873 from 18 (?) at Bradwell and Great Hucklow Chapels. D 5 Jan 1889 ae 84 at Bradwell. I:1889.46; CL:1889. 33. *1890.

SHORT John Lettis. B 1818 at GreatYarmouth. GB Academy London. Min 1845-1874 from 1865, at Sheffield Upper Chapel. D 27 Apr.1876 at Bath. UA:1877.33; I:1876. 301, 302, 313. J.E.Manning, Upper Chapel Sheffield, 1900.132-136.

SLOANE Samuel Hans. B 1793. LLD. Min 1814-1844, from 1820 at Cork. D 18 Mar 1857. NSP, 1997, 266.

SMETHURST John. B1793 at Failsworth, nr Manchester. Hackney Academy. Min 1817-1859, all at Moreton Hampstead. D 27 June 1859 at Moreton Hampstead. CR:Aug 1859. See Oxford DNB. He is not to be confused with John Smethurst [1789-1820], Unitarian minister at Knutsford from 1810.

SMITH Edwin. B 29 Aug 1832 at Long Sutton. MC & Heidleberg. MA. Min 1860-1864 , all at Manchester, Upper Brook St Chapel. D 16 Apr 1895 in Liverpool. I:1895.254, 262.* 1896.

SMITH James Cauty. B 1809. Min 1851-1860, from 1854 at Thorne. D 12 Apr.1860 ae 51 at Thorne. UA:1861.29. Father of Rev Edwin. GEEM.

SMITH John Frederick. B 28 Oct 1839 at Great Granston. Regent’s Park College, Gottingen. (Baptist) Min 1869-1880, 1884-1895, from 1888 at Clifton. D 22 Nov 1898 at Royston. I:1898.774, 782, 798. *1899.

SMITH Joseph. B 1841 at Hulme, Manchester. UC. Min 1865-1872, latterly at Yarmouth. Later Editor Co-Operative News. D 21 June 1883 in Manchester. UC Register of Students.16

SMITH Joseph William. B Trowbridge, Oriel states in 1821. Car. Min 1847-1890, from 1878 at Ringwood. D 13 Sept 1896 ae 68 at Ringwood. I:1896. 611, 619. RJJ.62.* 1897.

SMITH Richard Cowley Min 1872-1897, from 1884 at Buxton Chapel. D 7 Sept 1897 ae 57 at Buxton. I:1897. 596, 598, 606. *1898.

SMITH Thomas Hirst. B 1837 at Bradford, Yorks. MC London. Min 1864-1866, 1869-1872 at Halifax, Yorks. D 21 May 1873 at Halifax. UA:1874. 36. GEE.

SMITH Thomas Southwood. B 21 Dec 1788 at Martock, Somerset. Edinburgh. MD. Min 1812-1820, from 1817 at Yeovil. D 10 Dec 1861 at Florence Italy. I:1861.936; CR:1861.720; CL:1878. 592. See Oxford DNB.

SMITH William. B 1808 at Ballymoney. BAI. Min 1830-1854, from 1850 at Lewes. Professor of Natural History at Cork 1854-1857. D 6 Oct 1857 at Cork. CR:1857.718. GEE.

SMYTH Thomas. B 1807 (?). BAI. Min 1836-1876, 1891-1895 at Carrickfergus. D in England. Father of Rev W.J.Smyth. NSP, Sept 2000, 392

SMYTH William John. B Raloo. MC London. Min 1862-1871, from 1870 at Crewe. Death not found. Son of Rev Thomas, of Glenarm and Raloo. GEE (not in Johnson)

SPEARS Robert. B 25 Sept 1825 at Leamington, Tyneside. Min 1852- 1899, from 1886 at London Highgate Hill Chapel. Secretary of the B&FUA 1869-1876. Founded the Christian Life 1876. D 25 Feb 1899 in London. I:1899.133 et seq. Memorials of Robert Sprears, Ulster Unitarian Christian Association, 1903. * 1900. See Oxford DNB.

SQUIER John Omer. B 1798 at Margate. GB Academy London. Min 1823-1870, from 1867 at Collumpton. D 25 Apr 1873. I:1873.284. Father of William Croke. GEEM.

SQUIER William Croke. B 13 Oct 1831 at Saffron Walden, Essex. UC. Min 1858-1885, from 1867 at Stand. D 23 Apr 1888 near Radcliffe, Lancs. UA:1889.77. GEE.

SQUIRE Edmund. Min 1842-1854, from 1853 at Idle. GEEM (not in Johnson)

SQUIRE Henry. B 14 Dec 1806 at Taunton. MC York. Min 1827-1860, from 1830 at Gt Yarmouth. D 22 Aug 1869 at Hampstead. I:1869.567, 678; UA:1870.33.

STANLEY George Heap. B 1818 at Manchester. MC. BA, LLD. Min 1843-1851 from 1849 at Tavistock, and later at Sydney Australia. ‘He adopted the name Stanley…and was the first Unitarian minister who officiated in Sydney.’ D 12 March 1891 at Sydney, Australia. I:1891.335.* 1892.

STANNUS Bartholomew Teeling. B September 1801 at Ballyclare, Co Antrim. BAI. Min 1831 -1852, from 1838 at Sheffield Upper Chapel. D 10 Jan 1858 at Sheffield. UA:1859.55. J.E.Manning, Upper Chapel Sheffield, 1900. 103-105.

STEVEN Frederick William. B Dec 1822 at Brighton. Car, London. BA. Min 1854-1857 all at Devonport. Possibly emigrated to America circa 1880. D 10 Apr 1892 at Brighton. RJJ.53. Oriel.65.

STEVENS William. Min 1816-1823, 1828-1854 at Newport Isle of Wight. D 16 Feb 1855 ae 59 at Maidstone. CR:1855.326; I:1855.143. Will 25 April 1855, NA, PROB11/2211.

SUFFIELD Robert Rodolph. B 5 Oct 1821 at Vevay, Switzerland. Cambridge. (RC) Min. 1870-1888, from 1879 at Reading. D 13 Nov 1891 at Reading. I:1891.754 et seq.* 1892. See Oxford DNB.

SUTCLIFFE John. Min 1876-1896, from 1883 at Colyton, George’s Meeting. D 11 June 1897 ae 85 at Colyton. I:1897.401.* 1898.

SUTHERLAND William. Min 1857-1883, from 1875 at Gulliford. D 1 July 1889 ae 73 at Malton. CL:1889.321. *1890.


TAGART Edward. B 8 Oct 1804 in Bristol. MC York. FSA etc. Min 1825-1858, from 1833 at London, Little Potland Street. Secretary, B&FUA 1832-1858. D 12 Oct 1858 at Brussels. See C.F Tagart, Memoir, 1858. I:1858. 666 et seq.; CR:1858, 711 et seq. See Oxford DNB

TALBOT Edward. B 25 Jan 1804 at Leeds. MC York. Min 1827-1869 all at Tenterden. D 3 Jan 1869 at Tenterden. I:1869.30,31, 35; UA:1870.33

TAPLIN James. B 12 Dec 1799 at Portsea, Hants. Stoke Newington Baptist Academy. Min 1823-1882, from 1870 at Kingswood. D 19 Dec 1882 at Kingswood. UA:1884.30 GEEM.

TAPLIN Lindsey. B 18 Feb 1829 at Battle. Glasgow. MA. Min 1852-1887, from 1883 at Kingswood. D 6 Nov 1887. I:1887. 743,751, 766. GEE.

TAYLER John James. B Aug 1797 at Newington Butts, London. MC York. Glasgow. BA. Min 1820-1853, 1859-1860 at London, Little Portland Street. Principal MC London. D 28 May 1869 in London. I:1869.345 et seq. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

TAYLOR James. B circa 1798. MC York. Min 1820-1854, from 1832 (with gaps) at Failsworth. D 6 Apr 1862 at Rochdale. CR:1862.320. GEE.

TAYLOR James. B circa 1788. Min 1806 around Rochdale, and from 1837-1851, at Todmorden. D 11 Sept 1856 at Todmorden. GEE. See H McLachlan, The Methodist Unitarian Movement, Manchester, 1919, et passim

TAYLOR John. Min 1836-1844, from 1841 at Glasgow St Vincent Street. D 6 Apr 1862 ae 64 at Rochdale. UA:1863. 26.

TAYLOR William John. B 1846 in London. UC. Min 1875-1892 from 1889 at Darwen. D 3 Apr 1893 in Manchester. I:1893. 221, 238.* 1894.

TEGGIN John Griffith (or George). B 1800 at Chester. Min 1828-1876 from 1872 at Sidmouth. D 5 Apr 1881 at Kidderminster. I:1881.242, 258. J.H.White, Story of Old Meeting Mansfield, 1959, 79-80.

THOM John Hamilton. B 10 Jan 1808 at Newry. BAI. Min 1829- 1866, from 1831 at Liverpool, Renshaw Street Chapel. D 2 Sept 1894 at Liverpool. I:1894. 574 et seq.* 1895. See Oxford DNB.

THOMAS David Ayron. B 21 Aug 1868 in the Vale of Ayron, Wales. Car. Min 1892 at Cwmbach, Aberdare. D 21 Nov 1892 at Aberdare. RJJ.114. * 1893.

THOMAS John. B 19 Aug 1784 at Abergwili. Car. Min 1816-1847 at Pantedefaid and elsewhere. D 5 Mar 1861 at Pantedafaid. I:1861.169. RJJ.20. Profile: CL 1884.215.

THOMAS Thomas Felix. B 8 June 1802 at Coningsby, Lincolnshire. GB Academy. Min 1825-1873, from 1865 at Macclesfield. D 20 Mar1887 at York. CL:1887.154; NSP, May 1999, 108. GEE.

THOMAS John. B 14 June 1833 at Stockport. Cambridge. MA. (Cof E). Min 1860-1884, from 1862 at Huddersfield. D 25 Oct 1884. I:1884.707, 720. GEEM.

THOMAS William Marles. B 7 Apr 1834 near Brechfa, Carmarthenshire. Car. Glasgow. MA. Min 1860 -1879, all at Llwynrhydowen. D 11 Dec 1879 near Llandyssul. CL:1879.616. RJJ. 63. DWB.

TIMMINS Thomas. B 30 Oct 1841 (some sources say 1840) at Oldbury. UC. Min 1863-68, 1874-1882, 1889-1898, from 1889 at Billingshurst. The ‘Apostle of Mercy’ for animals. D 19 Aug 1898 in South London. I:1898.559. * 1899.

TOWNE Edward Cornelius. Yale USA. Min USA. Min 1876-1881, from 1879 at Stannington. Returned to the USA. (not in Johnson)

TURNER William. B 20 Sept 1761 at Wakefield. Warrington Academy, Glasgow. Min 1782-1841, all at Newcastle-on-Tyne. D 24 Apr 1859 at Manchester. I:1859.342, 357. See Oxford DNB. Son of Rev William (1714-1794) and father of Rev William, below.

TURNER William. B 13 Jan 1788 at Newcastle. Glasgow, Edinburgh, MC York. MA. Min 1829-1853, all at Halifax. D 30 Dec 1853 at Halifax. I:1854.15, 45. See Oxford DNB.

TWINN George Robert. ‘acted as minister of Fazeley Street Chapel Birmingham in its early years.’ Included in list of ministers UA 1879-1882. D 3 Nov 1884 at Bury. UA 1885.29.


VALENTINE Charles Porteous. B 13 May 1794 at Essendon Herts. GB Academy (Evans). Min 1818-1840, from 1828 at Lewes. D 1 Jan 1861 at Essendon. CR:1861.316; UA:1862.29.

VANCESMITH Philip. HMC. MA. Min 1881-1891, all at Hindley Chapel. D 14 Jan 1895 ae 39 at Cannes, France. I:1895.59, 62, 71. * 1896.

VIDLER William. Min London Domestic Missioner at Cripplegate for many years. D 25 Mar 1861 ae 47 at Newington Green. I:1861.221, 255. UA:1862.29.


WADSWORTH Abel. Min from the commencement of the DM Halifax until his death. D 7 Mar 1874 ae 85 at Halifax. UA:1875.42.

WAID Charles Henry. B circa 1853 in Isle of Man. Owens’ College Manchester, HMC. Min 1882-1887, all at London, Spicer Street Mission. D 16 Jan 1894 at Onchan, Isle of Man. I:1894.33, 42, 52. *1895 .

WALKER Samuel. B 29 Mar 1780. Min 1823-1851, from 1840 at Bristol Frenchay. D 7 Aug 1854 at Bristol. I:1854.543; CR:1854. 578. Will15 Sept 1854, NA, PROB11/2198.

WALLACE Charles. B 15 Dec 1796 at Dudley. Glasgow. MC York. MA. Min 1819-1856 all at Altrincham. D 27 July 1859 at Evesham. GEE. CR:1859.681. See Oxford DNB under his brother Robert.

WALLACE Robert. B 26 Feb 1791 at Dudley. MC York. Min 1815-1850, from 1846 at Bath. D 13 May 1850 at Bath. CR:1850.388, 415, 549. See Oxford DNB.

WARREN Thomas. B 1793. Wymondley Academy. Min 1815-1864, from 1834 at Alcester. D 25 August 1874 at Morton Hall, Worcestershire. I:1874.570,571. GEEM.

WARWICK Thomas Oliver. B 1771. Daventry and Northampton Academies. Edinburgh. MD. Min 1795-1819, from 1817 at Dukinfield. D 18 Mar 1852 at Liverpool. CR:1852.260. GEE.

WATSON David. B 1795 at Dromore. MA. Min 1829-1867, all at Clough. D 2 Jan 1871 at Clough. UA:1872.29; I:1871.76; NSP, 1997, 105. Brother of Rev John & Samuel.

WATSON John. B 1772 near Dromore. Glasgow. MA. Min 1799-1835, all at Greyabbey. D 6 Nov 1851. NSP, June 2001, 5. Brother of David & Samuel.

WATSON Samuel. B 1774 at Dromore. Glasgow. MA. Min 1797-1856, all at Killinchy. D 16 Mar 1856 at Killinchy. Brother of John and David. CL:1884.374 (in obit of J McCaw); NSP, Mar 2002, 7.

WELLBELOVED Charles. B 6 Apr 1769 in London. Homerton, New College Hackney. Min 1792-1858, all at York. Principal MC York 1803-1840. D 29 Aug 1858 ae 90 at York. I:1858.570 et seq.; CR:1858.647, 683. See Oxford DNB

WELLS George Henry. B 19 Apr 1811 at Warrington. Glasgow. MA. Min 1834-1881, from 1837 at Manchester, Gorton. D 17 July 1888 at Gorton. UA:1889.77. GEE.

WHITE George. Min around 1832 at Todmorden. D 27 Jan 1885. RKW List.

WHITEHEAD James. B 6 Jan 1789 at Dukinfield. Wymondley College, Herts. Min 1814-1859, from 1817 at Ainsworth. D 15 Feb 1859 at Ainsworth. I:1859.189, 191, 192. GEE.

WHITEHEAD James Thornley. B 14 Nov 1834 at Knutsford. MC. Min 1857-1891 from 1870 at the Hackney New Gravel Pit Chapel. D 22 Oct 1898 at Walthamstow. I:1898. 702, 710. * 1899.

WHITELEGGE William. B 1781 at Hale. Manchester Academy. Min 1803-1865, from 1811 at Platt. D 8 Feb 1865 at Platt. UH:1865. 47; I:1865.109

WHITFIELD Edward. B 1792 at Birmingham. Min 1823-1874, all at Ilminster. D 23 June 1886 at Illminster. I:1886. 426, 441, 1887.9. CL:1886.326; UA: 1887.73

WHITWORTH John. B 7 Dec 1836 at Mossley. UC. Min 1863-1872, from 1868 at Sunderland. Emigrated to USA. D 1 Feb.1894 in Washington USA. GEE. UC Register.

WHYTE David B 1 Jan 1782 at Raloo. Glasgow. MA. Min 1811-1859, all at Ballee. D 19 Feb 1872 at Ballee. UA:1873.36; I:1872.140. NSP, Jan 1994, 14. See Record of Unitarian Worthies. 215

WICKSTEED Charles. B 10 June 1810 at Shrewsbury. Glasgow. BA. Min 1831-1881 from 1873 minister at large. D 19 Apr 1885. UH:1885.409. GEE. See Oxford DNB.

WILKINSON James. Min circa 1810 -1858 at Rochdale and other places. D 9 May 1858 ae 72 at Rochdale. UA: 1859.55; CR:1858.363. See H. McLachlan., The Methodist Unitarian Movement, Manchester, 1919, et passim

WILKINSON Robert. B 1 Dec 1833 at Padiham. UC. Min 1859-1887, from 1880 at Ainsworth. D 26 April 1887 at Ainsworth. CL:1887.225. GEE.

WILLIAMS Heber. B 29 May 1839 near Narberth. Car. Min 1864-1869 from 1868 at Topsham. Reverted to Cong ministry. D 10 July 1876 at Merryvale Narbreth. I:1876.479; CL:1876.130. RJJ.78

WILLIAMS Isaac Thomas. Haverfordwest & Bristol Baptist Colleges. (Baptist). Min 1867-1873, at Cefn Coed. D 4 Dec 1873 at Aber-dylais. UH:1873.406.

WILLIAMS James Clayton. B 1835 at Shrewsbury. (Primitive and New Connection Methodist). Min 1873-1888 from 1886 at Hastings. D 7 Mar 1889 at Newcastle, Staffordshire. I:1889.199.GEE.

WILLIAMS John Ebenezer. B 1815 at Mansfield. MC York. Min 1838-1844, all at Belper. Went into railway construction and became a Roman Catholic. D 8 Jan 1890 at Kensington. CL:1890.40, 46. J.H.White, Story of Old Meeting Mansfield, 1959, 63-64.

WILLIAMS John Morgan. B circa 1794 at Lampeter. Car, but presence there not traced Min 1830-1842 all at Macclesfield (obituary not traced). GEE.

WILLIAMS JT. UA:1876.31 – no other details found.

WILLICOTT Thomas. B 1838 at Woodford, Essex. UC. Min 1862-1867, from 1864 Sheffield Upperthorpe. D in Manchester, date not given in UC Register. GEE.

WILSON Alfred H. Min 1893-1897, all at London, Bell Street Mission. D 5 Oct 1897 ae 34 in London. CL:1897.502. * 1898.

WILSON James. Wesleyan. Min 1881-1882 at Malton, followed by 3 months at Whitchurch. D 1882 at Malton ae 29. UA:1883.28.

WILSON John. B 25 Sept 1825 at Liverpool. Min 1854-1882, from 1863 at Birmingham, Lawrence Street. D 6 Jan 1882 at Birmingham. I:1882.30,31,35; CL:1882.17, 22, 34, 77. GEE.

WILSON William. B 4 May 1799 at Dartmouth. MC York. Min 1821-1849, from 1829 at Newbury. D 29 Mar 1850 at Newbury. CR:1850.319, 404-415 (Memoir)

WORSLEY William. B 1796 at Plymouth. Glasgow, MC York. BA. Min 1821-1875, from 1825 at Gainsborough. D 18 May 1881 at Claughton, Cheshire. I:1881.358; CL:1881.256. UA:1882.25.

WREFORD Henry William Gardner. Min 1830-1839 all at Coventry. D 26 Mar 1892 at Capri. RKW List. (not in Johnson Index)

WREFORD John Reynell. B 1800 at Barnstaple. MC York. DD. Min 1826-1831, all at Birmingham, New Meeting. D 2 July 1881. I:1881.514. GEEM.

WRIGHT Benjamin. (Wesleyan). Min 1856-1881, all at Birmingham, Hurst Street Mission. D 29 Aug 1891 ae 71 at Birmingham. I:1891.579. * 1892.

WRIGHT Peter. B 1793. Min 1813-1854, from 1814 at Stannington. D 20 Aug.1854. I: 1854. 556. GEE. J.E.Manning, Upper Chapel Sheffield, 1900. 102-103.


YATES James. B 30 Apr 1789 in Liverpool. Glasgow, MC York. MA, FRS. Min 1811-1835 from 1832 at London, Carter Lane. D 7 May 1871 at Highgate London. I:1871.305 et seq. GEEM. See Oxford DNB.

YELLAND Robert. Min 1858-1889, from 1877 at Sidmouth. D 11 Sept 1889 ae 75 at Sidmouth. CL:1889.442, 453.* 1890.

YOUNG Frederick Rowland. B probably circa 1815 at Stoke Hill, Ipswich, son of Joseph and Betsy. Min 1854 – 1875, from 1861 at Swindon. In 1884 he took oversight of Augustine Cong. Church Reading, but is not in Cong. Year Book after 1886. He is sometimes referred to as Dr. I:1874. 537; UH 1875. 300, 308, 316.

Who Was Who, from 1897

The indexes and corrections covering the period 1850-1999 contain at least 26 names of ministers who had an entry in Who’s Who. This fact is mentioned in each entry but a further examination of the indexes to Who Was Who show that not all were included. Those missing with the appropriate volume number are as follows:

ADDIS William Edward Vol 2. B 9 May 1844 at Edinburgh. Professor HMC 1898-1910. Vicar, All Saints Ennismore Gardens London SW, 1910-1917.

BELTON Leslie James.Vol 4. B 31 Jan 1897 at Brighton. MA, MSc also educated at University of Liverpool. Not educated at Leipzig but a lecturer there 1931-32.

COUPLAND William Chatterton. Vol 1. B 2 Dec 1838 in the City of London. Also educated at Berlin. Min Kensington 1870-1872. Professor Bedford College London 1881-1886. D 7 Jan 1915.

CONNELL James MacLuckie Vol 4. B 30 March 1867 at Perth

DRUMMOND James Vol 2.

EVANS John Gwenogvryn. Vol 3.

SLOAN John McGavin. B Scotland, no age given.

SPINKS Alfred George Stephen. B 1903 at Cambridge. No PP. Editor Hibbert Journal 1948-51. Anglican vicar and rector 1952-1969. last address given as Bolton. D 4 September 1978.

WHITE William Hale. Vol 1.

Additional information: 1900-1999 index

VOYSEY Ellison Annesley. Lincoln College Oxford. Matriculated 22 Oct 1886 aged 19.
(Source Alumni Oxoniensis 1715-1886)

Index and Synopsis of Obituaries of Unitarian Ministers 1900-2004 :