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Amaru, Betsy Halpern Arminianism in England, 1599-1629 (Ph.D dissertation, University of Massachusetts 1969)

Anderson, A From puritanism to nonconformity, 1680-89: a study in the development of Protestant Dissent, with special reference to Yorkshire (Ph.D thesis, University of Hull, 1980)


Blazier, Stella M. The Wolverhampton Case (MA thesis, CNAA, Wolverhampton Polytechnic, 1985)

Bolam, C. Gordon The changes and development within Presbyterianism in the counties of Derby, Leicester and Nottingham from its organisation in the Commonwealth to the transformation to Independency and Unitarianism c. 1780 (MA thesis, University of Nottingham, 1957)

Brockett, Allan A. Nonconformity in Exeter, 1650-1875 (MA thesis, University of Exeter, 1960) [copy at DWL]

Bushrod, Emily The history of Unitarianism in Birmingham from the middle of the eighteenth century to 1893 (MA thesis, University of Birmingham, 1954)


Campbell, C. B. Humanism and the culture of the professions: a study of the rise of the British Humanist movement, 1946-1963 (Ph.D thesis, University of London, 1968)

Carlton, Eric James The Unitarian movement in England (Ph.D thesis, University of London, 1972)


Ditchfield, Grayson M. Some aspects of Unitarianism and radicalism, 1760-1810 (Ph.D thesis, University of Cambridge, 1968)


Fitzpatrick, Martin Rational Dissent in the late eighteenth century with particular reference to the growth of toleration (Ph.D thesis, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1982)


Genischen, Werner Die Wittenberger antisozinianische Polimik. Ein Beitrag zurAuseinandersetzung von Reformation und Humanismus (dissertation, University of Gottingen, 1942)

Gomes, Alan W. Faustus Socinus (Ph.D dissertation, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1990)

Gray, Kathleen Some contributions to the early history of nonconformity in Rossendale (MA thesis, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1942)

Griffiths, O. M. English Presbyterian thought from 1662 to the foundation of the Unitarian movement (Ph.D thesis, University of Bristol, 1933) [her book is presumably a version of this]


Harrop, S The place of education in the genesis of the Industrial Revolution with particular reference to Stalybridge, Dukinfield and Hyde (MA thesis, University of Manchester, 1976)


James, Marion E. Stand fast in liberty: a study of Unitarian politics in the reign of George III (Ph.D dissertation, Radcliffe College, 1955)[list of heterodox congregations with their ministers]


Keller, Carol Ann Pundit and pulpit: teaching the Victorians – Harriet and James Martineau (Ph.D dissertation, University of Texas, 2001)

Kennedy, Alison Wilma Thomson John Kenrick and the Transformation of Unitarian Thought (Ph.D thesis, University of Stirling, 2006)

Knott, Joan A history of the libraries of Newcastle upon Tyne to 1900 (M.Litt thesis, University of Newcastle, 1975)

Kovacs, Sandor English-Hungarian Unitarian Relations in the 19th Century (Hungarian with English Abstract) (Ph.D thesis, University of Szeged, 2007)


Lettis, Theodore P. From sacred text to religious text: an intellectual history of the impact of New Testament lower criticism on dogma as a contribution to the English enlightenment and the Victorian crisis of faith 1690-1854 (Ph.D thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1995)


McCormick, Chalmers The Restitution of John Campanus (Ph.D dissertation, Harvard University, 1959)

Mills, Simon Joseph Priestley and the intellectual culture of rational dissent, 1752-1796 (Ph.D thesis, University of London, 2009)

McLachlan, H. J. The curricula of the Dissenting Academies during the reign of George III (MA thesis, University of Manchester, 1930) [this thesis was used by H. McLachlan (father of H.J.McLachlan) as the basis of his English education under the Test Acts (Manchester, 1931)]

McLachlan, H. J. The rise and spread of Socinianism in England before 1689 (D.Phil thesis, University of Oxford, 1949) [published by Oxford University Press, 1951]


Nolan, John Henry Monteith Antitrinitarianism in England from Biddle to the close of the seventeenth century (B.Litt. dissertation, University of Oxford, ????) – [copy in HMCO Library]


Peart, Ann Forgotten Prophets: The Lives of Unitarian Women, 1760 – 1904 (Ph.D thesis, University of Newcastle, 2005)

Peliard-Lianos, Françoise Francis Newman témoir de la crise de la foi chez les Victoriens (Dr. of University, Université Jean Moulin’ Lyon III, Faculté des Langues, 2000)

Petty, Daniel Wade Anabaptism and the Edwardian Reformation (Ph.D dissertation, Texas Christian University, Abiline, 1988)

Plant, Helen Gender and the aristocracy of dissent: a comparative study of the beliefs, status and roles of women in Quaker and Unitarian communities, 1770-1830, with particular reference to Yorkshire (Ph.D thesis, University of York, 2000) [ Unitarianism, philanthropy and feminism in York, 1782-1821: the career of Catharine Cappe (Borthwick Paper 103, 2003) is based on this thesis]

Procter, G. Marian The Reverend William Turner and the early years of the Hanover Square Sunday School (dissertation, Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic, 1987)


Reid, David A. Science and pedagogy in the Dissenting Academies of enlightenment Britain (Ph.D dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1999)

Richey, Russell E. The origins of English Unitarianism (Ph.D dissertation, Princetown University, 1970); [Ann Arbor, University Microfilms]

Rowell, D.G. Death and the future life in the religious thought of nineteenth century England (Ph.D thesis, University of Cambridge, 1968)

Royle, E George Jacob Holyoake and the secularist movement in Britain, 1848-1861 (Ph.D thesis, University of Cambridge, 1960)


Schulman, Jacob Frank The Anti-Trinitarian struggle for equality 1813-1844 (D.Phil, University of Oxford, 1994)

Seed, John The role of Unitarianism in the formation of liberal culture, 1755-1851: a social history (Ph.D thesis, University of Hull, 1981)

Sellars, Ian Social and political ideas of representative English Unitarians: (1795-1850) (B.Litt thesis, University of Oxford, 1956)

Sellars, Ian Liverpool nonconformity: 1786-1914 (Ph.D thesis, Keele University, 1969)

Smith, Leonard John Trevor and the Labour Church movement (MA thesis, CNAA, Huddersfield Polytechnic, 1986)

Smith, Leonard Nonconformity and the Emergence of the Independent Labour Movement, with special reference to Lancashire and the West Riding of Yorkshire, c.1880-1914 (Ph.D thesis, CNAA, Huddersfield Polytechnic in collaboration with Dr Williams’s Library, 1989)

Stange, Douglas Charles British Unitarians and the crisis of American slavery 1833-1865 (D.Phil thesis, University of Oxford, 1981)

Steers, Anthony D G English Presbyterianism in Lancashire and Cheshire, 1790-c.1830 (M.Phil thesis, University of Manchester, 1998)

Steers, David ‘New Light’ thinking and Non-Subscription amongst Protestant Dissenters in England and Ireland in the early eighteenth century and their relationship with Glasgow University and Scotland (Ph.D thesis, University of Glasgow, 2006)

Summers, D. F. The Labour Church and allied movements of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1958)


Tindall, Philip Noble The Manchester Socinian Controversy, its background and sequel (M.Litt thesis, University of Newcastle, 1979)


Walker, R. E. The English General Baptists 1640-1660 (Ph.D thesis, University of Manchester, 1968)

Watts, Ruth E. The Unitarian contribution to the development of female education in the nineteenth century (MA thesis, University of Leicester, 1979)

Watts, Ruth E. The Unitarian contribution to education in England from the late eighteenth century to 1853 (Ph.D thesis, University of Leicester, 1987)

Wicker, Colin Herbert Three Scottish Unitarians: a study in historical deviance (Ph.D thesis, International Institute for Advanced Studies, 1986) [Thomas Aikenhead (1678-1697), William Christie (1748-1823), and Henry Williamson (1839-1925)]

Wykes, David L Religious Dissent and the trade and industry of Leicester, 1660-1720 (Ph.D thesis, University of Leicester, 1987)


Young, David F.D.Maurice’s experience of Unitarianism and its place in his life and thought (Ph.D thesis, Open University, 1989)


Allen, Robert The principle of Non-subscription (Ph.D thesis, The Queen’s University of Belfast, 1944)

Brooke, P. E. C Controversies in Ulster Presbyterianism 1790-1836 (Ph.D thesis, University of Cambridge, 1981)

Brown, A. W. Godfrey Irish Presbyterian theology in the early eighteenth century (Ph.D thesis, The Queen’s University of Belfast, 1977)

Carpenter. John William Thomas Emlyn: ‘Humble Inquirer’ (M.Phil thesis, Trinity College, University of Dublin, 1992)

Kilroy, Phil Protestant dissent and controversy, 1660-1711 (Ph.D thesis, Trinity College, University of Dublin, 1992) [deals with early history of Wood Street congregation]

McMillan, William The subscription controversy in Irish Presbyterianism from the plantation of Ulster to the present day with reference to the political implications in the late eighteenth century 2 volumes (MA thesis, University of Manchester, 1959)

Nelson, John Wallace, The Belfast presbyterians, 1670-1830 : an analysis of their political and social interests (Ph.D thesis, Queen’s University, Belfast, 1986)


Facer, Wayne Arthur Pickard William Jellie: Unitarian, scholar and educator (M.Phil thesis, Massey University, New Zealand, 2012)

Heller-Wagner, Eric The Unitarians of South Africa: A Socio-Historical Study (Ph.D thesis, University of Stellenbosch, 1995)

Morrison-Reed, Mark D Black Pioneers in a White Denomination: A Professional Thesis (D.Min dissertation Meadville/Lombard Theological School, Chicago, 1979)

Smith, F. B. Religion and free thought in Melbourne, 1870-1890 (MA thesis, University of Melbourne, 1960)


Joanna Baillie

Christine Amanda ‘Convictions of the heart: Religion, morality, and reform in the works of Joanna Baillie, Anne Bronte, and Adelaide Procter’ (Ph.D dissertation, University of California, Davis, 2000)

John Goodwyn Barmby

Obaidi-Fard, K The radical career of John Goodwyn Barmby, 1838-48 (M.Phil thesis, CNAA, Manchester Polytechnic, 1986) [Copy at Manchester Metropolitan University Library]

John Biddle

Barna Jozsef John Biddle’s reception in seventeenth-century Transylvania. 
Additions to the history of the connections between English and Hungarian Unitarians [MA thesis, University of Szeged, Hungary, 2000]

Stopford Augustus Brooke

Standley, Fred Lloyd Stopford Augustus Brooke: studies toward a biography (Dissertation, Northwestern University, 1964) [Dissertation Abstracts 64-12340]

R. J. Campbell

David, Jacqueline A spiritual pilgrimage: a biographical study of R. J. Campbell (Ph.D thesis, University of Durham, 1991)

James Estlin Carpenter

Deacon, Jane Anne Joseph Estlin Carpenter – an intellectual biography (MA thesis, University of Lancaster, 1977)

Mary Carpenter

Brigden, Susy Mary Carpenter: her father’s daughter? (Ph.D thesis, University of Southampton, 2011)

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Frothingham, R. The Unitarianism of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Ph.D thesis, Columbia University, 1964)

Ramsey, Todd Keith The Unitarian poetics of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Ph.D dissertation, University of Alabama, 2001)

Moncure Conway

d’Entremont, John Moncure Conway: the American years, 1832-1907 (Ph.D dissertation, John Hopkins University, 1982)

Charles Dickens

Aling, Helen Jane Dickens’ Unitarian Theology (Ph.D dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1996) [ Dissertation Abstracts International 1996 57(4) 1627-A DA962 7801]

Walder, Denis Dickens and religion: a preliminary survey’ (M.Litt thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1969) pp.104-63

T. S. Eliot

Wells, Clarke Dewey T. S. Eliot (D.Min dissertation Meadville/Lombard Theological School Chicago, 1974)

Thomas Firmin

Stephenson, H. W. Thomas Firmin FRS (1632-1697) (D.Phil thesis, University of Oxford, 1949)

Elizabeth Gaskell

Adam, Sarah Elizabeth Telling practical tales: Unitarianism, progress and social change in Elizabeth Gaskell’s short stories (Ph.D thesis, University of Sussex, 2004)

Boggs, W. Arthur Reflections of Unitarianism in Mrs. Gaskell’s Novels’ (Ph.D dissertation, University of California, Berkley, 1950)

Carroll, Emma Louise Faith and art : Elizabeth Gaskell as a Unitarian writer (Ph.D thesis, University of Birmingham, 2005)

Cartwright, John Simpson Elizabeth Gaskell and Charles Kingsley: the creative artist’s interpretation of a working class world (Ph.D dissertation, University of London, 1981)

Gallagher, Clare Mary Elizabeth Gaskell: the social novels (MA thesis, University of Liverpool, 1963)

Glendinning, Sheran Elizabeth Christian ideology and ‘Mary Barton’, influences of Unitarianism (B.A.(Hons) dissertation) [copy at Cross St. Chapel]

Hamilton, Susan Linguistic Contracts and the Female Speaker in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Fiction (PhD thesis, University of Hull, 1987)

Karminsky, Anne Sarah Writers in Manchester 1831-1854 (M.Litt thesis, University of Cambridge, 1955)

Lancaster, Joseph Torry Mrs. Gaskell with special reference to the social reform novels 1830-1850 (M. Litt thesis, University of Cambridge, 1927)

Wheeler, Michael D Elizabeth Gaskell’s use of literary sources in ‘Mary Barton’ and ‘Ruth’ (Ph.D thesis, University of London, 1975)

John Gordon

Leese, R The impact of Methodism on Black Country society (Ph.D thesis, University of Manchester, 1972) [for John Gordon see pp.150-197]

Greg Family

Corr, John Bernatd The political economy of William Rathbone Greg (Ph.D dissertation, Kent State University, 1971) [Dissertation Abstracts International 32 6332A]

Rose, Mary B. The Gregs of Styal: the emergence and development of a family business (Ph.D. thesis, University of Manchester, 1977)

Lazenby, Walter Cecil The social and economic history of Styal 1750-1850 (MA thesis, University of Manchester, 1949)

Richard Holt Hutton

Thomas, Glyn Nicholas Richard Holt Hutton: A Biographical and Critical Study (Ph.D dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1949)

Alexander Ireland

Edinburgh and Manchester Unitarian, and friend of Emerson

Roberts, David Alexander Ireland (1810-1894: a middleman in the cultural life of nineteenth century Manchester (Ph.D thesis, University of Sheffield, 1988)

John Jebb

Pearl, Kenneth Lawrence John Jebb, a British radical in the age of the American Revolution (Ph.D dissertation, City University of New York, 1998)

Harriet Martineau

Byford, Diana Harriet Martineau and didactic fiction 1830-1840 (MA thesis, University of Leicester, 1971)

Kawaguchi, Naomi Proposing a new approach to Harriet Martineau (1802-1876): feminist biography (MA thesis, University of Essex, 1989) [copy in HMCO Library]

James Martineau

Brouwer, Frederick Earle James Martineau: a study of an ethical position based upon motives (Ph.D dissertation, Yale Graduate School, 1960) [copy in HMCO Library]

Keller, Carol Pundit and Pulpit: Teaching the Victorians — Harriet and James Martineau (Ph.D dissertation, University of Texas, 2001).

Knost, Jan Vickery James Martineau as a devotional writer: a psychological and existential study [BD thesis, St Lawrence University, Canton, New York, 1958) [copy in HMCO Library]

Schulman, Jacob Frank Martineau’s understanding of worship in the context of his theology (M Litt thesis, University of Oxford, 2000)

Waller, Ralph James Martineau : his emergence as a theologian, his Christology, and his doctrine of the Church, with some unpublished papers (Ph.D thesis, University of London, 1986)

Iolo Morganwg

Davies, D. Elwyn Astudiaeth o Feddwl a Chyfraniad Iolo Morganwg fel Rhesymolwr ac Undodw’ (Ph.D thesis, University of Wales, 1975)

Jerom Murch

Koloczkowski, Alexandra E The politics of civic improvement: Bath 1835-1879 with special reference to the career of Sir Jerom Murch (Ph.D thesis, University of Bath, 1995)

Francis William Newman

Petiard-Lianos, Françoise Francis Newman, témoin de la crise de la foi chez les Victorians [Université Jean Moulin, Lyon III, Faculté de langues, 2000 copy in HMCO Library]

Schellenberg, A. Meg [now Meg Richardson] Prize the doubt: the life and work of Francis William Newman (Ph.D thesis, University of Durham, 1994)

Thomas Percival

Manchester Unitarian and medical practitioner

Hope, Royden Birtles Dr Thomas Percival, a medical pioneer and social reformer, 1740-1804 (MA thesis, University of Manchester, 1947)

Richard Price

Edwards, Ifon Morris The Moral and Religious Philosophy of Dr Richard Price (unpublished thesis, University of London, c.1940).

Jenkins, B. The aims and work of Richard Price 1723-1791 (MA thesis, University of Wales, 1927)

Norris, B.A. The religious thought of Richard Price 1723-1791 (Ph.D thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1950)

Parry B. M. The political importance of Dr Price (unpublished MA thesis, University of Liverpool, 1934)

Price, Eric Shirvell A dissertation comprising a critical commentary and analyses of the system of intentional ethics by Richard Price (MA thesis, University of Bristol, 1921)

Ratilovich, D. Views concerning the epistemology of morals held by some of the British moralists of the eighteenth century … with special reference to the anti-empirical views of Richard Price and Thomas Reid (D.Phil thesis, University of Oxford, 1940)

Thomas, M. The ethical philosophy of Richard Price (MA thesis, University of Wales, 1921)

Joseph Priestley

Carden, William Raymond, Jr. The political and historical ideas of Jospeh Priestley (Ph.D dissertation, Emory University, 1966)

Chapin, Lloyd W. Jr. The theology of Joseph Priestley: a study in eighteenth century apologetics (Th.D thesis, Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1967)

Chapin, Lloyd Walter The theology of Joseph Priestley: a study in eighteenth century apologetics (Dissertation, Michigan State University, 1970)

Gregory Wyman Freedom, determination and liberal religion: the thought of Joseph Priestley (thesis, Meadville/Lombard Theological School, Chicago 1986)

Lesser, Charles Hubert Joseph Priestley (1733-1804): the mind of a materialist: an intellectual biography (Ph.D dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1974) [dissertation Abstracts 75-10214

McEvoy, John G. Joseph Priestley: philosopher, scientist and divine (Ph.D thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 1975)

Mills, Simon Joseph Priestley and the intellectual culture of rational dissent, 1752-1796 (Ph.D thesis, University of London, 2009)

Rhodes, C. J. Joseph Priestley LL.D., F.R.S. and his influence on eighteenth century education (M.Ed thesis, University of Manchester, 1932)

Rice, Richard Adams Joseph Priestley’s materialist theory of cognition: its influence and historical significance (Ph.D. thesis, Brandeis University, 1969) [Dissertation Abstracts 69-16315]

Walker, W. C. The beginnings of the scientific career of Joseph Priestley [etc.] (Ph.D thesis, University of London, 1937)

Saunders, Alan ‘Be candid where we can’ : the rational dissent of Joseph Priestley (Ph.D thesis, Australian National University, 1989)

Rathbone Family

Marriner, Sheila Business in two continents 1845-1873: a study in entrepreneurial behaviour, with special reference to the Liverpool house of Rathbone Brothers and Company (Ph.D thesis, University of Liverpool, 1958)

William Richards

Oddy, John Arthur The Reverend William Richards (1749-1818) and his friends: a study of ideas and relationships (M.Phil thesis, University of Nottingham, 1973)

William Roscoe

Graham, Jenny Elizabeth The political ideas and activities of William Roscoe, 1787-1801 (MA Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1970)

Charles Prestwich Scott

editor of The Manchester Guardian

McKeown, Michael Dennis The principle and politics of the Manchester Guardian under C.P.Scott to 1914 (Ph.D thesis, Case Western Reserve University, 1972) [Dissertation Abstracts International 33 5098A]

William Smith MP

Aspinwall, Bernard William Smith, M.P., 1756-1835, and his importance in the movements for the Abolition of the Slave Trade (MA thesis, University of Manchester, 1962)

Catherine Helen Spence

Eade, Susan Margaret A study of Catherine Helen Spence, 1825-1910 (MA thesis, Australian National University, 1971)

Sir Henry Tate

Chalmin, Philippe The making of a sugar giant: Tate and Lyle, 1859-1959 (Chur, Switzerland, 1990) [“a French doctoral thesis that concentrates solely on the commercial and technical history of that spectacular enterprise; Sir Henry Tate… does not emerge as a person, nor has he had any serious biographical attention” RK Webb ‘Q&A’ p.112n65]]

Pishey Thompson

Hughes, Lloyd The American diary and letters of Pishey Thompson 1 July 1843 to 6 April 1844 (MA thesis, Nottingham University School of American Studies, 1973)

John Trevor

Smith, Leonard John Trevor and the Labour Church movement (MA thesis, CNAA, Huddersfield Polytechnic, 1985)

Turner, Jacqueline The soul of the Labour Movement: rediscovering the Labour Church 1891-1914 (Ph.D thesis, University of Reading, 2010)

William Turner

Bowery, Margaret M. William Turners’s contribution to educational developments in Newcastle upon Tyne 1782-1841 (MA Thesis, University of Newcastle, 1980)

Benjamin Vaughan

Murray, Craig Compton Benjamin Vaughan (1751-1835): the life of an Anglo-American intellectual (Ph.D dissertation, Columbia University, 1989) [Dissertation Abstracts 90-20676]

Charles Wellbeloved

Green, N The Reverend Charles Wellbeloved and Manchester College, York, 1803-1823, with special reference to “The Monthly Repository of Theology and general Literature“. (1968 – York University Borthwick Institute ref. Thesis/51) [no longer at the Borthwick Institute, nor traceable at York University Library][no copy at HMCO Library either, and not mentioned by Schulman in the thesis below]

Schulman, Jacob Frank Charles Wellbeloved: a study of a Dissenting minister (BD thesis, University of Oxford, 1981)

José Mana Blanco White

Baltasar fra Molinero Evidenica contra el Catolicismo de José Maria Blanco White [Memoria de Licenciatura – copy in HMCO Library]

Philip Henry Wicksteed

Steedman, Ian P.H.Wicksteed’s Jevonian critique of Marx [first draft of University of Manchester thesis, January 1987 in HMCO Library

Willoughby family

Willoughby-Higson, Philip John A neglected revolution family: the Lancashire Lords Willoughby of Parham and their association with Protestant dissent 1640-1765 (Ph.D Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1970)

Elhanan Winchester

McGehee, Charles White [ thesis on Elhanan Winchester] (Crane Theological School Tufts University. 1959)

Sweeny, Joseph R. Elhanan Winchester: and the Universal Baptists (Ph.D dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1969 Ann Arbor, University Microfilms)

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