United Kingdom
For those interested in undertaking research into Unitarian history there are three important library holdings in Great Britain that are particularly useful for this area of research, and for dissenting history in general:
Dr. Williams’ Library
14 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0AG
Telephone: 0207 387 3727
Email: enquiries@dwlib.co.uk
Harris Manchester College
Mansfield Road, Oxford 0X1 3TD
Telephone: Library, 01865 271006
Email: librarian@hmc.ox.ac.uk
Harris Manchester College, Oxford maintains a searchable online index of obituaries of Unitarians from 1798 to the present. The obituaries were published in journals which are held in the College library.
It can be accessed here: www.unitarianobituaries.org.uk/index.php
John Rylands University Library, Manchester
(Special Collections Division, Unitarian College Collection)
150 Deansgate, Manchester ME3 3EH
Telephone: 0161 834 5343
Connect page: https://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/rylands/connect/
Email: spcoll72@fs1.li.man.ac.uk
Collections Enquiries: uml.special-collections@manchester.ac.uk
The Unitarian College Collection held at the John Rylands University Library can now be accessed online from this link:
United States
In the United States there is a main library holding material relating to Unitarian, Universalist and Unitarian-Universalist history:
Harvard Divinity School
45 Francis Avenue, Cambridge MA 02138, USA
Website: www.hds.harvard.edu/library/index.html
Email: reference@hds.harvard.edu