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Trusts & Funds

Hibbert Trust

[Drummond, W. H.] The Book of the Hibbert Trust (privately printed, 1933) Hibbert lectures. TUHS 9:2 (1948) 110

Mottram, Ralph Hale Hibbert Houses: a record (1947) Murch, Jerom Memoir of Robert Hibbert, Esquire founder of the Hibbert Trust, with a sketch of it history (Bath, 1874)

Ruston, Alan The Hibbert Trust: a history (London, The Hibbert Trust, 1984) Ruston, Alan ‘Unitarian trust funds: the Hibbert and the Rawdon’ TUHS 18:3 (1985) 138-151

Spinks, G.S. ‘Robert Hibbert and his trust’ Hibbert Journal 48:1(1949) 50:391 (1952)

Dr Williams’s Trust and Library

A short account of the charity and library established under the will of the late Rev. Daniel Williams, D.D. (London, 1917) [contains list of printed catalogues 1727-1914]

Jones, Stephen Kay Dr Williams and his library (Cambridge, W.Heffer & Sons, 1948) [Friends of Dr Williams’s Library inaugural lecture, 1948]

Jeremy, Walter D. The Presbyterian Fund and Dr Daniel Williams’s Trust: with biographical notes of the trustees (London, Williams and Norgate, 1885)

Payne, E. A. A venerable dissenting institution: Dr Williams’s Library (London, Dr Williams’s Trust, 1979)

Thomas, Roger Daniel Williams ‘Presbyterian Bishop’. (London, Dr Williams’s Library, 1962)

Ministers’ Funds

McLachlan, Herbert The Widows’ Fund Association (established 1764): a historical sketch (privately printed, 1937)

Ministers’ Stipend Augmentation Fund Deed of Constitution, Bye-Laws, etc. (London, Printed at the Chiswick Press, 1898) [Appendix VI shows grants made between 1857 to end of 1897]

Russell, James ‘The work of the Ministers’ Benevolent Society from 1855 to 1885’. National Conference of the members and friends of Unitarian, Liberal Christian, Free Christian, Presbyterian and other Non-Subscribing or kindred congregations, report of conference held at Birmingham, April 1885 (London, Williams & Norgate, 1885) pp.116-123

Wilson, H. G. ‘The Ministers’ Benevolent Society’. TUHS 10:1 (1951) 19-23

Other Funds

Hall, Lawrence ‘The Clough Fund’ TUHS 7:2 (1940) 109-140

Jones, J. Islan ‘Daniel Jones and his fund’ TUHS 11:2 (1956) 29-37

Potts, Richard Dame Sarah’s Legacy: a history of the Lady Hewley Trust (2005)

Thomas Pargeter’s of Foxcote Charity. Will and Scheme (1864 and 1868)

Minutes of the managers of the Presbyterian Fund 1690-1827 [DWL MIC 82-3]

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